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Mikey перевод на английский

2,624 параллельный перевод
- Mikey devient totalement frénétique.
- Mikey's getting totally frantic.
Vous savez, Mikey aime avoir le contrôle
You know, Mikey likes to be in control
Mais c'est dur de trouver du temps avec Mikey.
But it's hard to find time with Mikey.
Mikey, sépare ces trouducs.
Frankie, break these assholes up.
Mikey, qui?
Mikey, who?
Toi et Mike, allez à ma voiture.
You and Mikey go to my car.
- Mikey.
- Mikey.
Ce n'est pas tous les jeunes qui...
Not every kid is like Mikey who's gonna walk to this clinic...
Oui. Dis à Mikey qui je suis.
Yeah, Mikey, who I am.
Mikey, regarde-moi.
Mikey, look at me.
Mikey, range ça.
Mikey, put that away.
Viens ici, Mikey.
Come here, Mikey.
" a été d'épouser ta mère et de vous avoir, Mikey et toi.
" was when I married your mom and I had you and Mikey.
Dis-lui, Mikey.
Go ahead, tell her, Mikey.
- Tu n'aurais pas dû venir.
- Mikey, you shouldn't have come.
Mikey faisait 6 kilos 350 et est sorti de travers.
Mikey came out 14 pounds and sideways.
C'est bizarre que Mikey n'ait jamais parlé de vous avant.
You know, it's weird Mikey's never mentioned you before.
C'est maman.
Mikey, it's mom.
Écoute, Mikey, je veux juste te protéger.
Listen, Mikey, I'm just trying to protect you.
Regarder une fille pisser, y a rien de plus sexy. C'est un truc qui m'excite un max.
Come on, Mikey, watching a girl pee is the sexiest thing in the world.
Ce chien a été égorgé jusqu'aux oreilles. Qui peut bien faire ça à un chien?
Mikey, this dog was slashed from ear to ear, what kind of a psychopath would do that?
Viens, on se tire de ce trou.
Let's get out of here, Mikey.
OK, je vois... Ce truc en forêt, c'est un peu trop pour moi, alors je vais rentrer. Mikey, en route.
Going into the forest is way out of my depth, so thanks a lot, but I'm out of here, Mikey, you coming?
- Je vais revenir t'aider. Pourquoi?
Mikey, give me the keys, in case something happens to you.
Allez, Mikey!
Go, Mikey!
Allez, Mikey.
Go, Mikey.
Mikey adore la tarte.
Mikey does love his pie.
Quand Mikey était enfant, je travaillais à la cafétéria de l'école et je préparais de bons plats à la maison.
When Mikey was a little boy, I worked full-time in the school cafeteria and still managed to put a hot meal on the table.
Tu vas ouvrir ton cadeau, Mikey?
You gonna open your present, Mikey?
Mike, on veut danser. Je vais... Il me semblait bien que c'était vous.
Mikey, we wanna dance.
Mikey, reviens!
Mikey, come back!
- Mikey, Mikey, Mikey!
Il ne vit que pour la vérité. N'est-ce pas, Mikey?
Isn't that so, Mikey?
Ce qui fera baisser le coût de nos achats.
Let's settle this right now. Come on. Mikey, you want to take this one?
- Hey, Mikey.
C'est Mike, maintenant.
- Eric and Mikey. It's Mike. I go by Mike now.
Mikey, tu m'as l'air mal barré.
Mikey, you're looking a little light over there.
- C'est Scott.
- Hey, Mikey, it's Scott.
C'est Mikey qui profite le plus de ton enterrement.
Looks like Mikey was getting the bachelor party you were supposed to.
Hey, Mikey.
Tu as buté Mikey!
- You shot Mikey!
C'est quoi, ce bordel, Mikey?
- What the fuck, Mikey?
Dis-moi la vérité, Mikey.
Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth, Mikey.
Je t'emmerde, Mikey.
Fuck you, Mikey.
- Accouche, Mikey.
Spit it out. Get on with it.
Oh, shit, Mikey.
Je gagne. - Mikey!
- Mikey!
Ça va, je suis là.
Mikey, Mikey, it's okay. I'm here.
Non, on y va.
No, we have to get out of here, Mikey.
Je crois que tu lui plais.
Hey, Mikey, I think she likes you.

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