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Mdma перевод на английский

110 параллельный перевод
Para além do MDMA sintético, o ecstasy híbrido, encontrámos vestígios de triptamina e dilavtine.
In addition to the synthetic MDMA, the hybrid to ecstasy, we found trace amounts of triphetamine and dilavtin. - Indicating?
MDMA utiliza Serotonina, ópios, como a Heroína, utiliza Dopamina.
MDMA utilises serotonin Opiates like hero in utilise dopamine
Ecstasy recém sintetizada que ainda não foi provada.
Adjectivify. Some recently synthesized MDMA... which has not yet been tasted.
Pura MDMA.
Pure MDMA.
Havia vestígios de MDMA no sangue.
Blood work showed heavy traces of M.D.M.A.
Estamos a negociar com ele porque tem um milhão de pastilhas ecstasy com alto teor de MDMA, certo?
We're dealing with him because he has 1 million Ecstasy pills... of very high levels of MDMA, okay?
A toxicologia preliminar indica psicocibina, ecstasy, e THC no corpo.
Preliminary tox indicates psilocybin, MDMA, and THC in the system.
O meu irmão quer saber se já provaste MDMA líquido.
My brother wants to know have you ever tried liquid MDMA?
MDMA líquido?
Liquid MDMA?
Se isto é um laboratório de MDMA, então têm de haver iodo a cobrir estas paredes, e se o Matt arrumou este kit bem, devo ter algum spray de amido que deve reagir com o iodo.
If this is a meth lab, then there would be free iodine coated all over these walls. And if Matt packed this kit right, I would have some spray starch that would react with the iodine.
Isto parece cristais de MDMA puro.
That looks like pure crystal meth.
Os festeiros que apresentaram reacção violentas foram testados positivos para MDMA.
The partygoers who reacted violently all tested positive for MDMA.
Também tinha cocaína, opiáceos, barbitais, metanfetaminas, MDMA, tetrahidrocanabinol...
We're also talking cocaine, opiates, barbiturates, methamphetamine, MDMA, THC.
- O sangue acusou MDMA.
Well, blood was positive for MDMA.
Porque estavas drogado com MDMA, também conhecido por ecstasy, a droga que as análises do hospital confirmaram teres no sangue ontem.
Especially since you were high on MDMA, also known as ecstasy, which is the drug hospital tests confirmed were in your bloodstream last night.
Deixa-me ver, fiz MDMA, acido, GHB, cogumelos mágicos, cola, mescalina, pastilhas, Quaaludes, pó de anjo.
Now let me see, I did MDMA, acid, GHB, magic mushrooms, glue, mescaline, poppers, Quaaludes, angel dust.
- Pastilhas, MDMA, nada de mais.Queres?
MDMA, no big deal. You want one, too?
THC, ketamina, MDMA, MDA, anfetaminas, cocaína...
THC, ketamine, MDMA, MDA, amphetamines, cocaine...
Em vez de MDMA, continham 100 mg de MDA.
Instead of MDMA, the pill contained 100 mg of MDA.
Sei que gostas de MDMA, certo?
So I know you like MDMA right
Eu minei os brownies com ecstasy.
I spiked the chocolate brownies with MDMA.
Estava bêbeda e deram-me ecstasy...
I was drunk, and someone gave me MDMA, and...
Naquela noite, não tomei ecstasy.
I didn't take MDMA that night.
- O que tens?
- What do you got? - MDMA.
- MDMA, de qualidade.
Pharmaceutical grade.
Tomámos comprimidos, MDMA, "speeds", quetamina,
We did pills, MDMA, speed, Ketamine,
Uma cápsula de MDMA.
A capsule of MDMA.
Queres uma beca de MDMA?
You want a bit of MDMA?
- Algumas vez consumiram MDMA?
Have you ever used MDMA?
Encontrámos vestígios de MDMA no sangue da Sophia.
We found traces of it in Sophia's blood.
Fui eu que lhe vendi o MDMA.
It was me who sold her the MDMA.
Quem te deu o MDMA?
Who gave you the MDMA?
Fui eu quem lhe vendeu o ecstasy.
It was me who sold her the MDMA.
Ela ficava-me a pedir ecstasy.
She kept on asking me for MDMA.
Tem ecstasy?
Do you have MDMA?
MDMA, ecstasy?
MDMA? Ecstasy?
O exame deu positivo para MDMA ou ecstasy, como as crianças lhe chamam.
His tox came back positive for MDMA, or Ecstasy, as the kids call it.
Eram cem miligramas de ecstasy misturada com aspirina infantil.
It was 100 milligrams MDMA that was cut with baby aspirin.
O ecstasy que deram ao Simms era 130 miligramas de MDMA puro, sem aditivos.
The Ecstasy that Simms was dosed with was pure 130 milligrams MDMA, no additives.
Nenhum champanhe! Isto é um laboratório de ecstasy sobre rodas.
This is an MDMA Lab on wheels.
Estou parado no meio de um laboratório de MDMA.
I'm standing in the middle of an MDMA lab.
MDMA pode ser fabricada com componente legais, mas são monitorizados.
MDMA can be made with legal chemicals, but they're monitored.
Parece M.D.M.A. Ecstasy.
MDMA, ecstasy.
Bom... De acordo com o médico legista, as vítimas tinham tanto MDMA no organismo que fez a temperatura interna do corpo ficar fora de controlo.
Well, uh, according to the M.E., the victims had so much MDMA in their systems that it caused their internal body temperature to go out of control.
Preciso que pesquises o atraso nos efeitos do MDMA.
I need you to run a search on delayed onset MDMA.
MDMA custa mais a produzir do que a metanfetamina, por isso é comum misturá-las para criar o exctasy com o fim de aumentarem as margens de lucro.
MDMA costs more to make than methamphetamine, so it's common practice to mix the two in creating Ecstasy in order to maximize the profit margins.
It's MDMA.
Charlie, estamos a enviar-te provas.
We're sending you over some evidence. We think it's MDMA.
- Já meti um pouco de MDMA.
I've had some MDMA.
- Precisava de dinheiro e pensei que se vendesse aquele MDMA...
I needed some money and I thought if I just went in on this MDMA...
Já tentaste MDMA?
Have you ever tried MDMA?

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