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Stonebridge перевод на английский

161 параллельный перевод
Vamos ter de ir pela estrada de Stonebridge.
We shall have to take the stone-bridge road.
Austin, Stonebridge, Whitfield, Kurtz.
Austin, Stonebridge, Whitfield, Kurtz.
Estou na Ponte Stonebridge.
I'm on the Stonebridge overpass.
É Stonebridge.
It's Stonebridge.
O Norick trouxe-o para Stonebridge quando era pequeno.
Norick brought him to Stonebridge when he was just little.
- Onde vais? Stonebridge.
- Stonebridge.
Povo de Stonebridge.
People of Stonebridge.
Os Krug atacaram-nos Stonebridge, a sul.
The Krug last attacked Stonebridge, in the south.
- Este é o agricultor de Stonebridge.
This is the farmer... from Stonebridge.
Porque um súbdito desleal requer tanta atenção do mago do rei?
Now why does a disloyal dirt-lover from Stonebridge... command such careful attention from the king's magus?
Ele passou por muitas coisas desde Stonebridge.
He's been through a great deal since we met him in Stonebridge.
Reconheci-o quando estávamos em Stonebridge.
I recognized him when we were in Stonebridge.
Passou os últimos 30 anos numa quinta em Stonebridge?
He spent the last 30 years... living over a Stonebridge farm?
Crescendo em Stonebridge, ele tornou-se forte. Bem longe dos inimigos que teriam toda a oportunidade de impedir que o seu filho fosse o herdeiro.
Growing up in Stonebridge... he grew up strong... and far away from the enemies... who would have jumped at any opportunity... to rid you of your son and heir.
Porque será? Na noite antes de ontem, houve um assalto em Stonebridge, a cerca de meia hora desta propriedade.
Night before last, there was a robbery on Stonebridge,
- Câmara principal pronta.
Head cam's up. Stonebridge.
- Stonebridge. - Coronel.
- Com todo o respeito Major, quando foi a última vez que esteve em acção?
All due respect Major, when was the last time you stepped out from behind a desk? Stonebridge.
- Stonebridge.
O mesmo que houve em Mumbai.
It's Mumbai all over again. Stonebridge, Is Scott with you?
Stonebridge não faças nada para te entregares.
Stonebridge do nothing to give yourself away.
Stonebridge, não intervenhas.
Stonebridge, do not intervene.
- Stonebridge, fala.
Stonebridge, report.
Scott, Stonebridge, informem.
Scott, Stonebridge, report.
O Scott e o Stonebridge trataram da situação, e contiveram a maior parte da explosão.
Scott and Stonebridge managed to get everyone clear, and contain most of the blast.
E para o Michael Stonebridge, você é o melhor soldado que já conheci.
And to Michael Stonebridge, you are the finest soldier I have ever known.
Papá Stonebridge!
Daddy Stonebridge!
Stonebridge, responde.
Stonebridge, come in.
O homem com o Stonebridge disse para deixarmos de procurar o Latif.
So, the man with Stonebridge said we can stop looking for Latif.
Coronel, é o Stonebridge.
Colonel, it's Stonebridge.
- A Zubedah está perto?
Stonebridge? Is Zubedah near you?
Ele informou-nos da sua ajuda. - E nós agradecemos.
Sergeant Stonebridge briefed us on your contributions, and we greatly appreciate them.
No. Stonebridge?
O Stonebridge e o Scott querem falar consigo urgentemente.
Excuse me. Stonebridge and Scott need to speak to you urgently.
Stonebridge, fale.
Stonebridge, report.
Sr. Sinclair, Sr. Stonebridge,
Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Stonebridge,
A enviar as informações para o Stonebridge.
We're sending the information to Stonebridge now.
E Stonebridge? Quer continuar.
What about Stonebridge?
Está bem, o Stonebridge sabe o que faz.
All right. Stonebridge knows what he's doing.
E deixou o Stonebridge partir numa missão suicida com a única pista para o Latif.
And you've let Stonebridge go off on some suicide rescue mission. With the only lead to Latif.
Não há sinal do Stonebridge nas imagens de satélite.
There's no sign yet of Stonebridge on any of the satellite feeds.
Quanto ao Sr. Stonebridge e ao Sr. Crawford, amanhã, enviaremos tropas para o deserto.
As for Mr Stonebridge and Mr Crawford, tomorrow we will send troops into the desert.
E o Stonebridge?
And Stonebridge?
Se o Stonebridge conseguiu encontrar os Janjaweed, isso justificaria o cenário.
If Stonebridge had managed to engage the Janjaweed then this would fit that scenario.
O Stonebridge precisa de um nome.
Stonebridge, he needs a name.
- Kerry Stonebridge.
Kerry Stonebridge.
- Onde está o Stonebridge?
Where's Stonebridge?
- Stonebridge.

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