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630 параллельный перевод
Voici Jane Sherman.
İşte karşınızda. Adı Jean Sherman. Şarkısı "I'm Wild About Harry".
Vous ne pouviez pas choisir un autre jour? C'est son premier combat dans sa ville natale.
Don't you know any better than to bring your brats here today of all days... when Senor Gallardo is about to make his first formal appearance... in his hometown?
- What about work? Et du merveilleux travail, jour après jour...
Şahane işler, her yeni bir gün?
- I have a theory about "The Odyssey".
Odyssey hakkında bir teorim var.
- They must go, Jerry. - If you decide about Capri, call me this evening.
Capri konusunda kararınızı verdiğiniz takdirde bu akşam beni arayın.
What are you talking about?
Ne diyorsun sen?
Remind me to ask Mézeray about the medical report.
Mezeray'yle doktor raporu hakkında konuşmamız gerekiyor.
Seigneur, benis ce repas et ceux qui l'ont prepare.
Tanrım, almak üzere olduklarımız için about to receive... bizi minnettar kıI.
C'est un business basé sur la confiance.
Bu bir güven işi. I can't have them gossiping about the clients.
# Bana ait hiçbir şey #
"A bloody steak, sir? " And what about some fucking potatoes? "
" Kanlı biftek, efendim... iyi seçim, peki yanında bulamaç patatese ne dersiniz?
Photographies à propos de quoi vous avez eu des hallucinations... que vous croyiez tenir dans vos mains.
Başka örnek. Ciddi bir delüzyon. Photographs about which you've had hallucinations... which you believed you held in your hand.
Elles existent... en mémoire.
Say what you were about to say, Winston.
Photographies à propos de quoi vous avez eu des hallucinations... que vous croyiez tenir dans vos mains.
Photographs about which you've had hallucinations... which you believed you held in your hand.
Redîtes ce que vous étiez en train de dire, Winston.
Say what you were about to say, Winston.
Je vais raconter l'histoire d'un gars avec un but
"Wanna tell you a story about a guy with a roll"
Nous devons lui révéler les conditions du testament.
Sanırım Mr Brewster'e vasiyetname şartlarından bahsetmek yeterince insaflı olur. about the conditions of the will.
Tu ne m'as pas dit que tu sortais. Tu dormais.
You didn't say anything about going out.
Je n'arrête pas de me dire que nous devrions être à l'hôpital.
I keep thinking about the hospital.
Pourquoi faut-il toujours que tu pleures avant d'être battu? ( beat about the bush )
Neden her şeyi ağzında geveliyorsun?
It s just that we ve got this thing about death.
Sadece ölümü düşünüyoruz. Bu iş bize göre değil.
Which is what you are about to become.
Birazdan sen de hiçbir şey olacaksın.
Tu parles d'une mauvaise journée.
Talk about having a bad day.
I want you to know the truth about your mother.
Annen hakkındaki gerçeği bilmeni istiyorum.
# And push them about #
# Utanmadan hırpalardı onları #
Reprends un peu de baklavas
True dish How about a little more Baklava?
Ouais, je sui aussi timide qu'un régiment au galop.
Yeah, l'm about as shy as a regiment at full gallop.
Il y a quelque chose qui me dérange chez le maire, les politiciens et les dignitaires.
Something about the mayor and politicians and dignitaries that troubles me a bit.
Et ils n'hésitent jamais à demander à un homme de mourir pour eux.
And they never think twice about asking a man to die for them.
Eh bien, John, la plupart de ma vie j'ai été méfiant... sur la venue du commandement supérieur.
Well, John, most of my life I've been leery about the appearance of high command.
Can you tell me something about that?
Bana bundan bahseder misin?
Je dois avouer que je suis assez curieux au sujet du général Longstreet.
I must confess l'm rather curious about General Longstreet.
C'est le meilleur joueur de poker de cette armée.
He just happens to be about the best damn poker player in this here man's army.
Voir, j'espérais juste, monsieur, que peut-être vous pourriez... parler à quelqu'un de cette disposition des troupes.
See, I was just... I was hoping, sir, that perhaps you could talk to somebody about this arrangement of the troops.
Et me disent toujours ce que je veux savoir... À propos de qui est où, combien, depuis combien de temps.
And the whole time telling me exactly what I wanna know about who's where, how many, how long ago.
Mad About You continue dans un instant.
Onlar istisnalar.
Je me moque complètement de la philosophie klingonne.
I don't give a damn about Klingon philosophy.
- De quoi lui parlerais-je?
- Talk to him about what?
On devrait peut-être dialoguer?
Maybe we should talk about this?
J'aurais passé ma vie dans la médiocrité à rêver de ce que ça aurait pu être.
I would have spent my life a mediocre man, only dreaming about what might have been.
Occupe-toi du vortex.
Worry about the wormhole.
- Seule Jadzia compte pour vous.
- All you care about is Jadzia.
- Et pour vous, il n'y a que Verad.
- You care about Verad.
Voici Diana Ross et les Supremes avec "Come see about me".
Diana Ross ve Supremes'den, Come See About Me.
No one knows nothin'about me
Hiç kimse bilmiyor hakkımda bir şey
On a les moyens de le faire.
- Amerikalılar en çok Kanadalıların "about" kelimesini telaffuzlarıyla dalga geçerler Evet sana "o" harfininin kullanıIışını öğretme yollarımız da var.
" If we thought a bit about the end of it
# Tül gibi kanatlar üzerinde aya yolculuk
" One never knows about tomorrow
# Düşen her yıldız için
- About the money and his wife.
Para ve karısı hakkında...
- Paul is going to call you. - What about you?
Peki ya sen?
- What is it that interests you about "The Odyssey"?
Seni Odyssey projesine çeken neydi, Paul?

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