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Basta перевод на английский

333 параллельный перевод
Une chanson, et basta.
She sings one song and quits.
Je l'annote pour l'imprimeur, puis, basta, les italiques!
I'm just gonna mark it for the printer, then call it a day.
Vous nous enverrez votre facture, et basta!
Send us a bill for your services. I'll see it's taken care of.
- Tu crois qu'on va rester ici à crever comme des chiens?
No longer I create, finished to you, déjame. Basta! We are not going away to be in order to die like dogs!
Basta, les prostituées! Non, Jeanne d'Arc!
Don't talk to me about prostitutes, Joan of Arc is an enormous figure!
Je n'écrirai que "L'herbe est verte" et puis voilà!
I will only write "The grass is green" and then basta!
Arrête, Jeremy!
Basta, Jeremy!
Arrête! Tu m'entends?
Basta, you hear me!
Je la vire. Et basta.
She's fired and that's that!
Filez-lui ses photos et basta
I suggest you just give him the photos and have done with it.
Je me mets là et basta!
You come over here. I'll sleep here and we're all set.
Mais basta!
But that's enough!
S'il n'y a rien, rien n'est prélevé!
If they cannot, they do not. Basta.
Une piqûre et basta.
You get a needleful, and you never need anything else.
Mais après, basta.
But that's enough, okay?
Je te dépose à ton taxi, et basta!
I'll find a taxi. Then you're on your own!
Un homme en vaut un autre. Basta!
Men are men, and most are alike that way.
Cette île appartient à celui qui sait la prendre. Basta.
The place belongs to whoever the fuck takes it.
- Prends ta boîte et basta.
- You can take that box and shove it!
Soyons sérieux! Je dis qu'on le capture mort ou vif et basta, affaire classée.
Come on... I say we catch him, dead or alive, and close the case.
Mettons que je l'ai dit, et basta.
Tell them I said that and that's it!
Reste à attraper Manlache. On démontre sa complicité et basta!
Now all we have to do is catch Manolache, to prove his complicity and that's it.
- Papa?
Ya basta.
Basta! Honteux!
It's not fair!
Allez, basta, roule, on y va.
Enough with this, basta, go, go!
Alors tu nous racontes tout ça et on va faire dodo parce que basta.
So tell us everything, and we'll get home to bed!
On fait un casse et basta.
You do one big job and you're set up for life.
Victor, voici Roger Murdock.
Victor, this is Roger Murdock. Victor Basta.
Capitaine Havoux, M. Murdock et M. Basta, voici Joey Hammen.
Captain Oveur, Mr Murdock, and Mr Basta, this is Joey Hammen.
Je te prends celle qui te reste, et basta.
I'll take the current one.
Je lui donne la bande et le film et basta.
I'll give him the tape and the film and get it over with.
La musique, basta!
It's too much, I want to fall in love!
Je vais vous chercher deux boulettes à chacune, et basta!
You'll each get two rissoles with rolls, and that's it.
Basta et merde?
What? That's it?
Elle m'a fait à dîner, et basta!
Come on. Hey, she made me some dinner. - That was it.
Eux... ils font bande à part. Je me casse et basta.
They're on their own and once I'm gone, that's it.
Allez, un dernier coup d'œil et basta
Please, let us just have one more final look, while we are here.
Ça n'a rien de compliqué. Je n'ai qu'à me choisir un nom, - l'annoncer dans les journaux et basta.
They say it is unheard of that a man should live in Moscow without registration.
Vous repasserez, avec votre leçon de sciences nat'.
"Basta" is Italian for "enough already with the biology lesson."
OK, Sept Monte le 22 et basta.
Okay there, seven. Pack up box 22 and call it a day.
Come on.
Alors, un conseil, plaidez coupable et basta.
Now, you take my advice, plead the case and get it over with.
Il m'étrang le! Marre! Basta!
I've had it.
Basta, plus de haricots.
Ma, basta on the fagioli, OK?
- Basta!
- That's enough!
- Basta!
That's enough.
- No, no.
Bon maintenant, basta les conneries!
- Don't give me that shit.

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