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Choi перевод на английский

479 параллельный перевод
Screenplay by Nam Nai-choi
Screenplay by Nam Nai-choi
Presents Produção de CHOl Yong-bae Produtores executivos CHO Yong-bae, KIM Woo-taek
Presents produced by choi Yong-bae executive producers CHOl Yong-bae, KIM Woo-taek
Rutabaga, bok-Choi, Daikon, Tofu... sumo de aipo!
Oscar Choi é um tipo sonhador, mas é um brilhante geólogo.
Oscar Choice. Spacy but absolutely brilliant geologist.
Choi An-Nat...
Choi An-Nat...
O Choi.
CHOI : It's Choi.
CHOI : Hallelujah.
- Algum problema, meu?
CHOI : Something wrong, man?
Choi Minsik
Choi Minsik
Aqui foi onde o corpo do Tenente Choi foi encontrado.
This is where Lieutenant Choi's body was found.
Sargento Choi!
Sergeant Choi!
O tenente Choi Man Soo.
Lieutenant Choi Man Soo.
Camarada Choi, por favor acalma-te.
Comrade Choi, please calm down.
Latonya Choi está com as opiniões nas ruas!
LA Tonya choi's been sampling public opinion at the galleria.
E um milhão pelo que esses cães fizeram com May Lln Chol.
And another million for what they did to May Lin Choi.
O 31º Rei, Gongmin, foi assassinado, por Hong Yoon e Choi Man-Saeng e substituido pelo Rei Woo.
Their 31st King, Gongmin, was assassinated by Hong Yoon and Choi Man-saeng. He was replaced by King Woo.
Eu sou o General Choi Jung das tropas Yongho, os protectores dos enviados de Koryo.
I am General Choi Jung of Yongho's troop, the protectors of the Korea's envoys.
General Choi!
General Choi!
General Choi Jung!
General Choi!
Sou o general Choi Jung.
I am General Choi Jung.
Eu sou o General Choi Jung e protejo os enviados de Koryo.
I am General Choi Jung, protector of Korea's envoys.
Presidente Park, sou Choi.
President Park this is Choi
Canto de...
Singing choi...
A partir de agora vocês são Kung, Hei, Fat, Choi.
From now on, you are Kung, Hei, Fat, Choi.
- Choi.
- Choi.
Ei, vocês viram a cara do promotor Choi lá?
Hey, did you see the look on prosecutor Choi's face back there?
Apesar do Presidente Chio ter a sua equidade em 25 %
Although Chairman Choi's equity share is at 25 percent...
Sr Presidente, o director Choi da SecuZone está aqui.
Chairman, director Choi from SecuZone is here
Armazém'D', pronto para reabrir após o fogo do ano passado, foi a cena dum aparente suicídio de uma funcionária da companhia chamada CHOI, de acordo com relatórios da polícia
'D'Department Store, ready to re-open after last year's fire, was the scene of an apparent suicide by an employee of the company named CHOI, according to police reports
Items roubados foram encontrados na carteira de Choi, e a arma parece ter sido um item de exposiçao...
Stolen items were found in Choi's handbag, and the weapon appears to have been a display item...
Eu confiei em si, Director Choi.
I trusted you, Director Choi.
A CHOI era dextra, mas sofreu um golpe com a mão esquerda.
CHOI was right-handed, but suffered a left-handed blow
A CHOI Mi-jeong e a KIM Il-hwan
CHOI Mi-jeong and KIM Il-hwan
CHOI, KIM, BAEK Jin-su, IM Jun-seok e LEE Jeong-hyun
CHOI, KIM, BAEK Jin-su, IM Jun-seok LEE Jeong-hyun
CHOI Mi-jeong, Depto de Planeamento.
CHOI Mi-jeong, Planning Dept
CHOI Mi-jeong
CHOI Mi-jeong
Director CHOI!
Director CHOI!
Ela disse, Director CHOI...
She said, Director CHOI...
Director CHOI Sang-ki?
Director CHOI Sang-ki?
Foi o Director CHOI que matou LEE Jeong-hyun.
It's Director CHOI who killed LEE Jeong-hyun
Investigs o Director CHOI
Investigate Director CHOI
Bem, parabéns Director CHOI...
Well, congratulations Director CHOI...
Não, Presidente CHOI.
No, Chairman CHOI
Presidente CHOI pretende mudança de ramo para Dreampia
Chairman CHOI Intends Change of Business for Dreampia
E as provas contra o Director CHOI?
And the evidence on Director CHOI?
Acho que preciso de o ver, Director CHOI.
I think I need to see you, Director CHOI
BAEK, CHOI recebeu chamadas do mesmo número mesmo antes de morrer.
BAEK, CHOI received calls from same number just before death.
Aqui fala o Director CHOI.
This is Director CHOI.
- Tai-Pan, posso ajudar?
- Have you heard of the pirate Wu Fang Choi? - Of course.
Já ouviste falar do pirata Wu Fang Choi?
i have need of safe harbor.

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