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Oût перевод на английский

1,017,567 параллельный перевод
Si Solotov avait été là, on serait plus en vie.
If Solotov was out there, we wouldn't have made it from the trucks to this barn.
On s'organisera avec Ali et Tio.
We'll get on the phone with Ali and Tio, and, uh, we'll figure all this out.
Le seul truc hyper stable chez toi, c'est le flot de conneries que tu débites.
I think the only thing steady about you is the constant stream of nonsense coming out of your mouth.
- Je veux juste t'aider.
I'm just trying to help you out.
Une bande de grosses légumes qui ont brassé du vent avec un PowerPoint.
Turns out it's just a bunch of bigwigs who feel they need to justify their existence with PowerPoint slides.
Régler ça?
- and we're gonna figure it out.
- Figure it out? How?
Filons avant que ça dégénère.
I say we bug out before this goes sideways.
Amenez la femme du mollah.
Bring out the mullah's wife.
Soyez prudents.
All right, y'all, be careful out there.
Allô, le 8113e? Soyez prudents.
8113, watch your speed out there.
Je voulais justement réparer le loquet, je vais voir.
Gotta be that latch I've been meaning to fix. I'm gonna go check it out.
On se tire.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Let's go. Move'em out.
Il y a un quartier. Si on peut appeler ça comme ça. À la sortie de l'autoroute 7.
There's a neighborhood, if you can call it that, out off Highway 7.
Votre article ne doit pas le citer.
I want his name out of your story.
Montrez-moi à quoi sert votre insigne, trouvez la raison du transfert de Wahid.
Why don't you show me how good your access in clearance are and find out why Waheed was transferred.
Sinon, dégage.
Otherwise, get the fu... out of here.
Sortez-le de là, dépêchez-vous.
Get him out of there. Come on, get him out of there.
Il a dû décamper.
It's probably bugged out.
On attend quoi?
How long you wanna wait this out?
Si j'écris ce rapport, ça revient à accuser l'ONU d'avoir éliminé le témoin d'un trafic d'héro de la CIA.
I write this report, I'm basically accusing the UN of taking out a witness to a CIA-run heroin ring.
D'où la bonne bouteille.
Now I know why you broke out the good stuff.
Le compte rendu de la journée, les faits.
It's an account of what happened out there today ; the facts.
Vous dérapez complètement.
You're completely out of control.
Selon Denning, il était perturbé. Mais ses infos étaient bonnes.
Yeah, Denning said he might've had some mental health issues, but apparently everything he brought him checked out.
On doit savoir qui a engagé Solotov.
Okay, well, the thing we have to figure out is who hired Solotov.
Putain, prie pour que personne d'autre ne l'apprenne.
Well, you'd better bloody hope none of the others find out.
Sonia est innocente, elle est sortie.
Yeah, Sonia didn't do it and now she's out.
Tu peux vérifier ça et voir ce qu'il a obtenu?
So can you track that and find out how much he got?
- Tu pourrais vérifier, et trouver les noms des bénéficiaires pour savoir combien ils ont reçu.
But you could check with probate and find out the names of the beneficiaries and how much they got.
Elle est dehors, libre.
She's out there. She's free.
Si tu ne l'appelles pas, elle se demandera pourquoi, et elle pourrait tout comprendre.
'Cause if you don't call, she'll wonder why, and then she might figure it out.
Il n'en reste plus beaucoup depuis que Proctor m'est tombée dessus.
There's not much left after Proctor cleaned me out.
Je suppose que ton futur est tout tracé maintenant que tu m'as fait sortir de prison.
I s'pose you've got your future all mapped out now you've got me off the hook.
Tu as pensé à tout.
You have worked it all out. Mmm.
Sortez toutes de vos cellules!
All prisoners out of their cells!
Sors maintenant. Et ne m'oblige pas à venir te traîner en dehors.
Don't make me come in there and haul you out.
Pourquoi tu m'as aidée?
Why'd you help me out?
Tu as une chance de sortir d'ici.
You've got a chance to get out of here.
Mais le tueur est là dehors.
But the killer is out there.
- Sors.
- Get out.
Ça serait trop facile.
- Argh! There's no easy way out for you.
Je vais sortir d'ici et tu vas venir avec moi.
Now, I'm gonna get out and you're gonna come with me.
- Tu as besoin de t'évader et de vivre une vie heureuse.
- Now, you need to get out and you need to live a happy life.
- Adieu Marge!
- maybe the only way out of here is in a box. - Bye, Marge.
Mais certaines femmes voudront un suivi, surtout si elles n'ont pas à bosser.
- Mmm. - but some of the women might want grief counselling, especially if it gets them out of work.
Je vous raccompagne.
I'll walk you out.
- T'es déjà allée voir? - Non, donc?
- Well, have you ever been out there?
Ça vaut le coup, non?
- No, so? Worth checkin'out, right?
On sortira jamais par ici.
Definitely not getting out this way.

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