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Parkour перевод на английский

110 параллельный перевод
- On faisait du parkour.
We parkoured together.
Du "parkour"? Du free running.
Parkour? Free running.
Pas de photos, pas de répertoire. "Parkour" veut peut-être dire "ne rien laisser derrière soi".
No pictures, no address book. Maybe "parkour" is french for leave no trace behind. A lot of music, all of it burned.
Les Galanis, c'est pas le type de maison qu'on cambriole. C'est loin du parkour.
So the paper's real? It means it's as authentic as the painting. The Galanis house is an unlikely target for a burglary.
Tu connais le parkour?
You haven't heard of parkour, have you?
- Parkour!
- Extreme! - Parkour!
Voilà Parkour.
{ \ pos ( 192,240 ) } This is parkour.
Techniquement, ils font bien du Parkour si le point A est le délire et le point B, l'hôpital.
{ \ pos ( 192,240 ) } So technically they are doing parkour as long as point A is delusion and point B is the hospital.
Parkour hardcore!
- Hardcore parkour!
C'est du parkour.
PAUL : That's called parkour.
Et je fais du parkour.
And I do parkour.
Il nous refait du parkour? C'est un pro.
– Is he gonna do more of that parkour stuff?
Elle est chanmée ton idée de mêler le parkour au hip-hop.
I don't know much about hip-hop, but I know parkour. I think your idea of putting the two together is wicked.
On se la joue parkour?
- I say we go lay some parkour on them.
T'es obligé de t'entraîner au parkour dans la maison?
Honey, do you really need to practice your parkour exercises in the house?
Parkour ( sport )!
Je ne pourrai pas, j'ai une compétition de parcours.
I won't be able to make it, because I have a parkour competition.
- Oui. En Bulgarie il n'y a pas de championnat national de parcours.
There's no national parkour championship in Bulgaria.
Le championnat national de parcours est en Finlande.
Finland. The national parkour championship is there.
Sly et Adrian dirigent notre Parkour Crew.
Sly and Adrian are leaders of our parkour crew.
Oh non, c'est un mec qui fait du parkour.
Oh, no, he's one of those parkour, free-running guys.
- T'as fait du parkour?
- Did you do any parkour?
Les armes, les balles, le parkour?
The guns, the bullets, the parkour?
- Parkour.
Oh non, c'est un de ces Yamakasi.
Oh, no, he's one of those parkour, free-running guys.
Zack avait appris ce nouveau mouvement de parkour et il voulait que je le film.
Zack had learned this new parkour move and he wanted me to film him.
Je suis un vrai Yamakasi.
I took a parkour class at the community center.
Moi qui pensais lui offrir des cours de parkour pour son anniversaire.
Aw, damn it! I just had to get her parkour lessons for her birthday.
Je m'entraînais sur mon parcours?
Practicing my Parkour?
Je faisais du parkour là tout de suite.
I was- - I was doing parkour just now.
Abbi, le parkour c'est terrifiant, je sais.
Abbi, parkour is terrifying, I know.
Dennis, continues tes squats. Je vais faire un peu de parkour.
Dennis, keep squatting, I'm gonna do some parkour.
Tu parles le langage du parkour, pas vrai?
All right, you speak parkour, right?
Je vous l'avais dit, Zombie Parkour vaut de l'or.
I told you guys, zombie parkour is a million-dollar idea.
Pas de Parkour. Pas de running-man Film ou comédie musicale
I mean, he seems like the kind of laid-back guy who delights in having his mistakes exposed.
Comment t'as appris à faire le parkour?
How did you learn how to do parkour?
Dylan m'a dit que tu débutais au parkour.
Dylan tells me you're new to parkour.
C'est ce qui a de génial dans le parkour, mon ami.
That's the great thing about parkour, my friend.
Tout ça, le parkour, free running, tracing...
This whole thing, parkour, free running, tracing...
Où t'as appris le parkour?
Where'd you learn how to do parkour?
Nikki et moi, on a vécu dans la rue quand on a découvert le parkour.
Nikki and I were living on the streets when we found parkour.
Ont-ils jamais parlé de ça?
Did they ever parkour it?
Ah, le Parkour.
Ah. Parkour.
Mais as-tu oublié le parkour?
But what happened to the evasive parkour?
- Le parkour.
Ah, evasive parkour.
Excellent parkour.
Very good evasive parkour.
Il se servait de son agilité de "parkoureur".
He put his parkour's skills set to good use.
J'ai jamais fait de parkour, alors...
I don't know parkour, so...
Pas de Parkour.
No parkour.

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