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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Mrs

Mrs перевод на английский

65,834 параллельный перевод
Bonjour, Mme Florrick.
Hello, Mrs. Florrick.
Ça ne vous ennuie pas de rester toute la journée pour soutenir votre mari?
You sure you don't mind being here all day, Mrs. Florrick, to support your husband?
Je l'ignore, parlez à Peter.
Mrs. Florrick? I don't know. You'd have to talk to Peter.
Mme Kirkman, les services secrets vous emmènent à la résidence.
Mrs. Kirkman, the Secret Service will take you up to the residence now.
Mlle Johnson?
Mrs. Johnson? Uh...
"Mme Masters, votre mari est accusé de proxénétisme et de prostitution".
"Mrs. Masters, your husband is charged with pandering and prostitution."
C'est peut-être un concept qui vous est étranger.
It's a concept that may be somewhat foreign to you, Mrs. Johnson.
Mme Johnson...
Mrs. Johnson, is this a...
J'ai appelé Mme Johnson qui m'a confirmé ces dates.
I spoke on the telephone with Mrs. Johnson, and she personally confirmed these dates with me.
Je ne mets pas votre parole en doute, mais Mme Johnson ne m'a rien dit.
And I am sure that you're right, but Mrs. Johnson didn't tell me.
Le Dr Masters et Mme Johnson ne sont pas disponibles.
Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson are unreachable today.
Et vous devez être Mme Clavermore.
And you must be Mrs. Clavermore.
Je travaille en étroite collaboration avec le Dr Masters et Mme Johnson.
I, uh, I work very closely with both Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson.
Je suis prêt à discuter un accord si la défense est prête à abandonner les charges contre Mme Johnson.
I would be willing to discuss a plea if the prosecution would be willing to drop the charges against Mrs. Johnson.
M. le juge, la défense abandonne les charges contre Mme Johnson si le Dr Masters accepte de plaider coupable contre l'accusation de déviance sexuelle et de payer une amende de 500 $.
Your Honor, the prosecution will dismiss the charges against Mrs. Johnson if Dr. Masters will agree to plead guilty to the charge of sexual deviance and to pay a fine of $ 500.
M. et Mme Monopole.
Mr. and Mrs. Monopoly, I remember them.
Mais Mme Johnson et vous l'avez déjà fait.
But you and Mrs. Johnson already have.
Concernant votre douleur, Mme Fleming, comment la décririez-vous?
All right, then. Uh, in terms of the pain, Mrs. Fleming, how would you describe the sensation?
Mme Lavery n'a pas bougé quand il a pris le setter irlandais, les deux voitures, la maison de Long Island... tout.
Mrs. Lavery just sat there as he took the Irish Setter, both cars, the house on Long Island... everything.
En ce moment, le Dr Masters et Mme Johnson enquêtent sur des thérapeutes qui affirment utiliser notre méthode.
Do you know that right now, Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson are on the road investigating a pair of charlatan therapists who claim to be using our method?
En ce moment, le Dr Masters et Mme Johnson enquêtent sur des thérapeutes qui affirment utiliser notre méthode.
You know that right now, Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson are on the road, investigating a pair of charlatan therapists who claim to be using our method?
M. et Mme Drag, quand vous serez prêts, rhabillez-vous et venez nous rejoindre.
Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Drag, when you're ready. You can get changed and join us outside.
Je demande Mme Johnson. Papa.
Paging Mrs. Johnson.
Le Dr Masters et Mme Johnson n'y participent pas?
Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson, they're not involved in the study?
Mme Mason a appelé le cabinet pour prendre rendez-vous le 15 février, le lendemain de la St Valentin.
Hmm. Looks like Mrs. Mason first called this office to make an appointment on February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day.
Je vais te faire passer un entretien ce matin et j'en ferai passer un séparément à maman demain. Mme Eshelman.
I will be conducting an intake with you this morning, and then a separate intake tomorrow with Mom... uh, Mrs. Eshelman.
Mme Eshelman.
Uh, Mrs. Eshelman.
Vous avez continué de coucher avec Mme Eshelman pendant que vous aviez une aventure?
So... you continued having sex with Mrs. Eshelman during the time of your affair?
M. et Mme Eshelman.
Mr. and Mrs. Eshelman.
Message urgent pour Mme Landsman.
This is an urgent message for Mrs. Landsman.
Excusez-moi, Mme Johnson.
Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson?
Mme Johnson.
Oh. Mrs. Johnson.
- Dr et Mme Masters!
- Dr. and Mrs. Masters!
Dr. and Mrs. Masters. Come on!
Dr et Mme Masters.
Dr. and Mrs. Masters.
Nos sincères condoléances, Mme Alvarez.
We are very sorry about your loss, Mrs. Alvarez.
Mme Alvarez, vous partiez quelque part?
Mrs. Alvarez, were you guys going somewhere?
Merci de votre aide, Mme Alvarez.
Thank you for your time, Mrs. Alvarez.
Mme Alvarez, inspecteur Riggs.
- Yes? - Mrs. Alvarez,
Et quoi, Mme Alvarez?
And what, Mrs. Alvarez?
- Mme Park, quelle bonne surprise.
- Mrs. Park, what a nice surprise!
[Mrs. Park] Do you?
Tu pourrais lui apporter ses plats et lui dire : "Bonsoir, Mme Park, ravie de vous rencontrer."
Like, what if you took her the food yourself and were like, "Hi, Mrs. Park, nice to meet you."
Mme Park, j'ai quelques idées pour les Surgelés Gourmet Park...
Mrs. Park, I actually had a few ideas for Park Frozen Gourmet...
Je suis désolée, Mme Park.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Park.
Mme Park, et si Joon et moi nous marions et que j'acceptais le travail?
[Ga-in] Mrs. Park, what if Joon and I got married, and I took the job?
Mme Park?
[male # 1] Mrs. Park?
Mme Park.
Mrs. Park.
Ne vous en faites pas, Mme Park, tout ira bien.
[Ga-in] Don't worry, Mrs. Park, everything will work out.
Oui, Mme Park?
Yes, Mrs. Park?
Mme Park... peut-être.
Mrs. Park... oh, maybe.

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