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Diz перевод на английский

93 параллельный перевод
Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?
Diz, what do you think?
Diz Moore, le poête du Washington Correspondents.
Diz Moore, poet of Washington correspondents.
Diz, tu es une trouvaille.
Diz, you're a wonderful egg.
- Diz...
- Diz...
- Tu es un chic type, Diz.
- You're a good egg, Diz.
Viens, Diz.
Come on, Diz.
Oh, Diz?
Oh, old Diz?
- Prie, Diz.
- Pray, Diz.
- Diz, il se passe des choses terribles.
- Diz, terrible things are happening.
- C'est maintenant, Diz.
- Here it comes, Diz.
Écœure, écœure, écœure le Docteur. DOCTEUR :
Diz-yy, diz-yy, dizzy Doctor.
Pas maintenant Diz.
Not yet Diz.
N'ayez crainte Diz, je serais ici.
Never fear Diz, I'll be here.
Ne pars pas Diz, Nous allons la trouver à l'oreille.
Stay close Diz, we'll play it by ear.
Tire ça Diz!
Pull it Diz!
Oh Diz!
Oh Diz!
On a déjà entendu cette rengaine.
Diz, I think maybe we heard that a couple of times.
Come on, Diz.
Merci, Diz.
Thanks, Diz.
Diz y arrive.
Diz can.
Tu n'es pas Diz, et encore moins Duke.
Well, you ain't Diz and you sure as hell ain't Duke.
Tu dis... Diz and Duke d'un côté... et les junkies de l'autre?
You saying Diz and Duke on one side and junkies on the other.
Il ne faut pas que tu te fasses des barrières intérieures, Diz.
You need to get in touch with your feelings, Diz.
Passe-moi donc la balle, Diz.
Got it? Just throw me the ball, Diz. Ready?
- J'ai promis à Carmen...
You wanna dance? Actually, Diz, I promised Carmen...
On peut pas rester amis, Diz?
Can't we just be friends, Diz?
Diz, je dois parler à M. Rasczak.
Look, Diz, I want to talk to Mr. Rasczak.
- Non, merci, Diz.
No, thanks, Diz.
J'aurais jamais pu, sans toi.
I couldn't have done it without you, Diz.
- Diz, prends la relève.
- Diz, stay put! What's the problem?
Quoi, Diz?
What's that, Diz?
Et toi, Diz?
What about it, Diz?
On est enfin ensemble, Diz.
We finally got together, Diz.
Rétablissez la radio. - Diz, tu t'en charges.
Get somebody in a communications tent and get me an uplink.
- Groupe de tête, avec moi.
- Diz, check it out. - Man group with me.
- Diz?
- Diz, status on the uplink?
Au vaisseau!
Move! Get her into the boat! - Come on, Diz!
Tu vas t'en sortir, Diz.
No. You're gonna be all right.
- Ouais, t'es le meilleur!
£ ­ Diz the whiz!
Sacré petit coquin.
Diz the whiz!
Hé, sacré petit coquin.
Hey, Diz the whiz.
Je... Je vous en prie...
Diz way...
Diz souffrait.
Diz was in pain.
C'est... Diz?
Is that Diz?
Tu te sens à la hauteur?
- Diz, you ready for this?
- Diz! T'es venu!
- Diz, you made it!
On va remplacer Diz, c'est un zéro.
We'll find someone. We don't need Ditz.
C'est Diz.
It's Diz.
Rocky Creek, vous vous souvenez de Diz Harrison?
Hey, Rocky Creek, you remember Diz Harrison?
- Meurs pas, Diz!
Don't die on me!

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