/ португальский → английский / Máta
Máta перевод на английский
31,088 параллельный перевод
Segurança, mata-o.
Security, kill him.
- Simplesmente mata-o.
- Just kill it.
Eu acho que é melhor se eu matá-los.
I think it's better if I kill them.
Então esta mulher mata dois falsos polícias em frente do teu jardim, rouba a falsa viatura deles e depois queimou-a?
So, just to clarify, this woman kills two fake sheriffs in your front yard, steals their stolen cop car, and then torches it?
Então tentam matá-lo na prisão.
So then they try and kill him in prison ;
- Sabemos, que ela trabalha para o mesmo pessoal que tentou matá-la.
For all we know, she's working with the same people who tried to kill her.
Se não a entregarmos ao Flynn, ele mata o Wyatt.
If we don't give her to Flynn, he'll kill Wyatt.
Seguido logo de um : "E se me mata?" Há esse momento.
Immediately followed by, "What if he kills me?" Like, there's that moment.
O treinador mata-o para manter o segredo?
Coach kills him to keep it a secret?
E agora queres matá-lo?
Now you want to kill him?
Acho que vais matá-lo.
I think I'm gonna watch you kill this patient.
Nunca ameaçou matá-lo?
So you never threatened to kill him?
Vou matá-lo.
I will kill you.
Se abortar a cápsula sem pára-quedas, mata o Walter.
If we abort the capsule without a chute, we kill Walter.
Surgiram boatos, as pessoas acusaram o Deeley de matá-los.
You know, rumors flew, people accused Deeley of killing them.
Quem mata, mutila, ou cria um risco substancial de prejudicar qualquer agente do Governo dos Estados Unidos é culpado de ter violado este estatuto.
Whomsoever kills, maims, or creates a substantial risk of harm to any agent of the United States government is guilty of violating this statute.
Sim, nós íamos prendê-la, tu vais matá-la
Yes, we would've arrested her. You're going to kill her.
Acreditem se quiserem, mas... o plano nunca foi matá-la.
Believe what you want, but the plan was never to kill her.
Pode matá-los, e de certeza que não posso fazer nada. Mas se o fizer, também vai ter de me matar a mim.
Now, you can kill them, and I'm pretty sure there is nothing I can do about it, but if you do... you're gonna have to kill me too.
Pensei que se ia morrer, preferia não morrer sozinho na mata.
Figured if I was gonna die, I'd rather not do it alone in the woods.
Ele vai matá-los.
He's gonna shoot them.
A hemorragia vai matá-lo se não receber assistência médica.
He's gonna bleed out if he doesn't get medical attention.
Está destinada a matá-la.
It's fated to kill her.
Podemos matá-la.
We can kill her.
Essa espada é a que te mata.
That sword is what kills you.
Se contar a alguém, irá matá-lo a si também...
If you tell anyone, he'll kill you, too.
Tentaram matá-la.
Someone tried to kill you,
Se ele estava a contratar as vítimas antes de matá-las, precisamos saber como se cruzaram.
If he was hiring his victims before killing them, we need to figure out how they were hooking up.
Mexemos no cemitério dele e onde mata.
And we've disturbed his burial and killing grounds.
O uso do arame farpado pode ser uma forma de infligir mais sofrimento antes de matá-las.
His use of barbed wire could be a way of inflicting more punishment on his victims before killing them.
Então com o dogma de moralidade do pai enfiado na cabeça, ele mata a Wendy, depois vira a sua raiva para outras mulheres que ele via como amorais e prostitutas.
So with his father's dogma about morality in his head, he kills Wendy, then turns turns his rage towards other women he views as loose and amoral prostitutes.
Roubou dinheiro do grupo e iam matá-lo.
He stole money from the rest of the crew and they were gonna kill him for it.
Quem mata assim já tinha uma rota de fuga.
But it's always happily encouraged.
De acordo com Langley, ele gosta de contactar os seus alvos antes de matá-los.
According to Langley, he likes to contact his targets right before he kills them.
Então, atrai-a para fora de casa de alguma forma e mata-a.
So, he lures her out of the house somehow, and kills her.
O que significa que o Wilson teve que sair do trabalho, conduzir até Sherwood Beach, encontrar-se com a Maggie, matá-la, levar o corpo para o bosque, cavar um buraco de 1 por 1,5 m, enterrar o corpo,
Which means Wilson had to leave work, drive to Sherwood Beach, meet Maggie, kill Maggie, drive Maggie's body back to the woods, dig a three-by-five-foot hole, bury the body, clean the evidence off the car, clean the evidence off himself,
Pensei que ias querer matá-lo. E tentarias algo idiota, serias ferido, ou morto, ou meter-te-ias numa encrenca, e irias...
I-I thought you'd want to kill him and that you'd try something stupid and you'd get hurt or killed or you'd get in trouble and you... you would...
Tentou sufocá-lo, matá-lo.
She tried to suffocate him. She tried to kill him.
Isso começou a fugir do controle. numa tentativa de criar uma guerra civil. - o bombardeio suicida - agora retornava para matá-los.
But it began to run out of control. Most of the jihadists had joined the group al-Qaeda in Iraq that then turned to killing Shi'ites in an attempt to create a civil war. And the force that had originally been invented by the Shi'ites, suicide bombing, now returned and started to kill them.
Vou matá-lo!
- Shh! I'm gonna kill him!
E eles vão matá-lo se eu der a ordem.
And they will kill him if I give the order.
O pai tem sido acusado de raptá-la, de matá-la.
The knife isn't yours. It's Freddy's.
Estás a matá-la!
You're killing her!
Os ferrões podem matá-lo.
The wasp stings could kill him.
Mata-me agora.
Kill me now.
Mata a cadela!
Snuff the bitch!
Vais matá-los também?
Are you going to kill them, too?
Eles iam matá-la.
They were gonna kill her.
Isto mata milhões de pessoas?
This is meant to kill millions of people?
- Vamos matá-los.
- That's a lie, Clyde.
Mata-os, Clyde.
Kill him, Clyde.