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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Caté

Caté перевод на английский

751 параллельный перевод
- Vous avez du caté?
- Got any coffee?
- Tu sèches le caté? - Et après?
- What about Vacation Bible School?
- Tu as séché le caté?
- You skipped Vacation Bible School.
McGuffey dit que t'ailles chercher ton caté toi même!
McGuffey said to get your own coffee.
- Ma carte de caté.
- That's my Bible-school card.
Comment un mec qui va au caté pourrait mentir sur son âge?
Who'd believe a guy with a Bible-school card would lie? Act cool.
De la manipulation de serpents... On m'a pas appris ça au caté.
Snake handling - didn't learn that in catechism class.
Je sais l'amour que je ressens pour ma Cate.
I know the love I feel For my cate.
You don't have to accept, but if you do, you'll have to work, okay?
Plus serré, Cate.
Yeah, make it tight, Cate.
Cate, allons, c'est Noël, ne fais pas ça.
Cate, come on, it's Christmas, don't do that.
Je crois qu'ils vont me le donner.
- I think they're gonna give it to me. - Oh, Cate.
S'il m'a acheté un gadgets, c'est fini.
[Cate vocalizing] If he got me something from a novelty store, it so over.
- Cate?
- Cate?
Tu devrais en lire un, Cate.
You should pick one of these up, Cate.
Je t'aime, Cate ".
Love, Cate. "
Cate, j'ai pensé qu'il était temps.
Well, Cate, I just figured it's time.
Cate, elle est si malheureuse.
Cate, she is so unhappy.
Cate, arrange tes filles.
Cate, fix your girls.
- Cate, elle manque l'école.
- Cate, she's missing school.
Cate, prends la releve.
Cate, you're up.
Bon, juste Cate.
OK, just Cate.
Cate, tu me donnes un coup de main?
Cate, would you help me out over here?
Cate, tes parents ne m'aiment pas.
Cate, your parents don't like me.
- Cate, tu étais au courant?
- Cate, did you know about this?
Cate, il n'est pas venu.
Cate, he never showed.
Cate, regarde ce que j'ai trouvé dans notre jardin.
Cate, Cate, look what I found out in our yard.
Nick a jugé Rory sans le connaître.
Nick judged Rory without even knowing him. Cate?
- Cate.
- Uh, Cate.
- Moi aussi, je suis reconnaissant.
You know what I'm thankful for? [Cate] Mom!
Paul, viens voir les photos du nouvel appart de mes parents a Sarasota.
[Cate] Paul, come look at the pictures of Mom and Dad's new condo in Sarasota.
- Cate a repris le travail.
- Cate went back to work.
Quelle a été ton erreur, Cate?
Where did you go wrong, Cate?
J'irai au bal avec le garçon que tu préferes, ce qui revient au meme que d'etre punie.
- Cate! - I'm going with the boy you want, - which is like being grounded.
Je pense a la sortie de Rory depuis hier soir.
Cate, I've been thinking about this thing with Rory since last night.
Cate, dis-le plus fort, les voisins n'ont pas bien entendu!
Cate, why don't you say that louder? I don't think the neighbors heard!
Ta fille était seule avec un garçon sur un canapé.
Cate! You had a daughter downstairs alone with a boy on a couch!
Cate, tu ne m'as pas dit que Bridget sortait avec le Faiseur de pluie.
Cate, you didn't tell me Bridget was going out with The Rainman.
Cate, Steve Smith.
Cate, Steve Smith.
Pas vrai, Cate? "
Aren't they cute, Cate? "
Mon Dieu, Cate.
Oh, my God, Cate.
Cate, es-tu certaine de devoir travailler a l'hôpital?
Cate, are you sure you have to work at the hospital?
- Cate.
- Cate.
Hey, Cate, est-ce que tu pourrais me frotter le dos?
Hey, Cate, would you please rub my back?
Je m'en occupe, Cate.
OK, yeah, I'll get it for you, Cate.
Pour Paul, Cate et Rory, laissez un message.
If calling Paul, Cate or Rory, please leave a message.
La journée a été pleine de défis.
It was a very challenging day, Cate.
Cate, sais-tu quel est le score du match?
Cate, you don't happen to know the score of the game, do you?

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