/ португальский → русский / Buried
Buried перевод на русский
17 параллельный перевод
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O Eli Scruggs foi enterrado num sábado, e toda a gente que o Eli ajudou ao longo dos anos veio prestar-lhe a última homenagem.
Eli Scruggs was buried on a Saturday... and all the people that Eli had helped over the years came to pay their last respects.
A maioria dos materiais em que ele estava enterrado era azulejo translúcido, cerâmico, vidrado, datado de antes de 1920.
Well, most of what he was buried in and what I found around the remains was tile : прозрачной, керамической, стекловидной датированной примерно 1920-ми.
Após a minha personagem casar com a dele, Joseph Fox, ela foi raptada, enterrada viva, presa numa caverna com ursos, raptada outra vez e mantida nos esgotos de Paris.
After my character married his character, Joseph Fox, She was kidnapped, buried alive, trapped in a cave with bears, and held hostage in the sewers of Paris.
Do you ever feel already buried deep?
* Ты когда-нибудь чувствовал себя затоптанным? *
House 8x07 Dead Buried / Мертвы и похоронены
Enterrei um amigo.
I buried a friend.
Acho que ela enterrou tudo no meu quintal.
And I think she buried the crap in my backyard.
Frank, tens a certeza de que há jóias por aqui?
Frank, do you know for certain there's jewelry buried out here?
Disse que estava possuída por Satanás e que tinha morto a Silvie e enterrado o corpo dela.
You said that you were possessed by Satan and that you killed Silvie and buried her body.
Foi descoberto durante operações secretas e depois encoberto com favores políticos.
It was discovered during undercover operations and then later buried with political favor.
Então podemos descobrir onde é que enterraram o que quer que tenham enterrado.
То есть мы можем выяснить, где они похоронены, whatever it is they buried.
Por isso ele enterrou-a com ela.
So he buried her with it.
Ele enterrou-a com a boneca...
He buried her with it...
Que horas são?
I am in the dark beside you buried sweetly - Который час?
♪ I'll be buried in my grave ♪
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