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Translate.vc / португальский → английский / Eggsy

Eggsy перевод на английский

72 параллельный перевод
Olá, Eggsy.
Hello, Eggsy.
Cuida disto, Eggsy.
You take care of this, Eggsy.
Eggsy, vem cá.
Eggsy, come here.
A mãe do Eggsy tem bom aspecto.
Eggsy's mum is well fit.
Pensas que podes falar merdas de nós e que não fazemos nada... só porque o nosso chefe anda a comer a mãe do Eggsy?
You think you can chat shit about us and we won't do nothing... just because our guvnor's banging Eggsy's mum?
Hey! Hey! Eggsy!
Prego a fundo, Eggsy!
Floor it, Eggsy!
O Eggsy roubou-me a merda do carro.
Eggsy just stole my fucking car.
Eggsy, entre ladrões não há essa coisa de honra.
Eggsy, there is no such thing as honor amongst thieves.
O meu nome é Eggsy Unwin.
My name's Eggsy Unwin.
Desculpe, Eggsy.
Sorry, Eggsy.
Escutem, rapazes... tive um dia muito emocional... por isso, seja lá o que tiverem com o Eggsy, e estou certo de que é bem fundado... agradeceria imenso... se nos pudessem deixar em paz... até eu terminar esta maravilhosa Guinness.
Listen, boys... I've had a rather emotional day... so whatever your beef with Eggsy is, and I'm sure it's well-founded... I'd appreciate it enormously... if you could just leave us in peace... until I finish this lovely pint of Guinness.
Peço desculpa, Eggsy.
Now, I do apologize, Eggsy.
Agradeço muito, Eggsy.
Much appreciated, Eggsy.
Eggsy, vai, por favor, porque ele vai...
Eggsy, just go, please, because he's gonna...
Diz-lhe, Eggsy!
Just tell him, Eggsy!
Eggsy, encontramo-nos no alfaiate de que lhe falei.
Eggsy, meet me at the tailor I told you about.
Eggsy, filho da mãe de verme!
Eggsy, you fucking maggot!
Eggsy, meu...
Eggsy, you fucking...
- Sou o Eggsy.
- I'm Eggsy.
Não, "Eggsy".
No, "Eggsy".
Amelia, Eggsy.
Amelia, Eggsy.
Olá, Eggsy.
Hi, Eggsy.
Eggsy, bom trabalho ao reconheceres que era um espelho de duas faces.
Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror.
Precisamos de ter paciência, Eggsy.
We need to have patience, Eggsy.
- Eggsy, esquece!
- Eggsy, forget it!
Eggsy, preciso de ter uma conversa privada.
Eggsy, I need to have a private conversation.
Eggsy, acho que não sou capaz de fazer isto.
Eggsy, I really don't think I can do this.
Eggsy, espera!
Eggsy, wait!
Está bem, Eggsy.
Okay, Eggsy.
Bom plano, Eggsy.
Good plan, Eggsy.
Eggsy, Roxy, parabéns.
Eggsy, Roxy, congratulations.
O meu patrão tem duas perguntas para si, Eggsy.
My employer's got two questions for you, Eggsy.
Acabei de matar dois dos seus amigos que me deram a mesma resposta da treta!
Eggsy, I just killed two of your friends who gave me the same bullshit answer!
Hey, Eggsy!
Eggsy, deve saber que o seu pai chegou a esta fase.
Eggsy, you should know your father reached this point.
A questão é que ninguém me agradeceu nenhuma.
The point is, Eggsy, nobody thanked me for any of them.
Palavras para nunca esquecer, Eggsy.
Words to live by, Eggsy.
Não, Eggsy.
No, Eggsy.
Ponha lá isso, Eggsy.
Put it back, Eggsy.
Eggsy, por favor, não te metas.
Eggsy, please, just don't get involved.
- Era pólvora seca, Eggsy.
- It was a blank, Eggsy.
Você é muito bom, Eggsy.
You're very good, Eggsy.
E você, Eggsy.
And you, Eggsy.
Eggsy, vamos.
Eggsy, come on.
Está bonito, Eggsy.
Looking good, Eggsy.
Eggsy, está na hora.
Eggsy, we're on.
Eggsy, procure um portátil e ligue-se a mim.
Eggsy, find a laptop, get me online.

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