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Translate.vc / португальский → русский / Completely

Completely перевод на русский

17 параллельный перевод
That's completely different.
Это совсем другое.
É totalmente diferente.
Oh, that is completely different.
Pessoal, foi tudo ideia minha.
Guys, it was completely my idea.
Se o isentar, perdoar a irresponsabilidade, a imaturidade, o comportamento que está perto do anti-social, estava a mandar uma mensagem para os médicos deste hospital, de que não há problema em agir assim.
If I were to exonerate him, condone his completely reckless, immature, almost misanthropic behavior, I would essentially be sending a message to all the other doctors in this hospital that it's okay to act that way and... извини.
Não deixe as tuas emoções apagarem completamente as raízes bárbaras do acto sexual.
Don't let your emotions completely obscure the barbaric roots of the sexual act.
A culpa é toda minha.
It's completely my fault.
Eu sou completamente...
I'm total- - completely from a nonjudgmental- -
Um é redondo, o outro retangular.
W-well, they're completely different styles. One's round.
Vêem como ele está completamente virado?
See how it's completely turned over on its side?
Afinal de contas, é impossível.
- It must be completely hopeless.
Então, com a excepção de não poder sair e andar ao sol, é completamente normal?
So, with the exception of not being able to go out in the sun, you're completely normal? Да.
Não, estava limpo.
No. It was completely clear.
A Elena será avaliada, está curada, o tumor dela acabou.
Elena's examined, found completely sane now that her tumor is gone.
Ser completamente honesta.
To be completely honest.
Mentiste completamente sobre a razão de andares a sair comigo.
You completely lied about why you were hanging out with me.
Precisaria de oito, nove dias para erradicar as células cancerosas todas.
Projecting forward, it would take eight or nine days to completely eradicate her cancer cells.
Vai apenas "online" e escolhe uma hora.
Then I was on the street completely vulnerable. So I suppose not.

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