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Dongs перевод на английский

95 параллельный перевод
Desce e traz-me um pacote de leite, uns bolinhos e um jornal.
Go down and get us a carton of milk, some Ding Dongs and a newspaper.
És o Maharajah Bundy e tens mulheres com quatro mamas a dar-te bolos?
You know, where you're Maharajah Bundy and women with four breasts feed you ding dongs?
Está muito calor para correr. - Que horror.
You know, where you're Maharajah Bundy and women with four breasts feed you ding dongs?
- Não.
No, I just wanna put a package of Ding Dongs just out of reach of her porkpie fingers. No.
- Onde estao os meus bolinhos?
- But where are my Ding Dongs?
Forget your Ding Dongs.
E levaram os meus bolinhos.
And they got my Ding Dongs.
Encontrei os meus bolinhos.
I found my Ding Dongs.
Oh Hos, Twinkies... Ding Dongs, Snickers?
Ho Hos, Twinkies Ding Dongs, Snickers?
Twinkies, Cup Cakes e Ding Dongs?
Twinkies, Cup Cakes and Ding Dongs?
Bem, tem as que fazem ding-dang-dong, as dó-ré-mi e as ha-cha-chas.
We got your ding-dang-dongs and your do-re-mis and your ha-cha-chas, huh?
As mulheres querem ler sobre pilas!
Well, women want to read about "ding-Dongs".
Tens Ding Dongs, pá?
You got Ding Dongs, man?
Vi filmes de ti a comer bolos...
I've watched home movies of you eating Ding Dongs...
- Tiraste-me os meus Ding Dongs?
- You took my Ding Dongs, didn't you?
Quem me tirou os Ding Dongs?
Who took my Ding Dongs?
- Tinha aqui Ding Dongs.
- I had some Ding Dongs.
Ding Dongs.
Ding Dongs.
Ou seja, preciso dos meus Ding Dongs e tu tiraste-mos.
Which means I need my Ding Dongs, and you took them.
Porque não sobrevivo uma noite sem os teus Ding Dongs.
I can't make it through the night without your Ding Dongs.
- Tirou-me os Ding Dongs.
- He took my Ding Dongs.
Vá lá, filho, devolve-lhe os Ding Dongs.
Oh, come on, son, fork over his Ding Dongs.
Está na hora de derrubar estes totós.
Time to ram-a-lam these ding-dongs.
Porque já vi uma foto da J. Lo. com dois bacamartes... E, aparentemente, não era verdade.
Cause I has seen a picture of J-Lo with two massive... geezers'dongs there and apparently it weren't true.
Bom, isso explica a corrida aos Ding Dongs e Doritos.
Well, that would explain the rush on Ding Dongs and Doritos at the local stop n ´ shop.
Ding Dongs ou Cheese Sticks?
Ding Dongs or Cheese Sticks?
Excepto os Ding Dongs ou Cheese Sticks.
Except Ding Dongs or Cheese Sticks.
Não me interessam os Cheese Sticks nem os Ding Dongs.
I don't care about Cheese Sticks and I don't care about Ding Dongs.
Odeio os Ding Dongs.
I hate Ding Dongs.
Tenho aqui sandes e chocolates.
I got sandwiches and ding dongs.
Temos frango da Cornualha, leite com chocolate, alcaçuz, chocolates e rabanetes para comer com manteiga e sal, como tu gostas.
Okay, we have Cornish Game Hen... chocolate milk, licorice, ding dongs... radishes to dip in butter and salt, just like you like them.
Ela só sabe comer Ding Dongs, e ver o Jeopardy!
All she does is eat ding dongs and watch jeopardy!
A mostrar as rosquinhas, os merengues, as bolas de Berlim e como é que se chamam aquelas cor-de-rosa com coco?
Showing people her Ho Hos, her Ding Dongs, her Suzy Q's, her... God, what are those called, the little pink with coconut? They're really good.
Chocolates Ding Dong, minha senhora.
... Ding Dongs, milady.
Ding Dongs?
Ding Dongs?
Então, o que vai ser, Ding Dongs ou palitos de queijo?
So what'll it be, Ding Dongs or cheese sticks?
Isto é um vinho para sobremesa, vou pelos Ding Dongs, claro.
Well, this is a dessert wine, so I'd say Ding Dongs, of course.
Ele tem uma média de. 385 golpes, 23 ding-dangs, e. 162 corridas.
385 hitter, 23 ding-dongs. He's driven in 162 runs.
Bem há uma oportunidade, mas só é possível para "Dongs".
I do know of one opportunity, but it's only eligible for dongs.
"Dongs" são o que vocês, americanos chamam assistentes de ensino.
Dongs are what you Americans so eloquently call teaching assistants.
Pretzels, Ding Dongs e salgados.
Pretzels, Ding Dongs, gelled gefilte fish.
Quase escapou com US $ 86,00 e alguns bolinhos.
Almost got away with $ 86 and some ding dongs.
Gordinho, queremos falar contigo de pais para filho.
Fatty ding dongs, we's would likes to have a word with you... fathers to son.
E não te esqueças dos Ding-Dongs. Não me esqueço...
- And don't forget the Ding Dongs.
Pode arranjar-me uns Ding Dongs, querida?
Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling?
Entrei na Força Aérea para trazer Ding Dongs ao homem.
I joined the Air Force to bring the man Ding Dongs.
- Dois "penduricalhos"?
- Twin dongs?
Ding Dongs ou Twinkies?
Ding Dongs or Twinkies?
Já agora porque não põem sementes de girassol nos Ding Dongs?
Why don't you put sunflower seeds in the Ding Dongs while you're at it?
Espero que resulte, se não digo à Bernie que lhe escondes os doces.
This better work, or I'll tell Bernice you've been hiding the Ding-Dongs on her.
Pode ser o Peterson, Anderson e o Paulson quem tem um pacote KING, mas no caso do Paulson, é um pouco deformado.
There's Peterson, Anderson, and Paulson who are packing the king dongs, but in Paulson's case, a little deformed.

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