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Nickie перевод на английский

156 параллельный перевод
Nickie, desculpa.
Nickie, I'm sorry.
Nickie, compõe-te.
Nickie, pull yourself together.
- Nickie, está ali o Robert!
- Oh, Nickie, there's Robert!
- Nickie, que horas são?
- Nickie, what time is it?
Nickie, estás a sangrar.
Nickie, you're bleeding.
Nickie, estou aqui.
Nickie, here I am.
Nickie, tens algumas fotografias de quando eras bebé?
Nickie, have you any pictures of yourself taken as a baby?
Nickie, chegas-me a água?
Nickie, can you reach the water?
Nickie, ajuda-me.
Nickie, come help me.
Nickie, telefona ao Abrams.
Nickie, phone Abrams.
Nickie, tens de telefonar.
Nickie, you must phone.
- Vá, Nickie, agora é que está a aquecer.
- Go on, Nickie, it's just getting good.
- Nickie!
- Nickie!
Nickie, a sério que estás bem?
Nickie, are you sure you're all right?
Temos de nos apressar.
Nickie, we must hurry.
O Nickie está a fazer algo.
Nickie's doing something.
- Nickie.
- Nickie.
E tu e o Nickie vão viver de quê?
But what worries me is what are you and Nickie going to live on?
- O Nickie está ali?
- Nickie in there?
- Nickie, isto é importante.
- Now, Nickie, this is important.
O Nickie não está a chorar?
Isn't that Nickie crying?
Nickie, parece-me que te preocupas.
Why, Nickie, I believe you care.
- Nickie?
- Nickie?
Só queria que alguém ficasse com o Nickie.
I just wanted someone to keep an eye on Nickie.
- Freddie, trazes o Nickie?
- Freddie, will you get Nickie?
- Onde está o Nickie?
- Where's Nickie?
Nickie, faz alguma coisa.
- Break it up! Nickie, do something.
- Vou buscá-los, Nickie.
- I'll get those, Nickie.
Olha, Nickie, está a deitar fumo.
Look, Nickie, it's smoking.
- Não é ele, o Nickie desapareceu.
- It isn't him, Nickie's gone.
A corrida às raparigas bonitas vai ser muito mais fácil agora que Nickie Ferrante, o grande caçador de corações, está fora de jogo.
Competition for pretty girls will definitely be easier now that Nickie Ferrante, the big dame hunter, is going out of circulation.
Nickie Ferrante embarca esta noite para se ligar por matrimónio à nobreza industrial americana.
Nickie Ferrante sails tonight to enter into matrimony with one of America's industrial nobility.
- Nickie?
Nickie, queria... agradecer-lhe pelo dia mais belo e memorável que vivi.
Nickie, I... I want to thank you for... the loveliest and the most memorable day I've ever known.
Entrámos num mar tempestuoso, Nickie.
We're heading into a rough sea, Nickie.
Estás a tentar dizer o quê?
What are you trying to say, Nickie?
Isso foi a coisa mais bonita...
Nickie, that's just about the nicest...
Nickie, querido!
Nickie, darling!
- O Sr. Lewis faz a entrevista.
Nickie, this is Mr. Lewis, who'll interview us.
Dentro de momentos, teremos connosco Menina Clarke e o noivo, Sr. Ferrante, para falarmos sobre o seu maravilhoso romance, que ocupa os títulos de todos os jornais e captou a imaginação do mundo inteiro. Mas primeiro...
In just a moment, we'll meet Miss Clarke and her fiancé, Mr. Nickie Ferrante, and talk to them about their wonderful romance, which has gotten headlines in papers all over the country, a romance which has captured the imagination of the whole world.
Estou morta por ver esse Ferrante.
I can't wait to see that Nickie Ferrante.
Lois Clarke e Ferrante iam aparecer.
Lois Clarke and Nickie Ferrante were about to come on.
- De certeza que tem imensos planos.
- Well, I'm sure Nickie has all kinds of plans.
Nickie, se me deixasses dizer às pessoas, às mulheres, quem é o pintor, vendia muito mais.
I doubt it. You know, Nickie, if you would let me tell people by people, I mean women who painted this, I could sell it and plenty more.
Nickie, ajuda-me a dar meia-volta.
Nickie, help me turn the boat around.
Oh, Nickie, preciso de ti.
Oh, Nickie, I need you.
Que bom ver-te.
Nickie! I'm so happy to see you.
Não perdeste o teu tempo.
You haven't wasted your time, Nickie.
Aqui, tornaste-te num pintor.
Here, Nickie, you became a painter.

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