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Ela перевод на английский

78 параллельный перевод
Elles engraisseront plus tard avec d ela verdure.
They'll feed out when we get to grass country.
Vous lui avez sauv  Ela vie.
You saved her!
Elle ne peut résister  Ela marche du progrès.
It can't stand up against the march of progress.
La cathédrale ne peut être bâtie  Ela gloire d'un individu.
This cathedral can't be designed for the glory of an individual.
Dix heures et demie, demain... ensuite, nous irons  Ela réunion du conseil. Très bien. J'y serai.
Very well. I'll be there.
Julia vous attend  Ela table.
But Julia's waiting for you at the dining table.
Il y a quelqu'un  Ela porte.
I think there's someone at the door.
J'ai dirig  Ela circulation tandis qu'il appelait l'hôpital.
So I directed traffic while he telephoned the hospital.
Si vous voulez, je ramène Debby  Ela maison.
If you wish, I'll take Debby home.
Puis-je vous proposer une... pintade  Ela Michel?
Perhaps you'd be interested in... Guinea Hen a la Michel?
Ne vieillissent que ceux qui étaient vieux  Ela naissance.
The only people who grow old were born old to begin with.
David a rang  Esa harpe et est parti  Ela recherche de son agneau.
David put aside his harp and went into the darkness to find his lamb.
C'est sans doute Henry et Julia  Ela porte.
That must be Henry and Julia at the door.
Cette rencontre a ét  Ela plus grande expérience spirituelle de ma vie.
Meeting Dudley has been the greatest spiritual experience of my life.
Je suis all  E  Ela bibliothèque et j'ai lu d'anciens textes... qu'aucun chercheur vivant ne pouvait déchiffrer.
Today I went to the university library and read some ancient texts... which have been undecipherable to living scholars.
Ne savez-vous pas qu'étant ange... je pourrais commander  Ela foudre de vous détruire?
Don't you realize that as an angel... I could destroy you with a bolt of lightning?
Tous les dons rayonnants qui mènent  Ela paix sur terre.
All the shining gifts that make peace on earth.
Mon Dieu, faites qu'elle ne meure pas.
My God, let her live. Não deixe ela morrer
Elle ne veut pas que je danse.
Ela não quer que eu dance.
C'est une grande artiste.
Ela é uma grande artista. Ela me entende.
Aucun espoir. Elle n'obéit qu'aux vierges.
Não, ela só obedece as virgens.
- Elzbieta ne sait pas oú le trouver?
- Doesn't Ela know where he is?
Regarde, Elzbieta arrive.
Look, here comes Ela.
- Comme le mariage de Elzbieta?
- Just like Ela's marriage.
Elzbieta, arrête, ou je te noie dans la Vistule!
Switch it off, Ela or I'll drown you in the river!
Je l'ai donné á Ela, quand ils étaient venus ici la première fois.
I gave it to Ela the first time they were here.
Comme tout ela me rappelle mon enfance!
How this all reminds me of my childhood.
Detenham ela!
Si seulement je rencontrais Ela, mon premier amour, je pourrais tout recommencer avec elle.
If I could only meet Ela... My first love. I could start everything with her from a scratch.
Si seulement je rencontrais Ela, je serais sauvé.
If I could meet Ela I'd be saved.
Addresse à la Noblesse chrétienne d ela Nation allemande?
Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation?
Arnie, vous ètes là pour filmer le trouble d ela population après la perte de son église.
You're supposed to be filming people coping with the loss of their church.
Ela, mon fils, demande lui.
Ela, come on son, just ask him.
- Tante Ela?
- Auntie Eliane?
- Oh, merci Ela.
Oh, thank you, eli.
- La choukran ela wa el zhulla.
- La shukran ela wa el zhulla.
C'était après ma séparation d'avec Ela.
It was after I broke up with Ela.
C'était 7 ans après que je l'aie quittée, Mon premier et seul véritable amour.
It was 7 years after I ran from Ela, my first and only true love.
- Ela...
- Ela...
Ela, à l'aide!
Ela, help me!
Ela, Elunia...
Ela, Elunia...
Et Ela?
And Ela?
Où est-elle?
Onde ela está?
EJa Louca!
Ela louca!
Elle vient souvent ici.
'E ela sabe o que ela quer.'
- Tue-la!
- Acaba com ela!
- Ela est là?
- is it Michaela?

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