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Happened перевод на турецкий

54 параллельный перевод
Croyez-moi, ce serment me remplit de terreur.
Böyle bir an insanı sonsuzluk korkusuna sürüklüyor. It happened years ago.
Que se passe-t-il? Que se passe-t-il?
What has happened?
What happened to you, Paul?
Ne oldu sana Paul?
- Non. Pourquoi es-tu tout noir?
What happened to your face?
"I don t remember when this happened"
Bunun ne zaman olduğunu hatırlamıyorum.
J'ai toujours fantasmé qu'une belle femme en pleurs réclame You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me de Gladys Knight.
Hayalimde güzel ve gözü yaşlı bir kadın ısrarla "You're the Best Thing That Happened to Me" yi çaldırır.
Je n'ai rien raconté à personne.
Olanlardan kimseye bahsetmedim happened.
On se souvient tous quand Jake menait le jeu.
We know what happened last time Jake called the plays.
Je suis au courant pour Priscilla et toi.
I heard about what happened with Priscilla.
L'accident de Marty, c'était pas de ta faute.
What happened to Marty wasn't your fault.
ça aurait pu arriver à n'importe qui... qui aurait agi contre l'avis du coach et de l'équipe... lancé une fusée à un avorton attardé qui n'avait rien à faire là!
It could've happened to anybody. Anybody that disobeyed the coach and the team and threw to a 90-pound kid who shouldn't have been on the field.
Que s'est-il passé?
Ne oldu? What happened?
Si nous ne le disons pas à la police, plus personne ne nous croira. C'est la seule chose qui nous reste.
If we do not say to him to the police which happened, we will not have credibility, and is the unique thing that we have left.
* Black Rebel Motorcycle Club * * "Whatever happened to my rock and roll" *
Çeviren :
* Whatever happened to you? *
Ne oldu sana?
* Whatever happened to our * * rock and roll?
Ne oldu Rock Roll'umuza?
* Whatever happened to my rock n'roll? *
Ne oldu Rock and Roll'uma?
* Whatever happened * * to our rock n'roll?
Ne oldu... Rock Roll'umuza?
What Just Happened?
- Ne oldu?
# Yes, that really just happened # ( oui ça vient d'arriver ) # Everybody saw it # ( tout le monde l'a vu )
# Evet, bu gerçekten... #... yasandi.
Well, what the hell happened?
Bu da neydi böyle?
Do you know if she happened to get out to Venezuela at all?
Venezuela'ya ne için gittiğini biliyor musun peki?
What happened?
Ne oldu böyle?
On a des places pour Funny Thing Happened.
A Funny Thing Happened'a yerimiz var da.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum?
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum?
- Saison 1 Épisode 11 - - It Happened One Christmas - Sous-titres :
Accidentally on Purpose ( 1x11 ) Çeviri ; eozen81
We Like to Move It Crew
Otter Things Have Happened
New York-Miami.
It Happened One Night.
Tu as oublié comme c'était agréable à l'hôtel?
Yapma. Otelde lt Happened One Night filmini izlemek ne kadar güzeldi.
Whatever happened to Saturday night
Cumartesi gecesine ne olduysa artık...
♪ Whatever happened to Fae Wray?
# Fae Wray'e her ne olduysa?
Que... Que s'est-il passé?
What happened?
♪ Shah shah shah shah shah ♪ ♪ Well, I remember every little thing ♪ ♪ As if it happened only yesterday ♪
* Hatırlıyorum en ufak detayına kadar sanki dünmüş gibi *
Aucun d'entre vous n'est jamais arrivé jusqu'à la Machine.
None of you has never happened till the machine.
Something bad s happened, right?
- Kötü bir şey oldu, değil mi?
What happened?
Ne oldu?
- What happened to Robin?
- Robin'e ne oldu?
- What happened?
- Ne oldu?
♪ summer lovin', happened so fast ♪
Yaz aşkı çok hızlı geldi
Même si je saurai jamais vraiment ce qui est arrivé à Antoine ça me va d'être ici avec toi.
Antoine'a ne olduğundan hiç emin olamayacak olsam da Even if I never know for sure what happened to Antoine Burada seninle olmaktan mutluyum.
C'est une sorte d'allégorie de nos carrières.
Seems that way based on what happened.
Wuntch m'a proposé d'écrire une lettre en mon nom mais à la place, elle m'a torpillé à cause de quelque chose qui est arrivé la nuit avant qu'elle ne le fasse.
Wuntch offered to write a letter on my behalf but instead, she torpedoed me because of something that happened the night before she was to turn it in.
- ♪ Oh ♪ - ♪ Make out like it never happened ♪
# Sanki hiç yaşanmamış gibi davranmak zorunda değildin #
Et c'est arrivé peu après ça.
Ve onda hemen sonra bu oldu. And it happened soon after that.
♪ I don t have a reason for a thing ♪ ♪ Je n'ai pas d'explication pour ♪ ♪ That's happened today ♪ ♪ Ce qui arrive aujourd'hui ♪
Bugün olanlarla ilgili hiçbir sebebim yok.
* Whatever happened * * to my rock n'roll?
Ne oldu...
Ca fait très " Whatever Happened To Baby Jane. *
Her ne kadar "Baby Jane'e Ne Oldu Gibi" görünse de.
# I don t know what s happened to the kids today
# Günümüz çocuklarına ne oldu hiç anlamıyorum #
# I don t know what s happened to the kids today. #
# Günümüz çocuklarına ne oldu hiç anlamıyorum #

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