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Goodwin перевод на английский

440 параллельный перевод
- De la pastèque?
- C'est le bateau-phare Goodwin.
- That's the Goodwin lightship, miss.
Mettez sur la note de Miss Goodwin.
Charge it to Miss Goodwin.
J'ai traité beaucoup de malades, Miss Goodwin.
I've treated a great many patients, Miss Goodwin.
Qu'est-ce qui veut ce Goodwin?
What's that Goodwin want anyway?
Mme Willis a téléphoné à son conseiller, Edgar Goodwin.
Mrs. Willis phoned her council man, Edgar Goodwin.
- Je vois que Goodwin t'a déjà parlé.
- Goodwin's got to you already I see.
Le sujet est Tom Goodwin, un brillant biologiste marin.
The subject is Tom Goodwin, brilliant marine biologist.
Oui, M. Goodwin.
Oh, yes, Mr. Goodwin.
Ce serait avec un grand plaisir, M. Goodwin.
Oh, I'd like that very much, Mr. Goodwin. I really would.
- Merci, monsieur.
- Oh, thank you, Mr. Goodwin.
- Passez-moi Goodwin.
- Honey? Get me Goodwin.
- Et Goodwin?
- What about Goodwin?
Le Dr Goodwin.
Dr. Goodwin.
Vous connaissez le Dr Goodwin?
Dr. Goodwin. Do you know Dr. Goodwin?
- Le Dr Goodwin.
- Dr. Goodwin.
... Goodwin.
... Goodwin.
Dr Goodwin a essayé de le soigner.
Dr. Goodwin tried to help him.
Le Dr Goodwin?
Dr. Goodwin?
Oû est Goodwin?
Where is Goodwin?
C'est le Dr Goodwin.
Dr. Goodwin.
Et c'est Goodwin qui les a abattus.
And Goodwin shot them.
C'était Goodwin, votre homme?
Was Goodwin your man?
Il y a 10 jours, un certain Dr Goodwin débarqua et demanda l'autorisation de faire des recherches.
Ten days ago a Dr. R.A. Goodwin appeared and applied for permission to do some research here.
- Il ne s'est pas méfié?
- Goodwin didn't suspect?
Halliwell a trouvé le film et Goodwin l'a abattu.
Then Halliwell got to the film first and Goodwin shot him.
Et si Goodwin l'a eu en 1 er, Halliwell a été tué en essayant de le lui prendre.
If he was first. If Goodwin was first, then Halliwell was killed trying to get it.
Il y a eu une fusillade dans la neige et Goodwin a survécu.
In any event, there was a shooting match out in the snow and Goodwin came out of it alive.
II a trouvé le revolver de Goodwin.
The pistol. He found Goodwin's pistol.
- Marge Goodwin.
- Marge Goodwin.
Charles Goodwin, Linda Voss.
Charles Goodwin, Linda Voss.
Goodwin part en voyage avec les diplômés.
- Yeah. - Goodwin's on his senior trip.
Ie capitaine Cordwell s'est noyé à Goodwins, il y a trois ans.
Captain Cordwell drowned off the Goodwin Sands three years since.
- Goodwin. - Oh.
Richard Goodwin.
Richard Goodwin.
Richard Goodwin, Sous-Commission de Contrôle de la Législation.
An investigator. Richard Goodwin with the Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight.
Richard Goodwin, Sous-Commission de Contrôle de la Législation.
- My name is Richard Goodwin. I'm with the Congressional Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight.
Clark Byse vous a appelé?
I'm Richard Goodwin. - Did Clark Byse call?
Je suis au courant, pour ce Goodwin.
Well, look, I already know about this guy Goodwin, and I'm on top of it.
Je te présente Dick Goodwin, de Washington.
Dad, this is Dick Goodwin. He's up from Washington.
Richard Goodwin, Sous-Commission de Contrôle de la Législation.
- My name is Richard Goodwin. I'm with the Congressional Subcommittee on Legislative...
Dick Goodwin...
My name is Dick Goodwin.
M. Goodwin... un inspecteur du Congrès.
This is Mr. Goodwin. He's an investigator from the United States Congress.
Dick Goodwin.
Hi. Dick Goodwin.
Dick. Goodwin.
- Goodwin. Chambre 1535.
Goodwin, 1535.
Je vois clair dans votre jeu.
Listen, Goodwin, don't think I don't see what you're doin'.
Je m'appelle Richard Goodwin.
- My name is Richard Goodwin.
- Miss Goodwin.
- Miss Goodwin.
Je suis Richard Goodwin.
Oh, no.

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