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Were перевод на английский
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Quando estavas doente, e parecia que a tua mãe e eu íamos perder-te, não fazes ideia o que isso fez comigo.
When you were sick, and it looked like your mother and I were going to lose you, you have no idea what that did to me.
Espero que já tivessem terminado porque ela está a ir-se embora.
I hope, whatever it was, you were done,'cause she's leaving.
Quais eram as probabilidades de os filhos da Darlene acharem a cura para o cancro?
Ah, well, what were the odds Darlene's kids were gonna cure cancer?
Julgava que iam ter connosco à Missa do Galo.
- What? I thought they were meetin us at midnight Mass.
Se dependesse de mim, iríamos todas as semanas.
If it were up to me, we'd be goin'every week.
Dei comer ao gado enquanto dormias.
I was feedin'cattle while you were sleepin'in.
Espera, não é a garrafa que estávamos a guardar para quando tivéssemos um neto?
Wait, isn't this the bottle we were saving for when we had our first grandkid?
Gostava que fôssemos criadas mais como homens.
I wish we were raised more like men.
Foram criados com os pais a dizer : "Tudo o que fazes é um milagre."
You were raised, and your parents, they're just like, "Everything you do is a miracle."
Há um segundo, eras o homem mais poderoso da terra.
A second ago, you were the most powerful man alive.
Conhecemo-nos... Quando me inscrevi, disseram :
We met- - When I signed up, they were like,
E... Fomos e estávamos muito empolgados.
And... we went, and we were excited.
Disse que eu estava "a usar manteiga como se fosse guacamole".
He said that I was "using butter as if it were guacamole."
E as outras pessoas que lá estavam eram os combatentes do vírus ébola, a Malala
And the other people there were people like the Ebola fighters, and Malala,
No julho em que o Descarrilada estreou, duas raparigas, a Mayci Breaux e a Jilian Johnson, foram mortas a tiro no cinema, quando foram ver o meu filme.
The July that Trainwreck came out, two girls named Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson were shot and killed at the movie theater when they went to see my movie.
Estão a pensar : " Schumer, ainda agora falaste de esporra nas tuas tetas.
You're like, " Schumer, you were talking about come all over your tits.
E, sabem, eu acreditei nisso, porque quando fiz o meu primeiro filme, Descarrilada, antes de fazer algo, houve alguém que me explicou. Disse-me : " Só para saberes, Amy, sem qualquer pressão.
And, you know, I bought into it, because when I was doing my first movie, Trainwreck, before I did anything, somebody explained to me, they were like, " Just so you know, Amy, no pressure.
Parece que nos íamos mudar e ficámos sem malas, portanto, dissemos : Olhem para isto. " Vamos vestir a roupa toda.
It looks like we were moving, and we ran out of bags, so we're like, " Let's just wear it all.
Alex, Harry, se ele tivesse a certeza que era mentira, já estavam mortos.
Is that what you want to happen? Alex, Harry, if he was so sure you were lying, you'd both be dead already.
Os "hackers" foram contratados pela Greypool, a empresa militar e de segurança americana.
The hackers were hired by Greypool, the private American military company and security group.
Aquela padaria em Richmond? Dissemos que os donos não faziam um bolo para o regresso a casa de militares porque achavam que os soldados americanos eram assassinos.
Well, we said that the owners wouldn't make a cake for a veteran's return home because they thought that U.S. troops were murderers.
Expuseste-te por nós.
If you were trying to earn your place on this team,
Tenho quatro horas de viagem pela frente, por isso decidi enviar o meu artigo sobre a festa aqui.
Do you prefer to be called Mr. Booth or Operative Ryan... I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Pensei em ti e resolvi ligar para saber como estás.
I was just thinking about you and thought I'd call and see how you were.
E tu achavas que ela ia passar-se.
Ah. And you were so sure she was gonna flip out.
Na verdade, estávamos numa ladeira.
Well, to be fair, we were going down a mountain.
Tomei um analgésico, dizem que não é bom misturar com álcool, mas estavam errados.
I took a pain pill, they say you shouldn't mix them with alcohol, but they were wrong.
O Adam contou-me que fez parte do exército há milhões de anos então deve ser muito boa a fazer camas.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Adam told me you were in the Army a million years ago, so I'm sure you're really great at making a bed.
As notícias foram bastante exageradas
The reports were greatly exaggerated.
Nem sabia que ainda trabalhavas para o FBI.
I didn't even know you were still with the bureau.
Sim, querida, sabe-las porque eu tas disse muitas vezes por dia quando eras uma bebé.
You know them because I said them to you many times a day when you were a baby.
Nós já fomos muito chegadas em tempos.
You and I were very close once.
Querida, você estava numa bicicleta.
Honey. You were on a bicycle.
Alguem te deu uma justificação satisfatória para a força de trabalho ter sido dissolvida pelo FBI?
Were you ever given a satisfactory answer as to why the task force was disbanded by the bureau?
Estava a usar essa camisa quando eu bati em si.
You were wearing the shirt when I hit you.
Liguei para saber como estás.
Thought I'd call and see how you were.
Se dependesse de mim, passava o dia todo contigo, todos os dias.
It it were up to me, I would be with you all day, every day.
Shelby, obrigada por ofereceres o contacto que tens lá, mas conseguimos chegar à Rebecca.
Shelby, thank you for offering to utilize your asset there, but we were able to trace it to Rebecca.
Clay, se houvesse outra forma...
Clay, if there were any other way...
Este encontro, O facto de me ter abordado. O que faria, no meu lugar?
I mean, this meeting, the fact that someone approached you, what would you do if you were in my shoes?
Quem foi sabia que estávamos lá.
Whoever did this, they they knew we were there.
Quem falou com a jornalista pode ter falado com os colaboradores e tê-los informado sobre nós.
Maybe the same person that talked to the reporter talked to the collaborators, tipped them off as to what we were doing.
Estávamos tão perto.
We were so close.
Diga-lhe quanto ela o desiludiu, como gostava que as coisas fossem diferentes.
Tell her how disappointed you are in her. Tell her how you wish things were different.
Isso foi quando estavas na equipa que informava o presidente?
Was this while you were on the president's briefing team?
Éramos para ir ao pior restaurante da cidade, lembras-te?
We were supposed to go to the worst restaurant in town, remember?
Sim, estávamos a ver as listas de convidados dos eventos que a Rebecca nos deu.
Yeah, we were just going over all the guest lists Rebecca gave us from her events.
Estamos a aproximar-nos.
Well, Shelby did think that they were near the Chesapeake.
Garanto-vos que ficaram muito satisfeitos.
I can assure you, they were very satisfied.
Como aquela ali, elas são vendidas aos pares.
I mean, just like that one, they were sold as a pair.
Sei que está a mentir.
I knew you were lying.