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Ift перевод на английский

23 параллельный перевод
Tradução :
English subtitles - IFT
Legendas - IFT
english subtitles
Maria Leonor Borges - lFT
English subtitles : IFT
Maria Leonor Borges
English subtitles : Helle Schou Kristiansen - IFT
Legendas em português - IFT
English subtitles
Já viram o lifting facial da Eleanor?
Have you seen Eeanor's new face-ift?
Sabias que ele fechou a IFT durante quase sete anos?
Like, did you know he shut down IFT for nearly seven years?
Mas tenho a certeza de que tinha alguma coisa a ver com o trabalho que ele fazia no IFT, enquanto estavam fechados.
But I'm pretty sure it had to do with the work he was doing at IFT while they were closed.
A IFT estava quase a falir.
IFT was about to fail.
Eu convenci o governo a financiá-lo, em troca de algumas das patentes da IFT.
I persuaded the government to bail him out in exchange for some of IFT's patents.
Iniciámos a IFT para mudar o Mundo.
We started IFT to change the world.
A que achei mais intrigante é de uma empresa chamada IFT.
Though the one I'm most intrigued by is from a company called IFT.
Sou a cara da IFT. Ou seja, quando eu chamar um repórter para um café...
I am the face of IFT, which means when I call a reporter to meet me for coffee, he'll be there.
Se não puder ser feito, continuará a ter de sair.
Ift can't be done, you'll still have to move.
Embora os servidores permanecessem na IFT.
... although the servers remained at IFT.
Britta Kaplan, nascida e criada em Joanesburgo, estudou química orgânica no IFT de Zurique.
Britta Kaplan- - born and raised in Johannesburg, studied organic chemistry at E.T.H. Zurich.
As vítimas do bombardeamento incluem Nathan Ingram, fundador e director executivo da IFT...
Victims of the ferry bombing include Nathan Ingram, CEO of IFT.
Se é do MIT, posso fazer uns telefonemas.
You ift's at MIT, I can make some calls.
Ripadas do DVD por : M.Oliveira Sincronizadas por : mCihhh
- IFT sync by indraf

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