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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Samuel

Samuel перевод на английский

2,217 параллельный перевод
- J'étais dans la roulotte de Samuel.
- I just went into Samuel's trailer.
Samuel n'a pas toujours été le chef.
Samuel wasn't... He wasn't always in charge.
Le seul point noir est Samuel.
The only thing wrong with it is Samuel.
Tu n'as pas pu tuer Samuel.
You couldn't kill Samuel.
Tu veux me manipuler pour assassiner Samuel.
You want to manipulate me to your agenda to kill Samuel.
Où est Samuel?
Where's Samuel?
Ce que Samuel lui a fait, ces tactiques médiévales ne te mèneront nulle part.
What Samuel's done to her, { \ * said to her, and } these medieval tactics aren't getting you anywhere with either of them.
Si j'attrapais le croque-mitaine et te ramenais à Samuel,
Thought if I caught the boogie man and brought you back to Samuel,
- Tu retournerais vers Samuel, alors qu'il a tué ton ami et t'en a accusé?
- You'd go back to Samuel even after he killed your friend and blamed it on you?
Ensemble, nous pourrions arrêter Samuel.
We could stop Samuel together.
Elle n'est pas folle de Samuel.
She has no great love for Samuel.
Nous isolerons Samuel ici, dans ces coulisses.
We're gonna isolate Samuel here, in this backstage area.
Samuel est le problème.
Samuel's the problem.
Même si on arrête Samuel, quelqu'un pourrait prendre sa place.
Even if we stopped Samuel, what if somebody else takes his place? { \ * can you promise me that somebody else won't just take his place? }
Samuel l'a rendu comme ça.
Samuel has done a number on Edgar.
Je suis Samuel.
My name is Samuel.
On pourrait isoler Samuel ici.
We could isolate Samuel here.
Notre priorité est d'arrêter Samuel.
But our primary focus must be stopping Samuel.
Les parents de Samuel travaillaient chez elle.
She grew up in the estate where his parents worked.
Je voulais vous parler de Samuel Sullivan.
I wanted to talk to you about Samuel Sullivan.
Nos rêves, Samuel?
Our dreams, Samuel?
Samuel a dit lui-même qu'il peut être le prochain Joseph.
Samuel himself said that he may be the next Joseph.
J'ai besoin de ton aide.
I need your help. Do you know Samuel Sullivan?
Tu connais Samuel Sullivan?
{ \ * Have you ever heard of a guy named Samuel Sullivan? }
- C'est qui? La copine de Samuel?
- What is she, Samuel's girlfriend { \ * or something }?
On s'est parlé au téléphone, au sujet de Samuel Sullivan.
We spoke on the phone { \ * briefly }. I called you about Samuel Sullivan.
Samuel Sullivan est un homme très dangereux.
Samuel Sullivan is a very dangerous man.
Il dit s'appeler Samuel?
Who said his name was Samuel?
- Tu crois que Samuel...
- You think Samuel...
Elle l'a eue de Samuel?
{ \ * Okay, so you're saying } She got that from the Samuel guy?
Ton ami, Samuel.
Your friend, Samuel.
- Arrêtons Samuel Sullivan!
- We must stop Samuel Sullivan!
- Ce dont j'ai besoin, c'est de rentrer.
What I need is to go home, Samuel.
C'est Samuel Sullivan.
It was Samuel Sullivan.
Ils parlent d'un glissement de terrain, mais on sait que c'est Samuel.
They're saying it was a landslide, but we know it was Samuel.
Samuel est fou.
Samuel is crazy.
Samuel est mauvais, oui.
Look, Samuel is a bad guy, yes.
Ils donnent son pouvoir à Samuel, non?
I thought you said they were giving Samuel his power.
Si Samuel intensifie ses attaques, on peut pas attendre de voir
If Samuel's escalating his attacks, we can't sit around and wait to see
Ce Samuel est une menace, et pas seulement pour Claire.
Look, this Samuel is a threat and not just to Claire.
Ton père vient pour Samuel, pour le tuer.
Your father is coming for Samuel, to kill him.
Claire, si Samuel le découvre...
Claire, if Samuel finds out, he's...
Samuel n'acceptera jamais.
Samuel will never go for it.
S'il te plaît, écoute-la.
Please, Samuel, listen to her.
Samuel est au milieu.
There's Samuel on the midway.
Samuel veut se livrer.
Samuel wants to surrender.
Tu as Samuel, et personne n'est blessé.
You get Samuel, and nobody gets hurt.
Samuel a dit que vous viendriez.
Samuel said you'd come.
- Samuel veut se livrer. - Vraiment?
- Samuel wants to surrender.
Laisse-la partir.
Let her go { \ *, Samuel }.

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