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Brody перевод на английский

2,245 параллельный перевод
Acredito que a equipa Walden-Brody nos daria um futuro radioso.
And I personally feel that a Walden-Brody ticket would make the future truly bright.
- O Brody está a ir-se embora.
Brody's leaving.
Brody, o acordo termina se fizeres isto.
Brody, you won't have a deal anymore if you do this.
- Brody...
- Brody...
Brody, anulamos o acordo se fizeres isto.
Brody, you won't have a deal anymore if you do this.
- Não sei o que estás a fazer!
I don't know what the hell you're doing, Brody. I really don't.
Fala Nicholas Brody.
Hey, this is Nicholas Brody.
- Brody, tens de ir.
Brody, you need to go.
Brody, lembra-te porque estás a fazer isto.
Brody, remember why you're doing this.
Passou cá muito tempo quando o Brody estava ausente.
She spent a lot of time here when Brody was gone.
Brody. What?
- Brody, desistir não é opção.
Brody, quitting is not an option.
- Jura? ! - Desliga o localizador do Brody.
Virgil, you have to kill the tracking on Brody's phone.
O Brody estragou tudo.
Keep what going? Brody just blew it up.
Estamos com problemas técnicos, perdemos o localizador do Brody.
Uh, we were having tech problems. - We lost tracking on Brody.
Brody, dá-me as chaves.
Brody, give me the keys.
- O Brody escapou à vigilância.
Brody jumped surveillance.
Nem contei nada ao Walden para virares o Brody contra o Nazir.
I even kept Walden out of the loop... so that we could run Brody back against Nazir.
Agora o Brody passou-se.
Now Brody's unraveling.
Levanta-te dessa cadeira, encontra-a e trá-la para cá com o Brody.
Get up from that chair, find her and bring her back. With Brody.
Vai haver um ataque! O Brody é o nosso único acesso à Roya e à célula terrorista.
There is a fucking attack coming... and Brody is our only entry point to Roya and the cell.
Já ninguém fala em prender o Brody.
No one's talking about throwing Brody in lockup anymore.
Mas encontrámos-te no motel com o Brody, ontem.
Just so you know, we tracked you and Brody to the motel last night.
Não, mas se voltaste à mesma situação com o Brody...
I'm saying, if you're back there again... in that place with Brody -
Temos de proteger o Brody.
We need to protect Brody.
- Brody, entre no carro.
- Brody, get in the car.
Nas últimas 24 horas, insististe para mantermos o Brody em jogo.
Hey, you're the one who just told us for the last 24 hours to keep Brody in play.
Temos duas à nossa frente! Três, contando com o Brody.
We've got two of them in our sights right now.
O Brody estragou tudo!
Brody just blew it up.
O disfarce dele está intacto, pode continuar.
As long as his cover isn't blown, he's still in play. Brody.
Mas se o Brody não estiver morto, se ainda estiver com os terroristas, apanhá-la vai matá-lo.
Unless Brody's not dead, and is somehow still in play with the terrorists, in which case lifting her burns him.
Não vão buscar a Roya Hammad.
- on Roya Hammad. - What number was Brody calling from?
Temos de enviar uma pessoa em quem a família dele confie.
Whoever we send in has to be somebody the Brody family knows and trusts.
É o Brody?
Is it Brody?
Tem a ver com o trabalho do Brody na CIA.
Well, it's to do with something Brody's working on with the CIA, or else it would be him standing here.
- Onde estiveste, Brody?
Where have you been, Brody?
O próprio Brody admite que está confuso.
By his own admission, Brody's in a confused state.
Também estou irritado com o Brody.
Hey, I'm mad at Brody, too, Dana.
Acabei de obter autorização para ligarem ao congressista Brody.
- Guess what. I just got clearance for you to give Congressman Brody a call on the satellite phone.
- Brody.
Brody, podes dizer-me alguma coisa sobre o que se passa?
Brody, can you tell me anything about what's happening, what you're doing?
Enquadra-se na descrição do carro onde Nazir entrou ontem.
Fits the description of the one Brody saw Sandman get into yesterday.
Apanhámo-los, Brody.
We got them, Brody.
É uma massa crítica!
Three, counting Brody. - That's a critical mass.
Brody, dá-me as chaves.
Give me the keys.
Há doze horas que perdemos o rasto ao Brody.
It's 12 hours since we lost Brody.
Festas Paul Platt...
Hey, Brody?

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