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Much перевод на английский

266,231 параллельный перевод
"Cela me faire entrer beaucoup de mal."
"It will get me in much trouble."
Et donc, je conclus ce que nous devrions faire à ce sujet n'est pas militariser la relation, mais ayant en quelque sorte un effort de diplomatie des citoyens, un peu comme les médecins pour la responsabilité sociale
And so, I concluded what we should be doing about it is not militarizing the relationship, but sort of having a citizens diplomacy effort, much like the physicians for social responsibility who were going to the Soviet Union
La réalité est cependant bien différente.
The reality however is much different.
Qui semblent être gênant, ou gênant par trop savoir.
Who appear to be inconvenient, or troublesome through knowing too much.
Ou sur Internet où il y a tellement de fausses informations qui est mélangé avec l'information réelle, que vous ne savez pas quoi faire de lui.
Or on the Internet where there's so much false information that's mixed in with the real information, that you don't know what to make of it.
Extraterrestrial life is going to be discovered much sooner than anybody had previously expected.
Extraterrestrial life is going to be discovered much sooner than anybody had previously expected.
But, I think that the US government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what s going on with unidentified aerial phenomena.
But, I think that the US government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what's going on with unidentified aerial phenomena.
Alors va les empêcher de se masturber.
Then go in there and get them to stop masturbating so much.
- Merci à tous.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
Francis, je vois bien au-delà de cette période chaotique.
Oh, Francis, my eyes are on a landscape that is so much bigger than any one of your roads.
Aux électeurs du Tennessee et de l'Ohio?
Oh, you have that much faith in the voters in Tennessee and Ohio?
La communauté noire mérite mieux que Frank Underwood.
As am I. The black community deserves so much better than Frank Underwood's failed policies.
Ce lieu inspirait le respect.
That office used to carry so much weight, so much, uh, respect.
Vous finirez par comprendre à quel point vous êtes responsables du statu quo.
One of these days the members of this room will realize how much you actually prop up the status quo.
M. le Président, on vous a peu entendu.
No, Mr. President. You haven't spoken much here.
Merci pour votre aide.
And listen, I want to thank you so much for helping us with this.
Que veulent les Chinois sur ce bateau?
Why do the Chinese care so much about what's on this Russian boat?
Votre visage. Vous n'avez pas envie d'être ici.
Your face... which tells me how much you don't want to be here.
Mais, Will... j'aimerais beaucoup montrer que nos partis peuvent collaborer, et j'espérais que vous envisageriez de devenir mon ministre des Transports.
But Will... I would very much like to show the country that our two parties can work together. So I was hoping that you might consider becoming my transportation secretary.
- Il ne va pas tenir. - C'est difficile.
- He won't put up with this much longer.
Vous me semblez totalement maître de vous-même.
You seem very much in control to me.
Merci, Cathy.
Thank you very much, Cathy.
- On a beaucoup à se dire.
- We have much to discuss.
Mais, Mark, la suite est encore mieux.
Oh, but, Mark... it gets so much better.
Pourquoi avez-vous du mal avec ce jeune loup?
So why are you having so much trouble with this one young congressman?
Il y a peu de temps dans une journée, et il faut se demander régulièrement si on l'utilise à bon escient.
There's just only so much time and energy in a single day, and I think we need to constantly be asking ourselves, "Am I spending it as wisely as I can?"
Claire, vous devriez rester en dehors de ça autant que possible.
Claire, I think... it might be best for you to stay out of this as much as possible.
Combien de temps vont-ils fermer les yeux?
They've looked the other way, but for how much longer?
Mais, Doug, si Claire et moi t'avons invité, c'est pour te dire à quel point tu comptes pour nous deux.
But, look, Doug... The reason that Claire and I invited you over tonight is because we want you to know how much you mean to us. To both of us.
Je ne vais pas tenir.
I don't know how much longer I can do this.
En fait, je ne suis pas là souvent.
Well... I'm not here that much.
Je vous préférais quand vous fumiez.
You were much more interesting when you smoked.
Vous ne tenez pas beaucoup à moi.
You don't care for me very much, do you?
Je respecte trop cette fonction pour continuer.
I respect the office too much to allow this to continue going on.
Dites-moi à quel point vous ne voulez pas que ça s'ébruite.
Tell me how much you don't want that to end up in the press.
Un politicien peut viser plus haut que la présidence?
This is the presidency. How much higher can a politician go?
Sache que je tiens à toi. Mais j'ignore ce que je peux apporter.
Look, I want you to know that I care for you, but I don't know how much I can be there.
Personne ne t'aimera jamais autant que moi.
No one will ever love you as much as I do.
On en sait beaucoup trop sur Aidan.
We both know too much about Aidan.
Mais en mieux : les temps modernes, c'est plus dur.
Only better'cause it's modern times and everything's so much harder now.
- Je l'ai prise à une Blanche riche.
- I took it from a rich white lady. - Okay, thank you very much.
Maintenant, vous savez qu'ils sont aussi nuls que vous.
Now you know they suck just as much as you do.
Vous êtes plus vieille avec un marteau.
You're a much older lady with a hammer.
Tout d'abord, j'aimerais toutes vous remercier d'être venues.
Okay, first off, I want to thank you all so much for coming.
J'ignorais le travail et la discipline que demandait l'architecture.
I had no idea how much work a discipline like Architecture would be.
Et en très peu de temps, je suis devenu le designer principal.
In a very short period of time, I pretty much became the lead designer.
Il m'a beaucoup inspiré. C'est ce qui m'a donné l'idée de rendre les coussinets des Air Max visibles.
I was very much inspired by that building, and that's how I ended up exposing these airbags in the Air Max.
Il s'est mis à porter des Nike, même à la télévision.
[shouts] He decided to wear'em, and liked them so much that he wore'em on television.
Si les gens n'adorent pas ou ne détestent pas votre produit, c'est que vous n'avez pas accompli grand-chose.
But, if people don't either love or hate your work, you just haven't done all that much.
Mais c'était à peu près tout ce qui se passait lors des concerts.
But that was pretty much everything I saw in bands.
Autant la vôtre que la mienne.
- It's as much your head as mine, Cathy.

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