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Eddy перевод на английский

1,368 параллельный перевод
Tu connais Eddy.
- You know Eddy.
J'ai tenu grâce à Eddy et ta grand-mère.
It was having Eddy and your grandmother that made it OK.
C'est vrai?
- Did you? Eddy?
Et toi, Eddy? Mon chou, tu as été merveilleuse.
Sweetie, you were marvellous.
Ça te va? Qu'est-ce que t'as sur le dos?
What are you wearing Eddy?
Je peux t'emprunter ton portable?
Eddy, can I borrow your phone?
Oh shut up, Eddy.
Au revoir, Eddy.
Bye, Eddy. Thanks, darling.
Partons, Eddy.
Let's go away, Eddy.
Tout va bien, chérie?
Alright, Eddy? Alright, sweetheart.
Roule, Billy!
Go, Vinny. Goodnight, Eddy-darling.
Phillip chéri!
Philip, darling! It's Eddy.
C'est Eddy. Tu me redonnerais pas les pilules de l'autre fois?
Look, can I have a few more of those pills I had last time?
J'en suis ravie. - Tout doux, Eddy.
I'm so glad, I'm very pleased!
"La Broyeuse". Elle descendait des montagnes de kleenex.
Eddy was called "The Shredder" because she ate huge amounts of tissues.
Réveille-toi, Eddy.
Wake up, Eddy.
Eddy... Grande nouvelle.
Eddy, great news.
Personne en particulier...
- No one special Eddy!
Eddy est là? Oui.
- Yes, she is.
On est déjà passées ici!
Eddy, we've been down this road before.
Continue, Eddy.
Keep driving, Eddy.
Mais ça! Boucle-la!
Oh, shut up, Eddy.
Eddy, vas-y, toi.
- Look, Eddy, you do it.
Le bébé de Rosemary apporte des vivres!
Eddy, Rosemary's baby has arrived with food!
A condition de jouer avec Eddy.
I'm only going to play if I can play with Eddy.
Il faut que j'y aille.
I'd better go, Eddy.
- Une époque fabuleuse.
Fabulous days. - Fabulous days, Eddy.
Qu'une fête soit lugubre avant même de commencer... - Voilà, Eddy.
I didn't realise the party could have dregs before it had even begun.
Je m'occupe d'elle, Eddy?
Do you want me to deal with her? - No.
Va voir Southside Eddy.
Talk to Southside Eddy.
- Ta femme ça va, Eddy?
- How's your wife, Eddie?
- Je t'aurai, Eddy,
- Me and you, Eddie.
Ça ne servirait à rien, Eddy,
It wouldn't do any good, Eddie.
Je vois que vous êtes dans le showbiz. Vous connaissez pas Eddy Barclay?
I don't want to impose, Ladies and Gents, but since you're in show-biz, do you know any... big-time agents?
Eddy Chan, Force spéciale, il y a...
I'm Eddie Chan of Special Operations. I'm in Peak Road...
Eddy Chan de la Criminelle.
Mrs Wong, Eddie Chan of Serious Crimes speaking.
C'est Eddy Chan. Passez-moi M. Chang.
Eddie Chan of Serious Crimes, connect me to Chief Cheung, quick.
Nous avons trouvé la signature de distorsion de leur vaisseau.
We found a trace of a warp eddy current from their ship.
Il y a des traces de particules de méson.
The warp eddy has traces of meson particles.
Il y a des remous là-bas et un gros poisson qui t'attend.
There's a little eddy there. There's some big fish waiting for ya, honey.
Les efforts de la M.G.M. pour trouver une nouvelle moralité comprenaient une série d'opérettes à grand succès avec Jeanette MacDonald et Nelson Eddy.
Among MGM's efforts for the new morality was a series of wildly successful operettas with Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy.
Eddy Howe.
Eddy Howe.
- Aide-moi, Eddy.
- Help me, Eddy. - Darling, you'll be alright.
A plus tard.
see you later eddy, i'll leave the bottle.
Alors, Eddy?
Right, Eddy.
Ne dors pas, Eddy!
Eddy, don't sleep.
- Yes. Is Eddy here?
Bon sang, Eddy!
Oh, God.!
Qu'elle prenne un autre ton!
Don't let her talk to you like that, Eddy.
A la tienne!
Cheers, Eddy.

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