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Might перевод на турецкий

139 параллельный перевод
Une journée peut tout changer.
A day might make the difference.
"Or it soon might explode " So make it one for my baby
# Kafanı şişirdiğim için kusuruma bakma
We might wrinkle it.
Boş yere kırışmasın.
Nothing to lose, it might be fun
Kaybedecek bir şey yok, eğlenceli olabilir
Pourrais-je vous dire quelques mots?
Might I have a few words?
Cette fichue guerre pourrait être terminée après cette bataille... Et mes garçons de Virginie en auront raté la plus grande partie.
That this whole damn war might be over after one more battle and my Virginia boys will have missed most of it.
Si nous tentons l'opération inverse, il pourrait ne pas survivre.
If we attempt another joining so soon, it might not survive.
J'aurais passé ma vie dans la médiocrité à rêver de ce que ça aurait pu être.
I would have spent my life a mediocre man, only dreaming about what might have been.
Si la télé tombe en panne en pleine canicule, c'est la fin des haricots et on peut déclarer forfait.
You take away a man's TV during the heat wave... you might as well pack up the canned goods and just head for the basement.
Comme les nuages rigolent, ils rigolent de toute leur puissance ils rigolent toute la journée...
How the winds are laughing, they laugh with all their might laugh and laugh the whole day through...
Comme c'est dur d'être un Juif à Noël Je peux même plus jouer avec mes copains Je peux pas chanter de cantiques
µ We're all special in our own way, everybody's different, µ µ but that's ok, cause even though µ µ we might have different coloured skin, µ µ different points of views, be tall or thin, µ µ it doesn't mean I can't lay you d
A la société Dyno-Might, notre but est la perfection.
Dyno Might Fişek Şirketi olarak, kendimizi mükemmelliğe adadık. Odaklandığımız konu, hem güvenli...
Il va falloir que vous preniez bien soin de vous.
You might want to take good care of yourself.
C'est dingue, mais fais-moi confiance.
It might seem crazy, but you'll have to trust me.
Tu me prendras peut-être pour un fou, mais moi, je préfère parier là-dessus.
Of course you might think I'm crazy to say that, but... I'd rather bet on that
Ça peut paraître bête mais je vais te demander que tu me le dises et redises.
It might seem silly but I'm going to ask you to say it again and again and again.
Il faut faire ce qu'on sait bien faire, Heureusement, on ne savait pas écrire de chansons, autrement on n'aurait pas fait certains trucs intéressants,
You have to watch your strengths, and it was a very good thing that we could not write singles, we might not have done some of the very interesting work that we did.
Autant acheter un Trans Am.
You might as well go and buy a TransAm.
J'aimerais faire mes classes avec toi, Shane.
I just might like to study at your feet, Shane.
Vanessa might have a case.
Vanessa`nın bir şansı olabilirmiş.
That in this darkness I might just disappear
bu karanlıktan şimdi yok olabilirim.
It might help. "
Bu olabilir. "
# Still my heart, this moment # Or it might burst
# Şu anda kalbime huzur ver # yoksa patlayabilir
# But you might crawl out with a knife
Ama toprağı kazıp çıkabilirsin Bir bıçakla...
Mais tu pourrais apprendre à aimer ça, si tu essaies.
But you might just learn to like it if you give it a try.
Si vous avez des questions, mes vendeurs seront ravis d'y répondre.
Satış personeli sorularınızı yanıtlamaktan mutluluk duyacaktır. ... any question you might have.
'Cause I might not make it back
* Çünkü belki geri dönemeyeceğim! *
# It might sound silly Yeah, for me to think...
# It might sound silly Yeah, for me to think...
# "Where a man might find a bed?"
# "Where a man might find a bed?"
Vous avez une idée du responsable?
Any idea which one of your patrons might have given him these bruises?
I don t think it s gonna get physical, but I might need someone here to restrain me.
Fiziksel bir noktaya geleceğini sanmam ama beni dizginleyecek birine ihtiyacım olabilir.
# You got to fight all through the night # # And do it with all your might #
Gece boyunca dövüşmelisin ve bütün gücünle mücadele etmelisin
♪ And it might sound gory But that s the unfortunate story ♪
# Kulağa ürpertici gelebilir Ama şanssız hikayem bu benim
# I feel like I might blow away
# Sanki savrulacakmış gibi hissediyorum
and might even find herself wanting the quiet one in the corner... le genre stable.
Hatta belkl de kendlnl, köşedekl sesslz adamı Isterken yakalayacaktı. Metanetll olanı.
And l'm getting closer Than I ever thought I might
* Ve sana yakınlaşıyorum * * hatta hiç ummadığım kadar *
Might as well jump
* Bari zıpla *
Well, you just might find You get what you need
* Görürsün ki * * sahip olursun istediğine *
I was worrying about the way that things might have been
* İşler nasıl gelişecek diye tedirgin olmadım *
Worried about the way things might have been
* İşler nasıl gelişecek diye tedirgin olmadım *
Might be a fantasy
* Olabilir sadece bir hayal ama *
He might find it to his advantage.
Belki çıkarı olacağını düşünüp, yardım eder.
- The neighbors might faint - Baby, it s bad out there
* Bayılabilir komşular * * Tatlım, hava çok kötü dışarıda *
I might as well be the one told you to pray
Bu kişi ben de olabilirim Sana bir heykel gösterdiler, dua et dediler
For things that you might have done
Yapabileceğin şeylerden bahsetmediler
I might as well be the one
Bu kişi ben de olabilirim
¶ As Marshall ran with all his might ¶
# Marshall tüm gücüyle koşup #
D'you think you might have a go on one of those Thai lady boys? Ouais.
Sence o Taylandlı oğlan kızlarla deneme şansı bulabilir misin?
Ouais. ♪ Do you understand ♪ ♪ This might be the perfect song ♪
Might as well jump
* * Bari zıpla *
C'est bien mieux que d'être un rat de laboratoire. Les gars, les petits pains.
Than what might happen to her if she decides to be a lab rat.

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