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Frenchie перевод на английский

151 параллельный перевод
T'es de Paris, Frenchie?
You from Paris, Frenchie?
Frenchie, les bidons.
Frenchie, bring the canteens to me.
Tiens, Frenchie.
Here you are, Frenchie.
Stegman, prends la place de Frenchie.
Stegman, take Frenchie's place.
Frenchie... laisse passer l'Italien.
Frenchie let the Italian come around here.
Et toi, Frenchie?
What about you, Frenchie?
A l'abri, Frenchie, surveille l'Allemand.
Cover yourself, Frenchie, and watch that German.
Ça va, Frenchie?
All right, Frenchie?
Frenchie avait raison.
Frenchie was right.
Hé, le Français.
Hey, Frenchie. Hey.
Hé. Le Français libre.
Free Frenchie.
- Doucement.
Hey, Frenchie.
Il serait parfait pour un rôle secondaire à Hollywood.
I think he'd be a great character actor in Hollywood. Hey, Frenchie.
Frenchie, fais ton choix.
Frenchie, choose from these gewgaws.
Tu le connais?
You know him, Frenchie?
Tu ne viens pas?
Are you not coming, Frenchie?
Vous avez vu, Dougal, Frenchie?
Did you see, Dougal, Frenchie?
Well, Frenchie?
Parle, Frenchie, si tu tiens encore à la vie.
Talk, Frenchie, if you still love life.
Tu perds ton temps!
You're wasting your time, Frenchie.
Et Frenchie finira noyé.
And the Frenchie will walk his plank, after all.
Frenchie est mon prisonnier.
The Frenchie was my prisoner, Mr. Dougal.
Hey, Frenchie!
Hey, Frenchie!
Frenchie, Bellows, Carson, Jenks, voici le shérif Tibbs.
Frenchie, Bellows, Carson, Jenks, this here is Tibbs.
Va demander au Français s'il a des plongeurs qui travaillent.
Go and ask the Frenchie, has he got any divers out working.
Une Française le brise, une autre le guérit.
A Frenchie broke his heart, a Frenchie can fix it.
Du courage, Frenchie!
Cheer up, Frenchie.
J'aimais un garçon, mais sans avoir le courage de le montrer.
i had one love. but never having the courage to show it, he upped and went to ramsgate, where he met a frenchie girl.
Faites ma note, Frenchie va payer.
Total up my bill and let Frenchie pay for it.
Voici Frenchie.
This is Frenchie.
Frenchie est éliminé!
And Frenchie is out of there!
Ce que je cherche, c'est un Frenchy spécial... qui ait manifestement le sang noble mais la bourse vide.
Now, what I'm looking for is a particular kind of Frenchie, namely one who is transparently of noble blood but also short on cash.
Ma future femme va bien me rouler une pelle?
How about a frenchie from me future bride?
Cette fille est à moi.
Frenchie's all mine.
Tu ne quitteras pas ce bateau, le Français.
You ain't getting off this boat anywhere, Frenchie.
Continue à chauffer mes machines, sinon tu iras casser des pierres au soleil.
I'm being generous Frenchie. You keep stocking my boilers or you'll be breaking rocks in the hot sun.
Pour le sportif dans la foule... Vous prendrez ce fusil à pompe Frenchie éliminateur.
For the sportsman in the crowd... we carry this handy pump-action Frenchie eliminator.
L'homme monte sur la femme et il lui met son truc Avec une capote pour pas avoir de bébé
When a man gets on top of a woman and he puts his thing into her... and he puts a frenchie on his thing to stop her having a baby.
- Eh, Frenchie...
- Hey, Mr. French...
Tu connais Frenchie?
You know Frenchie?
Et ce zonard de Frenchie aura tout le temps de nous trucider!
In the meantime, this french sociopath stabs me and mike to death.
La Française m'a donné un coup de courant.
I touched a Frenchie and I felt sparks.
Si c'est l'effet que te fais une Française, quand on sera en Californie, tu vas t'électrocuter.
Ifyou feel sparks with a Frenchie, when we get to California, you'll be short-circuited.
- A la Française.
- The Frenchie's.
- Quelle Française?
- What Frenchie?
Le maître est fier de son maïs mais ses hôtes français ne s'y résignent pas.
Old Master, he's so proud of his corn. But I see his Frenchie guests, they can't abide it.
Et toi, Frenchie?
You, Frenchie.
Frenchie, c'est à toi...
Frenchie, it's up to you...
- Toi aussi.
Me too, Frenchie.

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