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Fluttershy перевод на английский

123 параллельный перевод
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness...
On t'a rattrapé juste à temps.
Me and Fluttershy loop-de-looped around and WHAM! Got you right in a nick of time. Yes, Rainbow, I was there.
La vache, Fluttershy, ça m'a l'air... magnifique. - Attendez juste une minute!
Gee, Fluttershy, it sounds... beautiful.
Pinkie Pie, ou Fluttershy? Rarity?
Oh, who should go with me?
Well, hello, Twilight.
- Je suis désolée, c'est quoi?
I'm Fluttershy...
Et de quoi les dragons parlent?
I'm Fluttershy. Wow!
C'était ça le pire, pas vrai, Fluttershy?
It was the worst, don't you agree, Fluttershy?
Que se passe t-il, Fluttershy?
What's going on, Fluttershy?
Fluttershy sait tout sur les animaux.
Fluttershy knows everything about animals.
Voici les pommes que tu as demandé, Fluttershy, mais j'comprends toujours pas pourquoi t'en as besoin d'autant.
Here's all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy! But I still can't figure why ya need so many. Hey!
Rainbow Dash, toi et Fluttershy allez rester au-dessus d'eux.
Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy stay on top of'em.
Fluttershy aurait sûrement besoin de ton aide avec les animaux.
Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters.
Alors je vais t'aider, Fluttershy!
Well, I'll help, Fluttershy!
Oh! Et bien sûr Pinkie et Fluttershy également.
And of course Pinkie and Fluttershy too.
Fluttershy something breezy
Fluttershy something breezy
Ooh, et je sais que tu vas aimer la tienne, Fluttershy.
Ooo, and I know you are going to love yours, Fluttershy.
Tu voulais me voir, Rarity?
You wanted to see me, Rarity? Fluttershy!
Fluttershy! Ta nouvelle-nouvelle robe est prête.
Your new-new gown's ready.
Fluttershy, you re putting me in a bind
Fluttershy, you're putting me in a bind
Grâce aux grandes connaissances de Fluttershy en couture.
Thanks to Fluttershy's freaky knowledge of sewing.
Je suis désolée mais je ne peux pas t'inviter à rester et parler, Fluttershy.
I'm sorry I can't invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy.
Eh bien peut-être que je devrais m'en aller comme ça tu pourras travailler. Salut, Fluttershy!
Well, maybe I should get out of your mane, so you can work.
Salut, Rarity!
Yeah! Si mignonnes.
Hello, Fluttershy.
Where you off to?
Désolées, Fluttershy.
Yeah. Sorry.
Fluttershy, tes poulets se font la malle!
Fluttershy! Your chickens are on the loose.
Je me demande ce qui a bien pu causer ça... ne t'inquiète pas Fluttershy, les chasseuses de cutie marks s'en occupent!
I wonder what could have caused that. Don't worry, Fluttershy. The Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this.
Oui, Fluttershy!
Yes, Fluttershy.
Oh! reprends-toi, Fluttershy.
Just put one hoof in front of the other.
les filles?
- Fluttershy? les filles?
Thank goodness I've found you.
Dieu merci je vous ai trouvées!
Fluttershy? What... Girls!
- Fluttershy, que- -
We have to leave the forest at once!
Oui, Fluttershy.
- Yes, Fluttershy?
Bien sûr, Fluttershy, tout de suite!
Of course, Fluttershy. Right away.
Et une fois que Pinkie et Rarity furent sauvées, whooosh... Moi et Fluttershy avons voltigé et... wham!
And once Pinkie and Rarity were saved, WHOA...
Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of...
Fluttershy, qui a apprivoisé le Manticore avec sa compassion, représente l'esprit de...
Applejack, ou Rainbow Dash?
Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity...
Je suis Fluttershy.
What's his name?
Mais Fluttershy semble être normale.
But Fluttershy seems just fine.
Fluttershy, tu vas bien?
Fluttershy, are you okay?
Fais quelque chose, Fluttershy!
Do something, Fluttershy!
Les chasseuses de cutie mark passent la nuit chez Fluttershy!
All right.
- On le promet, Fluttershy!
We promise, Fluttershy.
- Bonne nuit, Fluttershy!
Good night, Fluttershy.
Rien ne peut ébranler Fluttershy!
Nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy.

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