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Translate.vc / французский → турецкий / Was

Was перевод на турецкий

1,149 параллельный перевод
/ / And how no dream was out of reach / /
/ And how no dream was out ofreach /
/ / I was there for you / /
/ / I was there foryou / /
/ / And how this world was yours and mine / /
/ / Andhowthis world wasyours andmine / /
/ / And how no dream was out of reach / /
/ / Andhowno dream was outofreach / /
It was a triumph for Laine and my husband.
Bu Laine için ve kocam için bir zaferdi.
Que notre drapeau était encore là
"That our flag was still there"
yesterday, the sun was in the sky.
Dün, güneş gökyüzünde parıldıyordu.
Ce n'était jamais "il était une fois un roi"
It was neverBirzamanlar "Bir kral vardı"
Elle était à fond pour la RDA, c'est pas le cas de tout le monde.
Sie war sehr für die DDR, was ja nicht alle sind.
Ce fut dur à trouver.
Was a bitch to get it.
J'ai foncé vers la responsable et lui ai dit :
I was absolutely so exuberant. Yurt müdüresine gittim ve ona dedim ki :
- Je voulais le sauver... mais il ne m'a pas compris. il était mêlé à quelque chose qui le dépassait.
- Onu kurtarmak istedim buna izin vermedi. He didn't understand what he was involved in. Git!
- Dans le foyer, par la fenêtre.
- I was in the rec room. It came in the window.
? There was something in the air that night?
# O gece havada bir şey vardı. #
Ce fut Xena, une princesse issue du cœur des batailles.
She was Xena. Savaşın sıcaklığından gelen, kudretli bir prenses.
Je croyais qu'il marchait.
I thought he was already in.
# I was standing
# Ben duruyordum
# Went to school and I was very nervous
# Okula gittim ama çok tedirgindim
" Und hoffen und hoffen, und was sie noch übrig ließen.
"Ümit ettiler ki arkalarında bıraktıkları..."
Was will ich unter den Schläfern säumen?
"Uyuyanların arasında ne yapacağım?"
Was will ich unter den Schläfern säumen? "
"Uyuyanların arasında ne yapacağım?"
Träumen sich manches, was sie nicht haben,
"Sahip olmadıkları şeyleri düşlüyorlar"
C'était un démon.
She was a demon.
Malgré des prémisses nulles.
Even if the premise was shit.
T'as fait quoi, ce week-end?
Hey, Ricky. How was your weekend?
C'était une expérience unique. On ne revivra jamais un truc pareil.
It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will never happen again.
Car la fois où on faisait la queue au ciné je faisais coucou à la personne derrière toi.
That time when we were in line at that theater l was actually saying "hey" to the person behind you.
C'est mon syndrome de Tourette.
That was my Tourette's.
- C'est quoi, ce raffut?
- What was that ruckus?
What was that?
- Je lui disais...
- But I was- -
Si je suis là, c'est pour te dire de me laisser tranquille.
The only reason I came here was to tell you to leave me alone.
Je me préparais un goûter.
You know, I was just making a snack.
Parce qu'elle était verte quand on a rompu.
Alison was bitter when we broke up.
- Tu vois, c'était pas si terrible On y retourne.
- See? That wasn't so scary. - It was nothing.
C'était cool! Tu as déjà brouté une foufoune?
That was cool. Now have you ever eaten pussy before?
On m'a invitée.
I was invited.
morte quand j'avais 6 ans.
She died when I was 6.
C'est comme si c'était hier...
I remember it like it was yesterday.
maman tapinait pour arrondir les fins de mois...
Mom was pulling in tricks to make ends meet.
Et je rêvais d'une poupée qui fait pipi.
And all I wanted was a little Betsy Wetsy doll.
Elle est sortie pour acheter du gin à mon père... mais je savais que c'était pour mon cadeau.
She said she was going out to get my dad a bottle of gin but I knew she was going to get me that present.
Il pleuvait des cordes, cette nuit-là... La chaussée était glissante.
It was raining really hard that night and the roads were slippery.
Je souhaite parfois que ma vie soit un conte de fées... qu'un garçon m'emmène loin de tout ça.
Sometimes I wish my life was a fairy tale and some guy would come and take me away.
Qu'est-ce qu'il a foutu?
What the hell was that?
J'ai parié de te faire reine, mais je parlais de Janey le cageot... la fille sans amis, fauchée et qui fait peine à sentir.
I said I'd turn you into prom queen when I thought you were ugly the girl with no friends who was dirt poor and smelled a little funky.
J'ai juste dit :
All I said was :
I was alone.
Bir başımaydım
I was alone in the rain
Yağmur altında bir başınaydım
And there was clouds in my brain.
Kafam bulutlarla kaplıydı
I was alone in the rain And there was clouds in my brain.
Sonra o girdi güneş gibi hayatıma

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