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Translate.vc / французский → английский / Ware

Ware перевод на английский

190 параллельный перевод
Lander et Ware n'y sont pas. Ils ne sont pas là.
Lander and Ware haven't shown up yet.
Que suis-je censé faire ici?
Lander and Ware haven't shown up. What am I supposed to do here?
M. Lander et Mlle Ware vont se marier.
Spill it. Mr. Lander and Miss Ware are gonna get married.
Lander et Ware vont voir le prêtre ce soir.
Lander and Ware are telling it to the minister tonight.
- C'est à vous, Mlle Ware.
Number coming up, Miss Ware. ANN :
- Allez, remettez-vous, Ware.
Come on, come on, snap out of it, Ware.
Comment ça va entre toi et Ann Ware?
How are you and Ann Ware getting along?
- Je vais essayer, Mlle Ware.
ROY : I'll try, Miss Ware.
Toute la semaine, elle était furieuse parce que Mlle Ware avait le rôle principal.
She's been furious all week, account of Miss Ware getting the lead in the show.
Et quand elle a appris que M. Lander allait épouser Mlle Ware, elle a explosé!
And when she heard Mr. Lander was going to marry Miss Ware, she just went wild!
Au début, j'ai cru qu'elle voulait gâcher le numéro de Mlle Ware.
At first I thought she only wanted to queer Miss Ware's performance.
Sur la scène, Mlle Ware chantait avec M. Lander.
Down on the stage, Miss Ware was singing with Mr. Lander.
... cuite dans une cocotte ou dans une marmite d'Aubagne'?
Can you make the difference between a stew cooked in ironware and one in crock ware?
Les balles de tissu étaient trop lourdes pour elles.
Those heavy bowls in the glass ware were a wee bit too much for her.
Si vous voulez venir ici, Mlle Ware...
If you'd like to come over here, Miss Ware...
Bonjour, Mlle Ware.
- Good morning, Miss Ware.
De rien, Mlle Ware.
- Oh, no trouble at all, Miss Ware.
Bonjour, Mlle Ware.
- Hello, Miss Ware. - Hello.
- Toi et la fille de Buck Ware?
You and Buck Ware's daughter? What's the big...
Je vous en prie.
- Think nothing of it, Miss Ware.
- Je m'en charge, Mlle Ware.
That's all right, Miss Ware. I'll carry it in.
- Mlle Ware?
- Yes, Miss Ware?
Tenez, M. Ware.
Here you are, Mr. Ware.
Désolé pour l'attente. Il a fallu que je me présente.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss Ware, I had to be introduced to the gentlemen.
Inutile, Mlle Ware est parfaite.
Oh, no, thanks. Don't bother. Miss Ware is doing fine.
Vous savez, Mlle Ware, je donnerais dix ans de ma vie pour être membre.
You know, Miss Ware, I'd give 10 years of my life to belong to a club like this.
Ne dites pas ça, Mlle Ware.
Oh, I wouldn't say that, Miss Ware.
Laissez, Mlle Ware.
Let me take care of that, Miss Ware.
- Ready, Miss Ware?
- Bonjour, Mlle Ware.
- How do you do, Miss Ware?
Tenez-moi ceci.
Hold this, will you, Miss Ware?
Mlle Ware, ne m'entortillez pas.
Come on now, Miss Ware. No fancy knots.
Parrainé par M. Henry Ware, ainsi que sa fille, Victoria.
Mr. Henry Ware and his daughter, Victoria, of the same name.
Mlle Ware, M. Ware, M. Le Juge,
Miss Ware, Mr. Ware. How are you, Judge?
Mlle Ware, une chose me laisse perplexe.
You know, Miss Ware, here's something I can't understand.
Vous vous trompez.
Miss Ware, you're wrong about that.
- Tenez, pour votre perspicacité.
- Miss Ware, that's for being so right.
Mlle Ware, M. De Witt.
Hello, Miss Ware. Hello, Mr. Dewitt.
Quel beau spectacle!
That was certainly a pretty sight, Miss Ware.
Mlle Ware, quand une fille perd sa dignité, elle perd toute son allure.
Look, Miss Ware, let me tell you something. When a girl loses her dignity, she loses something important. She loses class.
M. Ware, M. Huntington, Mlle Ware.
Mr. Huntington, Miss Ware.
Si je suis KO, vous m'aspergerez d'eau?
Well, Miss Ware, if I get knocked out, I hope you throw a little water on me.
Je vois que vous avez repris une vieille conversation.
Well, I see you two have picked up the conversation right where you left off. - Hello, Mr. Ware.
Faites-lui quitter NewYork.
You'd better get her out of New York, Mr. Ware.
Elle n'aime pas les gens célèbres. Du tout.
Of course she doesn't like famous people, Mr. Ware, not much.
Avec Jim, on n'en dort plus.
I wanna tell you, Miss Ware, that Jim and I are so worried we can't sleep.
Mlle Ware, vous m'avez hué?
- Hello, Miss Ware. - Was that you booing just now?
- Merci, Mlle Ware.
- Thank you, Miss Ware.
Faith Samuels, Kim Aldridge, Effie Meyers, les deux filles Ware,
Faith Samuels, Kim Aldridge, Effie Meyers, both the Ware girls,
- Attendez.
No, don't worry, Miss Ware.
Bonsoir, Mlle Ware.
Oh, how do you do, Miss Ware?

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