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Since перевод на турецкий

93 параллельный перевод
Depuis que tu es partie?
You mean all these weeks since you left me?
Since you- - Oh, I can t.
Çünkü... Oh, dayanamıyorum.
Tu fais mieux depuis ton Certificat?
Since then, it's moved up to the sixth grade. ls that it?
Il n'ai plus été le même depuis.
Hasn't been quite the same since.
- Nous sommes ensemble depuis.
- We've been together ever since.
Vous savez ce qu'est la télépathie. Je pensais... Je n'établirais jamais une connexion sans votre assentiment.
I assumed since you knew of our telepathic abilities... l-I never would have dreamed of making a connection without your consent.
On est aussi unis que quand Quagmire nous a eu le câble gratos.
Our neighborhood hasn't been this united since Quagmire got us free cable.
On attend ce moment depuis qu'on est pubères.
We've been waiting for this since puberty.
Que je l'aime depuis le premier regard.
I've loved her since I first saw her.
Je suis alcoolique Depuis la guerre du Vietnam
I've been an alcoholic Since my first tourin Nam
Been kind of ornery ever since Victoria passed.
Şampiyonluğu kılpayı kaçırdığından beri biraz mutsuz.
~ Since l've found serenity ~
~ Ben olabileceğim bir yer yoktu ki ~
~ Since l've found serenity ~
~ Ta ki Serenity'i bulmadan ~
~ Since l've found serenity ~ ( depuis que j'ai trouvé la sérénité. )
~ Ben olabileceğim bir yer yoktu ki ~
Puisque c'est pour toi, tu peux l'avoir pour plus cher que son prix.
Since it's you, you can have it for more than it's worth.
Vous semblez avoir beaucoup à faire.
Since you have plenty to do.
Notre Dieu est en marche.
Since God is marching on * /
On a le temps, on a décidé de ne pas voir le film.
We have time now, since we decided to skip the movie.
- - "Since? Cos?" - - Th?
"Ve bu iş bu kadardı"
But... since I started drogarmi I had the most pain.
Ama uyuşturucu kullanmaya başladığımdan beri mide problemim yok.
Simplified everything in recent years since I real relations of friendship with real friends with the group ever most famous and then find a person I love has solved many problems.
Yıllar geçtikçe daha da kolaylaşıyordu arkadaşlarımla gerçek ilişkiler geliştirmeye başladığımdan beri Aslında, grup, daha da sevilmeye başladıkça grupta bazı gerçek arkadaşlarım oluyordu. Sevdiğim birini bulmak, benden çok şey götürmüştür.
But since it fell unto my lot
# Kötüye giden talihimi
Ça fait un méchant bout que j'ai pas mis les pieds ici!
Been a while since I was here.
And we ll need its protection since Saladin is already on his way to Jerusalem.
Onun desteğine ihtiyacımız vardı. Selahaddin çoktan Kudüs'e, yola çıkmıştır.
Et puis aussi tabernacle.... it s been one week since you looked at me cocked your head to the side and said, "l'm angry"
Ve neredeyse unutuyordum... İşte böyle.
- Et depuis quand, t'es un saint?
And since when did you come an angel anyway?
Notre sonnerie pour toi était "Since U Been Gone." ( cf Kelly Clarkson )
Telefon melodisi olarak "gittiğinden beri" yi kullanıyorduk.
♪ It s been one week since you looked at me ♪
# Bana bakalı oldu daha bir hafta
♪ Five days since you laughed at me ♪
# Bana güleli beş gün oldu
I haven t made a number 2 since Chicago.
Chicago'dan beri ikinci bir şansım olmadı.
Ere humane statute purged the gentle weal... Ay, and since, too, murders have been committed.
Kanunlar insanların haklarını korumadan önce birçok cinayet işlendi.
Je n'ai jamais été aussi fort que depuis le congrès de Californie.
I haven't felt this strong since my California congressional days.
Why did she go? I only know that since he left
* Neden gitti ki * * Tek bildiğim, gittiğinden beri *
Since he went away
* Gittiğinden beri * * Gittiğinde *
Since she
* Beri * * Gittiğinden *
Since he went away
* Gittiğinden * * Beri * * Gittiğinden *
Since he went away
* Beri * * Gittiğinden * * Beri *
'Cause since l've come on home
* Çünkü eve döndüğümden beri *
It don t seem the same since cosmic light I thought I was divine
Kozmik ışık hayatıma uğradı uğrayalı kendimi kutsal görmeye başladım.
- ♪ We've been together since way back when ♪
- ♪ We've been together since way back when ♪
♪ That l've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl ♪
* Hep hayalini kurdum ta küçüklüğümden beri *
♪ Ever since I was a little girl ♪
* Ta küçüklüğümden beri *
Sinon, ce sera la pire catastrophe locale depuis le tremblement de terre de 1905.
this play's gonna be the biggest disaster in California since the earthquake in 1905.
I been craving hoppin'John since the moon was blue.!
Ayın mavi olduğu zamandan beri canım hoppin'John çekiyor.
Je dois découvrir tout ce qu'il a fait depuis.
I just have to find out everything he's been up to since I last saw him.
# Since l've gone away #
# Gittim gideli böyle #
Chacun de vous va chanter seize mesures de la chanson Since You ve Been Gone de Kelly Clarkson.
Seçmelerde hepiniz Kelly Clarkson'dan Since You've Been Gone'un on altı satırını okuyacaksınız.
♪ l've been kicked around since I was born ♪
* Kötü muamele gördüm doğduğumdan beri *
♪ Ever since I was a young boy ♪ ♪ I played the silver ball ♪
* Gümüş topu oynadım çocukluğumdan beri *
And tomorrow will make a day... since we ve met.
Tv-rip : sansliadam senkronlayan : sansliadam
♪ Three days since the living room ♪
# Üç günden beri oturma odasında

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