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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Griffith

Griffith перевод на английский

784 параллельный перевод
Je vous en prie, MIle Griffith.
Will you, Miss Griffith?
- MIle Griffith est là?
- Is Miss Griffith inside?
Attendez, s'il vous plaît, MIle Griffith.
Now, wait a minute, will you, Miss Griffith?
Mais chaque chose en son temps. Après le dessert, MIle Griffith et moi vous donnerons des précisions.
We won't go into it, but after we've taken care of this Miss Griffith and I will give you the whole lowdown.
Bonjour, MIle Griffith.
Hello. How do you like the bookshelves?
MIle Griffith, je peux vous voir une minute?
Miss Griffith, may I see you a minute?
Lui et cette MIle Griffith s'en sortent à merveille.
He and this Griffith woman have got their system working like a charm.
S'il y a un problème, remettez-vous-en à MIle Griffith.
If there's any argument, whatever Miss Griffith decides, goes.
MIle Griffith, ayez la bonté de ne pas vous mêler de ce qui ne vous regarde pas.
Miss Griffith, kindly understand that I want no more interference in things that don't concern you.
MIle Griffith, j'exige votre démission immédiatement.
Miss Griffith, I demand your resignation immediately.
- Bonjour, MIle Griffith.
- Hello, Miss Griffith.
Ne renvoyez pas MIle Griffith.
Please don't fire Miss Griffith.
- Au revoir, MIle Griffith.
- Goodbye, Miss Griffith.
Voici Mr... Cook et Mr Griffith, membres locaux de notre bureau national.
Meet Mr Cook and Mr Griffith, members of our state headquarters here.
D. W. Griffith...
D.W. Griffith...
Ici, le zoo de Griffith Park, section des reptiles.
Hello. Griffith Park Zoo, Snake Department.
Pour ça, le Parc Griffith est le plus proche.
Griffith Park is the closest where they rent horses.
Envoyez-moi Mark Loving, Jon Griffith et Harry Kritzer!
Get Mark Loving in here and Jon Day Griffith and Harry Kritzer!
M. Griffith, M. Kyne voudrait vous voir.
Mr. Griffith, Mr. Kyne would like to see you.
M. Griffith...
Mr. Griffith.
Que fait Griffith depuis une demi-heure avec Kyne?
What's Griffith doing in there for half an hour with Walter Kyne?
Griffith l'a déjà attaché!
Griffith's probably sewing him up right now.
Occupe-toi de Meade et si ça peut te rassurer, je vais descendre au Blue Dell et je sonderai Griffith.
You go to work on Meade, and if it will ease your mind, love, in a little while I'll drop down to the Dell and feel out Griffith.
Pardon, Monsieur, M. Griffith au téléphone.
Excuse me, sir, Mr. Griffith is waiting on the telephone.
Laissons Griffith et Loving se creuser les méninges.
Let Griffith and Loving beat their brains out.
Amos Kyne l'a fait et Griffith le ferait. Et moi aussi. Je ferais tout pour toi.
I'd do anything you asked me.
Cela pourrait faire du vilain, s'il venait à en parler à Griffith.
It might do a great deal of harm if he rats about it to Griffith.
Loving? Griffith?
Loving... or Griffith...
Copies à Griffith et Kritzer.
Send copies to Griffith and to Kritzer.
Pour M. Griffith et M. Kritzer.
To Mr. Griffith and Mr. Kritzer.
Alors que je m'apprêtais à favoriser Griffith. Bien que je ne l'apprécie pas.
Just when I'd begun to favor Griffith, much as I personally dislike him.
Chérie, j'accepte tes excuses.
Honey, I graciously accept your apology. Griffith :
C'était Griffith.
That was Griffith.
Benny, Jon Griffith.
Benny? Jon Griffith.
"... annonce la nomination de Jon Day Griffith "au poste de directeur exécutif de Kyne Enterprises."
"Announces the appointment of Jon Day Griffith as Executive Director of Kyne Newspapers and associated enterprises."
Mlle Griffith, en CE1.
Miss Griffith in the second grade.
Vous l'avez analysé, Griffith?
The last lot, have we analyzed them yet, Griffiths?
Je... je suppose que c'est possible, mais... j'ai du mal à imaginer Mme Griffith avec un type choisi au hasard.
With some guy who took advantage of his weakness. What do you think? Could it be that?
- Griffith, Haynes.
- Griffith, Haynes.
Griffith, tailleur.
Griff, as I said, tailor.
- Griffith.
- Griffith.
- He wants to make different pictures. - Pour revenir au cinéma de Griffith et de Chaplin. - Like Griffith and Chaplin.
We must get back to Griffith and Chaplin to the great days of United Artists.
Voici mon ami, Gwyllm Griffith.
Here's my friend, Gwyllm Griffith.
Et Gwyllm Griffith est le coupable.
And Gwyllm Griffith is just the one.
Allan a fait la marche pour la paix et j'ai organisé un meeting de non-violents.
Allan's been up in Berkeley on a march. I've been here putting together the love-in. You know, it'll be at Griffith Park Sunday.
C'est le champion de boxe Emil Griffith.
This is the middleweight championship fight... Emil Griffith.
Jon Day Griffith.
Jon Day Griffith.
C'est faux!
Amos Kyne did and Griffith would and I would. - Now, you know that isn't true!
That Griffith :
M. et Mme Griffith.
- It's my pleasure.
- je suis Sam Griffith.
- What do you want?

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