/ португальский → английский / Told
Told перевод на английский
158,859 параллельный перевод
Não fez o que lhe mandaram,
You didn't do what you were told.
- O que é que lhe mandaram fazer.
Wonder what she was told to do.
Agente Bishop, foi especificamente informada para ficar fora do caso Chen.
Agent Bishop, you were specifically told to stay away from the Chen case.
- Ele disse-nos que fez uma entrega para o Chen na torre de rádio.
He told us he made a delivery on Chen's behalf to that radio tower.
- Já falei.
I told you.
Disse que está a trabalhar para a CIA agora.
He told me that he's working with the CIA now.
- Ainda não lhe contei.
Actually, I haven't told her yet.
- Não lhe contaste?
What? You never told Delilah?
- Contei-lhe.
I told her.
Meu Deus, contaste-lhe tudo?
Whoa, you told, you told her everything?
O Jethro falou-me do seu senso de humor único.
Uh, Jethro told me about your unique sense of humor.
Já vos disse, não tive nada a ver com a morte do Collins.
I already told you- - I had nothing to do with Collins'death.
Disse-lhe que a Nicole nunca faria isso.
No. I told him Nicole would never do that.
O doutor disse-lhe esta manhã, antes de chegares.
The doctor told her this morning, just before you got here.
Mandou-me tratar da minha vida.
He told me to mind my own business.
Rapaz, já te disse, preciso de sair daqui.
Kid, I already told you, I got to get out of here.
- Já vos disse, é Henry.
I've told you twice, it's Henry.
Disse-lhes que não precisava de uma ama.
I told'em I didn't need a babysitter.
Disse-vos o que sei.
I told you what I know.
Que pessoas é que o educaram para crer em tudo o que dizem?
What kind of people raised you to believe everything you're told?
O velho ao lado dele mandou-me lixar, depois saíram e ficaram lá fora à chuva.
But then the old guy with him told me to "suck it," and then they went and stood outside, even though it was raining.
- Ele disse-me para algemá-lo.
Take'em off. He told me to cuff him.
Um passarinho contou-me que optou por algemar um cidadão idoso a uma cadeira.
A little birdie told me that you resorted to handcuffing a senior citizen to a chair.
Ele disse que não se importava de ver o memorial.
He told me he didn't care about seeing the memorial.
Ele também te mandou ficar de orelhas abertas, não foi o que ele disse.
He also told you to open your ears, that's not what he said.
Ela confiou em si, disse-lhe que ia denunciá-los.
She confided in you, she told you she was gonna blow the whistle.
Também disse que ligou para a linha directa a pedir um conselho, e que deu detalhes para o homem que a atendeu.
She also told you that she called the hotline for advice, and that she gave details to the guy that answered.
Não podia fazer nada.
I told him there's nothing I could do.
Porque ela pediu.
Well, she told me to.
Eu disse, não sei quem ele é.
I told you, I don't know who he is.
Lembras-te daquela noite que voltaste para casa e me contaste como plantaste a arma do Monroe?
Do you remember that night you came back to the crib and told me how you planted Monroe's gun?
Mas nunca me deu detalhes.
Picked on. But he never told me specifics.
- Já disse, era só uma brincadeira.
I told you, we were just messing around.
Tem de acreditar, eu disse, não tenho nenhuma luta com o Jonesy.
Look, you got to believe me. I told you, I have no beef with Jonesy.
Esse lugar é divertido.
Told you, Jasper. This place is fun.
Depois a Abby disse-me o que aconteceu.
Then Abby told me what happened.
Como lhe disse, não faço ideia do que estava a acontecer naquele parque.
Like I told you, I have no idea what was going on in that park.
Quem disse que isto tem a ver com a carne de caça?
Who told you the murder had to do with bushmeat?
Ele não podia sequer ter-me dito onde estava, muito menos qual era a missão.
He shouldn't have even told me where he was, much less what the mission was.
Chefe, o Dean disse à esposa que ia pescar sozinho.
Boss, Dean told his wife he was going on that fishing trip alone.
Ele disse à mulher que ia pescar no Canadá, isso foi mentira.
What's this all about? Well, he told his wife he was going fishing in Canada, and that was a lie.
Ela mesma me disse.
She told me herself.
Quando os terroristas nos interrogaram, ela disse que estavam à procura dela.
When the terrorists were interrogating us, Dayana told me they were looking for her.
Pensei que queriam fazer o bem.
I was told these people wanted to do good.
O Pip contou-te que me ia embora.
Yeah, so, Pip told you I was leaving.
Contou-me o que queres.
Pip told me you want to.
Pode ter dito aos recrutas que a NSA não sabia o que eles estavam lá a fazer, mas sabemos que lhes contou.
You may have told your recruits the NSA didn't know what they were doing there... but we know you called and told them.
Ela contou-te isso tudo?
She told you all of that?
Mandei um e-mail ao Keyes. Disse-lhe o que descobri.
I sent Keyes an e-mail, told him what I found.
Disse-me que estava certa sobre o grupo que procurávamos, que eles existiam, e eram mais perigosos do que pensávamos.
He told me that I wasn't wrong about the group that we had been looking for, that they existed, and they were more dangerous than we thought.
Se alguém contou alguma coisa ao Beck.
If someone told Beck something...