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Novotny перевод на английский

58 параллельный перевод
- Novotny, devia ter desconfiado.
Novotny, I should have known.
Novotny, seu porco filho da puta, não vou ceder sob chantagem!
Novotny, you dirty son of a bitch, there's no way you're going to blackmail me into this.
- Novotny dá-me rédea livre, sabes porquê?
Sorry. Novotny gives me free reign. You know why?
Novotny parece acreditar que eu também consigo.
Now, well, Novotny seems to think I'll be able to do it.
O Novotny nunca disse que era um projecto governamental.
Hold it. Novotny never said this was a government project.
- Você trabalha com o Paul Novotny?
You work with Paul Novotny?
Enquanto brincavas com o Novotny, eu aprendia a ter vantagem aqui.
You blew it, Alex. While you were fooling around with Novotny, I was learning how to take advantage in here.
Mariella Novotny?
Mariella Novotny?
- Bom dia, Mrs. Novotny.
- Good morning, Mrs. Novotny.
Eu sou enfermeira talvez possa ajudar, e assim a Mrs. Novotny cala-se.
I'm a nurse. And maybe I can help him, and then she'll be quiet.
- Não é, Mrs. Novotny?
- Won't you, Mrs. Novotny?
Mrs. Novotny?
Mrs. Novotny?
Mrs. Novotny, preciso de si!
Mrs. Novotny, I need you!
Pode afastar-se, Mrs. Novotny.
You can move back now, Mrs. Novotny.
- Mrs. Novotny.
- Mrs. Novotny.
O Duncan mata-os, como matou o Mr. Novotny.
Duncan will shoot them like he shot Mr. Novotny.
- Também não queria matar Mr.
- You didn't mean to kill Mr. Novotny.
Novotny. Quantos polícias vão querer saber isso?
How many of those cops will care about that?
Dave Novotny.
Dave Novotny.
Devem pensar que Mr. Novotny abusava de uma das suas alunas.
You probably think that Mr Novotny was abusing one of his students.
Quando recordo a minha relação com Mr. Novotny, tenho saudades das nossas conversas.
When I think back on my relationship with Mr Novotny, what I miss most is our talks.
Por essa altura, a Diane e eu víamos muito a Linda Novotny.
Around that time, Diane and I were seeing a lot of Linda Novotny.
Ligou para casa dos Novotny.
You've reached the Novotny's.
A bordo do AWACS encontra-se o chefe dos aviões Novockny
on board the Awack's is air boss major Rob Novotny
Chama-se Gilbert Novotny e é de Brookline, Massachusetts.
Name's Gilbert Novotny of Brookline, Massachusetts.
O meu palpite é que Novotny entrou no carro e morreu dentro dele.
My guess is that Novotny got himself into the car and he died there.
Batimento falhado ou home run, o Novotny ficou com ela.
Foul ball or home run, Novotny came down with it.
O lugar do Novotny.
Novotny's seat.
O baço rasgado de Gilbert Novotny.
This is Gilbert Novotny's ruptured spleen.
Jane, este é o Gilbert Novotny, a vítima do parque de estacionamento.
Ok Jane this is Gilbert Novotny, our victim at the stadium parking structure.
Margo Trent e Gilbert Novotny estão ligados.
Margo Trent and Gilbert Novotny are connected.
Gilbert Novotny é de Boston.
Gilbert Novotny's from Boston.
O Gilbert Novotny está ali.
There's Gilbert Novotny.
Foi assim que o cabelo foi ter à bola e, por fim, à carrinha do Novotny.
That's how the hair got on the ball... and ultimately, into Novotny's truck. And they both end up dead.
Aiden, Danny, quero saber tudo o que for possível sobre o Gilbert Novotny.
Aiden, Danny, I want to know everything we can possibly find out about Gilbert Novotny.
Ele chama-se Gilbert Novotny, deixou dois filhos e uma viúva.
His name's actually Gilbert Novotny. He had two kids and a widow.
É a tua saliva. Foi o que encontrámos nuns Cracker Jacks que tirámos do cabelo de Gilbert Novotny.
That's what we found on some Cracker Jacks we took from Gilbert Novotny's hair.
Estás a dizer que o George Novotny foi atingido no baço por uma bola inválida?
You're telling me that George Novotny got blasted in the spleen with a foul ball?
Só havia impressões parciais da bola do carro do Novotny.
We got mostly partials from the ball in Novotny's car.
Sim, algumas pertencem ao lançador, ao apanhador ao árbitro até mesmo ao Novotny.
Yeah, and you gotta figure some of them belong to the pitcher, catcher, umpire, even Novotny.
O Hawkes diz que a bola foi atirada com força suficiente para matar o Novotny, e a porta foi rachada pela outra bola. Exige muita força.
All right, Hawkes said a ball was thrown hard enough to kill Novotny, and the door in the apartment was split by a baseball, that's a lot of force.
Está ali o Gilbert Novotny, e a Margo Trent.
There's Gilbert Novotny, there's Margo Trent.
- Vê como olha para o Novotny.
Look at his face, the way he's looking at Novotny.
ADN na bola com o cuspo que me trouxeste. corresponde ao ADN na bola que o Mac achou em casa de Margo Trent e também ao ADN da bola que matou Gilbert Novotny.
The DNA from the spit ball you brought me matches DNA from the ball Mac found in Margo Trent's apartment, as well as DNA from the baseball that killed Gilbert Novotny.
E não é nem de longe tão rápida como a bola que mandaste à barriga de Gilbert Novotny.
It's not nearly as fast as the ball you threw in the gut of Gilbert Novotny.
Rasgou o baço de Gilbert Novotny.
You ruptured Gilbert Novotny's spleen.
Ele está registado como Martin Novotny,
The system has him down as Martin Novotny,
O Novotny é o nosso alvo.
Novotny is our target.
Encontrem o Novotny e detenham-no.
You find Novotny and you stop him.
E fez muito bem em nada dizer.
Novotny was absolutely right not to.
- Onde está o Novotny agora?
Where's Novotny now?

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