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Keating перевод на английский

464 параллельный перевод
Ah, antes que me esqueça, tenho de te dizer uma coisa, a velha S.ra Keating fez-me o teste do anel, hoje.
Oh, before I forget I must tell you, old Mrs. Keating gave me the ring test today.
Mais tarde vão conhecer o substituto, o Sr. John Keating, diplomado nesta escola e que há vários anos ensina na muito conceituada Chester School, em Londres.
You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement Mr. John Keating... himself an honours graduate of this school. And who, for the past several years... has been teaching at the highly regarded Chester School in London.
Podem tratar-me por Sr. Keating ou, se forem mais ousados, por Comandante, meu Comandante.
Now, in this class, you can either call me Mr. Keating... or if you're slightly more daring O Captain, my Captain.
- Sr. Keating.
- Mr. Keating.
- Deu uma aula muito interessante.
- Quite an interesting class you gave today, Mr. Keating.
Sr. Keating!
Mr. Keating?
Ouviste o Keating.
God, you were there. You heard Keating.
O Keating disse que todos liam à vez.
Keating said that everybody took turns reading and...
O Keating assinalou outras páginas.
And, uh, Keating's marked a bunch of other pages.
O que o Sr. Keating diz não significa nada para ti, pois não?
Maybe. Nothing Mr. Keating has to say means shit to you, does it, Todd?
Pode vir falar comigo, Sr. Keating?
Excuse me. May we have a word, Mr. Keating?
Foi o novo professor, o Sr. Keating?
Who put you up to it? Was it this new man? This, uh, Mr. Keating?
Keating, afaste-se do meu filho!
Keating, you stay away from my son.
O Sr. Keating, claro!
Why, Mr. Keating, of course.
O Sr. Keating, responsável pelo Neil?
Mr. Keating responsible for Neil?
O Sr. Keating é que nos encorajou.
Mr. Keating put us up to all this crap, didn't he?
Se não fosse o Sr. Keating, o Neil estaria agora no quarto dele, a estudar.
If it wasn't for Mr. Keating, Neil would be cosied up in his room right now... studying his chemistry and dreaming of being called doctor.
Acredita no que quiseres, mas o Keating que se dane.
Believe what you want, but I say let Keating fry.
Não podem salvar o Keating. Mas podem salvar-se.
You can't save Keating... but you can save yourselves.
Diz como o Sr. Keating os encorajou a formarem o clube, como fonte de inspiração de um comportamento irreverente e indulgente.
It describes how your teacher, Mr. Keating... encouraged you boys to organize this club... and to use it as a source of inspiration... for reckless and self-indulgent behaviour.
Descreve como o Sr. Keating, dentro e fora das aulas, encorajava a obsessão do Neil de representar, quando sabia que era contra as ordens dos pais dele.
It describes how Mr. Keating, both in and out of the classroom... encouraged Neil Perry to follow his obsession with acting... when he knew all along it was against the explicit orders of Neil's parents.
Foi a abusiva posição do Sr. Keating como professor que conduziu à morte do Neil Perry.
It was Mr. Keating's blatant abuse of his position as teacher... that led directly to Neil Perry's death.
O que vai acontecer ao Sr. Keating?
What's gonna happen to Mr. Keating?
Leve-as já, Sr. Keating.
Get them now, Mr. Keating.
Se a perfeição de um poema for... "
If the poem's score for perfection is plotted on the horizontal of a graph - " - Mr. Keating!
Sr. Keating, eles fizeram-nos assinar.
They made everybody sign it. - Quiet, Mr. Anderson.
Saia, Sr. Keating.
Leave, Mr. Keating.
Eu disse para sair, Sr. Keating.
I said leave, Mr. Keating.
- Amy Keating.
- Amy Keating.
Deixei-a com a Keating.
I left it with Keating.
- Tom Keating.
- Oh, Tom Keating.
David Greene, este é o Sr. Keating, um dos nossos colegas.
David Greene, this is Mr Keating, a trustee.
- Acho que o Tom Keating já bebeu.
- Tom Keating has had a drink or two.
Keating, porque está aqui?
- Mr. Keating, why are you here?
Charles Keating é a figura central no escândalo da Lincoln Savings and Loan que custou mais de 2 bilhões de dólares aos contribuintes.
Charles Keating was convicted on 72 counts of racketeering. His actions cost taxpayers over $ 2 billion.
Agarrem suas coisas e sigam ao Of. Titon.
Get your stuff and follow Officer Keating.
- Sigam ao Of. Keating.
- Follow Officer Keating here.
Estava a procurar o nome, vi Robbie Keating e pensei : "Conheço o tipo."
So I'm looking at the name on the docket and something strikes me. "Robbie Keating." I know this guy.
O Robbie Keating do basebol universitário?
Varsity baseball Robbie Keating?
- Helen Keating.
- Helen Keating.
O nome dela é Gayle Keating.
Her name was Gayle Keating.
Consultámos a lista do pessoal e encontrámos um Dean Keating.
So, we pulled their personnel records and found one Dean Keating.
Ligado à Gail Keating, uma vítima de Friday Harbor?
As in Gail Keating - Friday Harbor murder victim?
Lancem um alerta sobre a carrinha do Keating e não deixem que chegue ao destino.
All right, put out an APB on Keating's truck, and don't let it get to where it's going.
O veículo foi dado ao Dean Keating.
That vehicle's assigned to Dean Keating.
- Não é o Keating.
- You're not Keating.
Não é o Keating.
It's not Keating.
- Sr. Keating?
Mr. Keating?
Então o Joshua Keating e a nossa vítima andavam a fazer caça ilegal.
So that means Joshua keating and our victim were poaching.
- Saia, Sr. Keating.
- Leave, Mr. Keating.

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