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Íls перевод на английский

6 параллельный перевод
Si c'est une meute, íls le tueront. Buck, reviens!
If that's a pack, they'II kill him Buck, come here!
J'aímaís mes voísíns et íls semblaíent m'aímer aussí.
I liked my neighbors and they seemed to like me.
C'est à peu près tout ce qu'íls comprennent.
'And that was about all'they could get out of it.'
Comme les anges vocalísent ru entends l'hymneioyeux qu'íls entonnent
Like the angels sing And you hear the joyful hymn they chime
Papa a dît qu'íls subíraíent Ie même sort que nous.
Father saíd they would suffer the same fate that we would.
Par transsexuels... j'entends, du sexe masculín au fémínín... parce qu'íls sont plus nombreux... et grand nombre d'entre eux, ont des antécédents macho.
When I speak of transsexuals, I tend to speak of male to female because there are a whole lot of more of them than going the other way. And an awful lot of them have real macho backgrounds.

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