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Some перевод на турецкий

405 параллельный перевод
- Pourquoi pas Some Of These Days?
- Some Of These Days'e ne dersin?
Ça grouille de poissons, hein?
Biraz göl. Balıklar üşüşüyor, ha? Some lake.
" Be the man some girls think of
Garson! #... kollayacak
"Won't you tell her, please," to put on some speed
# Anahtarım var
- That's not all, Dad. Here's some more.
Tüm gereken şey iyi bir tesisatçı.
- I want you to write some new scenes for "The Odyssey".
Senden Odyssyey için bazı yeni sahneler yazmanı istiyorum.
- C'est pour faire comme Dean Martin dans "Some Came Running".
Deve yarışındaki Dean Martin'e benzemekten ibaret.
- Usta! - Some officers from Odawara.
What's Some over you? Tu as été piqué par un insecte?
- Neden biraz sohbet etmiyoruz?
Some you grace with fortune, Others you would duck.
Kimilerini edersin vezir, kimilerini rezil.
C'est absolument délicieux.
Bak. Taste some of this fish.
# Bazı değişiklikler olacak... # #... hem de bugün!
Arrête de pleurer maintenant et essaies de te reposer.
Stop crying now and try to get some rest.
"A bloody steak, sir? " And what about some fucking potatoes? "
" Kanlı biftek, efendim... iyi seçim, peki yanında bulamaç patatese ne dersiniz?
On fait la poubelle Pour l'oseille
* * We dug some trash We need some cash * *
Qui se dit je veux la gloire, Et je veux du blé
"Said gotta find some glory, Gotta make some dough"
Je veux la gloire Et je veux du blé
"Gotta find some glory Gotta make some dough"
ce sont plus des fanatiques religieux que des curieux.
The rest are... Well, they're more like some crazy cult than onlookers.
" Le vieux Jed tirait sur de la nourriture
# Old Jed was shootin'at some food
# For some money to take me from the old main drag # #
# Tek amacım para kazanıp bu malum yerden gitmek # #
Les douanes avaient une trace de lui.
Customs had some paper on him.
Tu as le pouvoir Tu seras gagnant Ca va faire boum!
You got some power in your corner now Some heavy ammunition in your camp
Tu as du punch! Frotte cette lampe Et je dis
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how, See all you gotta do is rub that lamp, and I'll say
Buffet froid, colonne "A", Fruits d'été, colonne "B"!
Try some of column'A'Try all of column'B'
À genoux, Prosternez-vous
Genuflect, show some respect, Down on one knee
Dans le sac, j'ai mis le réchaud et des casseroles.
I put the stove and some pots in a long with the tent. Bu harika.
# Some sweat-hoggin'mama with a face like a gent #
- Il m'informe qu'il y a... une provision de chaussures dans la ville, et qu'il a l'intention d'en réquisitionner quelques-unes.
- He advises me that there is a supply of shoes in the town, and he intends to requisition some footgear.
Le général Hill ne s'attend à aucune opposition... à l'exception de quelques milices locales avec des fusils de chasse et autres.
General Hill expects no opposition except for some local militia with shotguns and such.
Mais des femmes du coin prétendent qu'on leur a pris toute leur nourriture.
But there are some local women who claim we have taken all their food.
Time for some branch water.
Time for some branch water. Come on.
Nous étions ailleurs, sur une affaire minable.
Off on some piddling affair.
Allez chercher la pharmacie pour maître Wong.
Goodness, you'd better bring some of our new medicine here. Şu yüze bak.
Alors comme ça, le petit humain a quelque chose dans le ventre.
So the little human has some spark after all.
Je me souviens surtout de votre enterrement de vie de garçon.
I remember your bachelor party. Some of it, anyway.
Il vaut mieux que je lui fasse passer d'autres tests.
I'd better run some further tests.
Tu l'as pas soigné, après qu'un primate... l'ait roué de coups.
You haven't had to clean him up after some Neanderthal... beat the hell out of him.
Ici, dans le final tragique de Comme un Torrent, les acteurs semblent se fondre dans ce qui les entoure.
"Some Came Running" in hüzünlü sonunda olduğu gibi. Oyuncular çevreleriyle bütünleşmiş sanki.
Si j'allais manger du foie?
Why don't I go eat some hay?
donc, je me dit de parler au soleil
# So I just did me some talkin'to the sun
You want some more?
- Biraz daha ister misiniz?
C'est de la bonne came, vieux.
That ´ s some bad shit, dude.
S'il existe un autre moyen, de te prouver mon amour, je le connais pas.
Evet! "If there is some other way to prove that I love you" "I swear I don't know how"
Voulez-vous quelque chose à manger?
Size biraz erzak getirebilir miyim? Can I get you both some rations?
/ / Pour some sugar on me / /
/ / Poursomesugaronme / /
/ / Poor some sugar on me / /
/ / Poorsomesugaronme / /
Mister Ben M'Hidi, in your opinion does the FLN still have some chance of defeating the French army? Il demande :
Bay Williams bilmek istiyor :
- What's Some over you? - Tu pratiques beauSoup l'anglais dernièrement...
Ne düşündüğüm senin asla umurunda olmazdı.
I could use some right now.
Şimdi biraz yiyebilirdim.
Tu m'as fait rêver.
You showed me some gren pastures swetheart.
Prends un Mintos!
"put some fresh in your life Let Mintos freshen up your life"

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