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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Hightower

Hightower перевод на английский

271 параллельный перевод
Robert Hightower.
Robert Hightower.
Vous acceptez, Robert Hightower?
You will be, won't you, Bob Hightower?
Robert, William, Pedro Hightower.
I call him Robert... William Pedro... Hightower.
Il s'appelle Robert William Pedro Hightower.
His name is Robert William Pedro Hightower.
Vous pouvez me croire, Bob Hightower. Avec Perley et moi, il est en de bonnes mains!
One thing you can count on, Bob Hightower... you couldn't find better hands to leave the little mite in... than Perley's and mine.
Vous avez entendu, Robert Marmaduke Hightower.
Before passing sentence upon you, Robert Marmaduke Hightower...
Robert Hightower je peux vous condamner à 20 ans de prison.
Robert Marmaduke Hightower... it is within the power of this here court... to sentence you to a term of 20 years in the penitentiary.
Puis-je vous écrire, M. Hightower?
Can I write to you, Mr. Hightower? Can I call you Bob?
On se met en marche, mon frère!
- Moving out, Brother Hightower.
Allez, Hightower!
Let's go, Hightower.
Allez, Hightower.
Come on, Hightower.
Allez, Hightower.
Come on, Hightower. Let's go.
Portez ces affaires aux quartiers de l'adjudant.
Hightower, take the rest of this gear to adjutant's quarters, will you?
Homme de race blanche résidant au 11, Hightower Road.
Male Caucasian, residing 11 Hightower Road.
Ici l'officier Hightower.
This is Officer Hightower.
Pourquoi es-tu venu à l'Académie?
Why are you at the Academy, Hightower?
C'est toi qui commences.
Hightower, you're first.
Je suis très touché, mais... il est 2 h 30 du matin.
That's terrific, Hightower, but it's 2 : 30 a.m.
Ça, c'est champion!
Attaboy, Hightower!
Repos, Hightower.
At ease, Hightower.
De nous tous, Hightower était le meilleur.
Out of everybody, I thought Hightower would make it.
C'est Hightower.
No, Hightower did. Go see him.
Les agents de police Moses Hightower et Carey Mahoney.
Officers Moses Hightower and Carey Mahoney.
- Hightower.
- Hightower.
Agent Hightower.
Officer Hightower.
- Et j'ai Hightower.
- lt would look like Hightower.
Hey, Hightower.
Hightower, ne fais pas ça.
Hightower, don't go in there.
Sergent Hightower, répondez.
Sgt. Hightower, come in.
Ôtez vos jupons et présentez-vous au Q.G.
Hightower, get rid of the pantyhose and report to the academy immediately.
Joli lancer.
- Nice throw, Hightower.
Á retenir.
Hold that thought, Hightower.
Hightower est à trois pas.
Hightower's only three blocks away.
Une bande déchaînée dans le quartier de Gower.
Hightower, there's a roving gang in the Gower district.
Agent Hightower, je viens m'engager dans le service civil.
Officer Hightower, I'm here to join the new C.O.P. Program.
Mahoney à Hightower.
Mahoney throws a pass to Hightower.
Sergent Hightower.
Sgt. Hightower.
Regarde ça, Hightower.
Hightower, check this out.
Allez, Hightower! Une passe!
Hightower, okay, here we go.
Tout droit, Hightower!
Up ahead, Hightower!
Roll him over, Hightower!
J'ai nommé le sergent Moses Hightower.
He is Sgt. Moses Hightower.
Pour ses remarquables états de service, nous avons l'honneur de le promouvoir au grade de lieutenant!
For his remarkable record... this department is proud to promote Sergeant Hightower... to it. Hightower!
Il est à propos que le lieutenant Hightower
I think it is fitting that it.
Félicitations, lieutenant Hightower.
Congratulations, Lt. Hightower!
Hightower rabat le suspect par ici!
Sir, Lieutenant Hightower's chasing the perpetrator our way!
Je l'ai entendu sur la radio.
I heard Hightower on the radio.
Très bien, Hightower.
That's good.
Ici Hightower.
- Hightower

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