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Gloucester перевод на английский

253 параллельный перевод
Si je vais chez un marchand de fromage et achète 100 fromages à 4,5 pence chacun... et si j'en vends la moitié à 6,5 pence,
If I go to a cheesemonger shop and buy 100 Double Gloucester cheeses at fourpence-halfpenny each...
On est de Gloucester, dans le Massachusetts.
This schooner is from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Je ne veux pas aller à Gloucester.
I don't want to go to Gloucester.
Quand on rentrera à Gloucester la cale pleine, on t'aidera à retrouver tes parents.
When we head into Gloucester with a full load of fish... we'll help you find your folks.
On vit tous de la pêche. Si on rentre, on perd notre gagne-pain, nous et nos familles.
All of us here share in the fishing... and heading back to Gloucester now... we'd maybe lose all next winter's daily bread for us and our folks.
Y a eu des bateaux perdus sans passager.
There's lots of vessels lost out of Gloucester... never had no passenger on board.
C'est le plus beau de Gloucester!
Say, this is finest schooner out from Gloucester.
II va nous devancer.
He'll beat us into Gloucester this trip, too, I think.
On fera le plein et on rentrera le 1er août. Il sera toujours là à en baver, ou alors je suis plus morue que lui!
We'll have a full hold and be tied up in Gloucester... by the 1st of August, and he'll still be out here... floundering around, trying to catch fish... or I'll look more like a halibut than he does.
De Gloucester comme nous.
She's from Gloucester, same as us.
Si Walt Cushman me bat, que je sois pendu!
Walt Cushman beats me into Gloucester, I'll hang myself with an eel.
Est-ce que quelqu'un sur le Flying Swan a du courrier pour Gloucester?
Would anyone on the Flying Swan be wanting to send any mail to Gloucester?
Du courrier?
Any mail for Gloucester?
Du courrier pour Gloucester?
You haven't any mail for Gloucester, have you, sir?
Tu vas ramer ou nager jusqu'à Gloucester, peut-être.
You gonna row or swim to Gloucester, maybe.
Je vais pas éventrer la quille, mais je serai avant à Gloucester!
I ain't ripping out no keels, but I'm going to beat Walt Cushman... into Gloucester and that's all there is to it. So don't you swing her off.
J'en ai cinq ou six à Gloucester.
I got maybe five, six girls in Gloucester.
Je veux rester avec vous à Gloucester et aller à la pêche.
I want to stay here with you in Gloucester and go out fishing again this way.
On est pas à Gloucester.
Well, we ain't to Gloucester yet.
Depuis trois siècles, femmes et enfants ont de cette rive, crié :
For three centuries... women and children of Gloucester men have stood upon this shore and cried :
Dans les années à venir, les femmes de Gloucester attendront et adresseront leurs prières par-delà l'horizon
In years to come... women of Gloucester shall watch and wait... sending their prayers and faith to men over the horizon.
J'ai examiné le cadavre d'un homme 4 ans après, il restait du poison dans les ongles et les cheveux.
I remember... in Gloucester, where we exhumed the body four years after... there was still enough poison, even in the fingernails and the hair.
L'adresse de Sheelds : hôtel Gloucester.
Here's where Shields stays, the Gloucester Hotel.
A l'hôtel Gloucester.
Gloucester Hotel, please.
Il faut que vous veniez aux mines.
The Duke of Gloucester would speak with you.
Le duc qui a reçu commandement du siège, est guidé par un Irlandais, un vaillant gentilhomme, ma foi.
The Duke of Gloucester, whom the order of the siege is given, is altogether directed by an Irishman, a very valiant gentleman, in faith. - It is Captain MacMorris, is it not? - I think it be.
Ouvrez vos portes!
Come, brother Gloucester.
Allez, frère Gloucester, c'est vous qui entrerez à Harfleur.
Go you and enter Harfleur. There remain and fortify it strongly against the French.
Gloucester, nous sommes en grand danger.
Gloucester. 'Tis true that we are in great danger.
Si nous ne nous revoyons plus, soyons joyeux, Westmoreland, cher Lord Gloucester, brave Lord Exeter et mon bon parent, vous tous guerriers, adieu!
I'll to my charge. If we no more meet till we meet in heaven, then joyfully, my noble Westmoreland, my dear Lord Gloucester, my good Lord Exeter, and my kind kinsman, warriors all... adieu.
Warwick et Talbot, Salisbury et Gloucester, seront évoqués tout en trinquant.
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester... be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
La bonne vieille coque Gloucester.
The old Gloucester hull.
Il le conduira au cap Gloucester.
He's been assigned to take the Echo to Cape Gloucester.
En Nouvelle-Bretagne?
Cape Gloucester on New Britain, sir?
Là-bas, ce Foster prendra le commandement et tâchera de rejoindre Cap Gloucester.
As soon as it does, this man Foster is supposed to take command... and try and make the run up to Cape Gloucester.
Le bateau sera placé sous le contrôle des forces aériennes afin de déposer un de leurs hommes au Cap Gloucester.
Temporarily, the ship is being placed at the disposal of the Air Force. It's imperative that they get one of their men ashore... here on Cape Gloucester.
"Flotte ennemie au nord du Cap Gloucester..."
Enemy convoy seen north of Cape Gloucester.
- Voyons... - Gloucester?
Er, ahem...
- Sunderland.
- Gloucester.
Ca sera toujours la maison d'été humide de Gloucester Island.
It'll always be that damp summer place on Gloucester Island.
Le port de Gloucester.
Glock - ester. - Glou - kester Harbour.
Non, pas de base à Gloucester.
No, there are no bases on Gloucester.
"Glokester... Gloster!"
Sous-marin coincé sur Gloucester Island.
Submarine boat is becoming'affixed'on this place, Glokester I's'land.
- Un parachutiste russe?
A Russian parachutist on Gloucester Island?
- Gloucester Island en grouille.
That's right, they're all over Gloucester Island.
L'un des Russes nous a dit que les huit autres venaient ici, pour aller au port.
One of those Russians, he said... he told us, you see. He said the other eight are coming here to Gloucester Haven, to the harbor.
"C'est l'histoire d'une fille qui rencontre..."
"There was a young lady of Gloucester. She met a young..."
Le Duc de Gloucester veut vous parler.
To the mines?
Vous viendrez me chercher à Gloucester Tree.
Pick me up at the Gloucester tree, will you Timothy?

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