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Na verdade, não queria dizer mais nada.
That was actually my final thought.
E por isso estava... numa palavra, em êxtase.
And so just, I was... one word, ecstatic.
"Quanto tempo estive fora?"
"Oh. How long was I gone?"
" Quanto tempo estive fora?
" How long was I gone?
"Acho que fui enviada do futuro para matar um rapaz."
"I think I was sent from the future to kill a boy."
Se acham que Jesus era branco, não podem ter opinião sobre o controlo de armas.
If you think Jesus was white, you're not allowed to have an opinion on gun control.
E algumas pessoas no público pensam : "Mas Jesus era branco."
Also some people in the crowd are like, "But Jesus was white."
Eu sou uma daquelas pessoas que não acredita no aquecimento global, mas tenho a certeza que a Arca de Noé foi uma história verídica.
I'm one of those people that doesn't believe in global warming, but I'm pretty sure Noah's ark was a true story.
Em que o tipo avisou toda a gente sobre uma louca mudança climatérica e toda a gente disse : " Noé, cala-te, caralho.
Where the guy was warning everybody about the insane change in the weather, and everyone's like, " Shut the fuck up, Noah.
Ela perguntou : "Porque precisamos de uma arma?"
She was like, "Why do we need a gun?"
Eu respondi : " Não sei.
I was like, " I don't know.
"Pensei que era um filme." A sério?
"I thought it was a film." Did you?
E se o meu espetáculo fosse só isso?
What if this was my whole show?
Não serviu para nada?
Was that for nothing?
E porquê? Porque é que alguém pensou : " Sabes?
Why was someone like, " You know what?
Nem sabíamos que o fotógrafo lá estava.
We didn't even know the photographer was there.
Estive num casamento que teve um copo-d'água não-alcoólico.
I was at a wedding. It was a non-alcoholic reception.
Fiquei, tipo : "Espero que tenham diarreia na lua-de-mel."
I was like, "I hope they get diarrhea on the honeymoon."
E eu, tipo : " A sério?
I was like, " Really?
Ia dizer que espero que morram esta noite. "
I was gonna say I hope they die tonight. "
Foi num espetáculo, durante um festival no Texas.
I was at a show, doing a festival in Texas.
E no saco-prenda estava uma Fleshlight.
In the gift bag there was a free Fleshlight.
Se estivessem no passeio agora e alguém encostasse um Ferrari e dissesse : "Entra," vocês não iam dizer : "Mas eu já tenho carro."
If you were out on the sidewalk right now and someone pulled up in a Ferrari and was like, "Get in," you're not gonna be like, "But I already have a car."
Espero que o gajo que foi cagar durante uma hora volte agora.
I hope that's the point that the guy was taking an hour-long shit comes back in.
E pensei : " Sabes que mais?
I was like, " You know what?
Se nunca ninguém vai descobrir, então, sim, eu fodo isto.
If no one was ever gonna know, then, yeah, I'II have sex with it.
- Ei! - Foi melhor que o Todd Glass.
- He was better than Todd Glass.
era um idiota.
was an idiot.
Não percebi porque a palavra "sê" estava mal escrita, mas ela foi simpática e explicou-me.
I didn't understand why the word "be" was misspelled, but she was nice and explained it to me.
Foi arrasador, com todos os sons e luzes e aquela horrível fonte, com água a sair por todo o lado.
It was so overwhelming, with all the sounds and the lights and, God, that awful fountain with the water going every which way.
Estava aborrecida.
Yeah, I was annoyed.
Aquilo com o teu pai foi estranho, não achas?
So... that was weird with your dad, right?
Porque foi óbvio.
Because he was. I mean, it was obvious.
Saí enquanto ele trabalhava, baixei as calças e pus o meu rabo castanho no carro dele.
I went outside to the parking lot while he was working, pulled down my drawers, and plopped my nutbrown bottom on his car.
Mas sei que o meu rabo esteve no carro dele e ele nem sonha.
But now I'll always know that my butt was on his car, and he has no idea.
Telefonei a avisar e fui bem clara.
I called. I was very clear about what we needed.
Seja como for, falei do meu filho que precisa de um ambiente especial. Neste caso, um vestuário privado, sem música e com pouca luz.
Anyway, I was calling about my son, who, you know, he requires a special environment, specifically, a private dressing room, no music, dim lighting.
Foi uma demonstração!
No! I was demonstrating!
Esta linda camisola e este horrível casaco de pele que, segundo o Zahid, me vai arranjar chicas. Significa "miúdas" e foi por isso que vim.
this wonderful whale shirt and this terrible leather jacket, which Zahid says will help me get chicas, which means "girls," which was the whole reason for coming.
Vieste cá para isso?
That was the whole point of coming?
A ideia foi dela.
It was her idea.
"A Julia isto, a Julia aquilo."
Everything was, "Julia says this, Julia says that."
Estava a ser sarcástica, tens um ar parvo.
I was being sarcastic. You look stupid.
Tinha um caso?
Was he having an affair?
Era o treinador da Casey, ela faltou à aula de História.
No, that was Casey's coach. She wasn't in her history class today.
Foi difícil quando o teu irmão nasceu.
You know, it was hard when your brother was born.
Era difícil ter um filho que não sorria e não me olhava nos olhos.
It was hard having a son who... didn't smile and... look you in the eye.
Pensava que as coisas iam melhorar, que lhe passava, mas foi diagnosticado e...
And I kept thinking things would get better, and he would grow out of it, and then he was diagnosed and...
A mãe atirou-se a isso com tudo, com os grupos de apoio, as dietas e foi fantástica.
You know, Mom threw herself into all of it, with the support groups and the special diets, and she was great.
E senti que estava a estragar as coisas.
And I felt like I was just messing things up.
Foi minha.
It was me.