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Calme перевод на английский

48,252 параллельный перевод
- Calme-toi.
Simmer down...
- Du calme, c'est juste...
- Relax, it's just...
Mais il est si calme.
But he is so quiet.
Du calme, s'il vous plaît, madame.
Just relax, please, ma'am.
- Calme-toi, Nora.
- Calm down, Nora.
Nora, calme-toi, s'il te plait.
Nora, calm down, please.
Calm down! Close the gate!
Mec, du calme!
Hey, man, chill out!
Stay calm.
No, stay calm. Stay calm.
Calme-toi, c'est normal, ça m'arrive aussi.
Stay calm, it's normal, it happens to me too.
- Calme-toi, je t'en prie.
- Can you please calm down?
Reste calme.
Stay calm.
Elle ira bien. Du calme.
She's going to be okay, stay calm.
- Du calme.
- Stay calm.
- C'est moi. Calme-toi.
- It's me, stay calm.
- Calme-toi ou ils nous battront toutes.
- Shut up or they'll hit us all.
Tentez de garder Brian calme.
Try to keep Brian calm.
Tu es remarquablement calme.
You're remarkably calm about this.
- Marcy, calme-toi.
- Marcy! Stand down.
Calme-toi, Momo.
Dial back the lemur-on-lemur love, Mo-Mo.
Le plus important est de garder son calme.
The most important thing is to remain calm.
Du calme, mes gens!
Relax, my peoples!
Get it together!
J'essaie juste de trouver le calme.
You know, just try to find some calm.
On va trouver quelque chose qui te calme.
We'll find something to chill you out.
Je ressens un calme immense.
I have this overwhelming sense of calm.
Je n'ai jamais été si calme.
[inhales] I've never felt so calm.
Gardons tous notre calme.
We all must remain calm.
Je ne veux pas rester calme!
[shouting] I don't wanna remain calm!
J'espérais qu'il serait plus calme.
I was hoping it'd be quieter.
Oh, calm down.
Calme toi, Elliot.
Calm down, Elliot.
Calmez-vous, là! Calme-toi!
Calm down.
Pis toi, calme tes hormones, je t'ai vu attaquer Jeff.
You, take a chill pill, I saw you attack Jeff.
Miranda, du calme.
- [sobbing] - Miranda, just calm down!
Du calme.
Look, just relax, okay?
Gardez votre calme!
Remain calm. Just remain calm!
Surtout, reste calme. Ne panique pas.
Okay, Uncle Jim, you just need to stay calm and don't freak out!
Je suis calme.
- I am calm.
Que tout le monde reste calme.
Okay, everyone remain calm.
- Reste calme.
- Miranda, just stay calm!
Faut que tu partes d'ici quelques jours, le temps que ça se calme.
I need you to go somewhere else for a couple nights, until it's safe. Okay?
Don't open the gate! Hey!
Hey, not a good time. Hey, hey, take it easy.
- Calme-toi.
- Stay calm.
Du calme.
Please, just relax.
Je te croyais calmé.
I thought you'd worked through your anger issues.
Je ne suis pas si calmé que ça.
I guess I'm not quite as calm as I thought.
- Calme-toi! Calme-toi!
Calm down!

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