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Door перевод на русский

129 параллельный перевод
- Repitam comigo. "Door"
- Повторяйте за мной. "Дверь."
'Cause when you look out through the door
#'Cause when you look out through the door #
Temos cópias dos artigos da San Diego Door.
У нас есть копии твоих статей из San Diego Door.
- ( Door slams ) - Oh, thank God.
О, слава Богу.
- Van Door ( porta ), ou assim.
- Ван Дор - как-то так.
Não quero apanhar porrada.
You answer the door. I don't want to get smacked.
Quem será que está a bater na minha porta?
Who can it be knocking at my door? Кто стучится ко мне в дверь?
Quando a tua hora acabou E ela escorre para o chão
- When your time's on the door - And it drips to the floor
A Heather fez uma reserva para as 18 : 30 no restaurante.
Хизер зарезервировала нам столик на 6 : 30 в Red Door.
Isto é pela porta.
Here, this is for the door.
A porta estava escancarada. Trouxe a tinta.
The door was wide open.
A sua porta da frente estava escancarada.
Your front door was wide open.
O "Behind The Green Door" está disponível em Blu-ray.
"За зеленой дверью" доступны на блюрей.
Estamos no Green Door. Despacha-te.
Подъезжай в Грин-Дор.
Agora é uma noiva e está de volta ao topo. Até o próximo erro dela.
( door opens ) И теперь она невеста и снова возвращается в центр внимания.
Porque não abrir essa porta?
¶ So why not Open up that door?
- Porque não abrir essa porta?
¶ So why not open up That door? ¶
- Abrir a porta
¶ Open up that door ¶
Vamos, abre a porta
¶ So come on Open up ¶ ¶ That door ¶
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Иногда я вижу, Как ты проходишь мимо моего дома.
And he stormed out the door!
И он выбил дверь!
Come beating on your door
* Обрушиваются на твою голову. *
Rachel, abra a porta, por favor.
Rachel, open the door, please.
É hermético, portanto... temos de deixar a porta entreaberta, caso contrário, sufocaríamos.
It's airtight, so we have to leave the door ajar or we'll suffocate.
- A perícia catalogou as jóias e o anel de noivado está lá.
( Shut the front door = Shut the f * up = Are you serious? ) Криминалисты нашли украшения и обручальное кольцо там.
Podemos fechar a porta do palco para ver melhor a Mandy, por favor?
Can we close the downstage door to get better eyes on Mandy, Please? Close those doors!
And out the door I went One bourbon
И я вышел за дверь
I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city
* Этот город будет моим *
Miúda, destranca a porta.
Kid, unlock that door.
Tranca a porta.
Now, lock the door.
Vai para ao pé da porta.
Go back by the door.
Vai para ao pé da porta.
I said go to the door!
Quer que pensemos que levou o Júlio pela porta da frente.
He wants us to think that he took Julio out the front door.
Bem, precisamos de colocar barras eletrificadas nas janelas, reforçar a porta.
Well, we need to put up electrified bars over the windows Reinforce the door.
Retrocede até ao momento em que entrou.
Back him up to the door.
"The Girl Next Door"
Estarei no meu escritório com a porta aberta.
I'll be in my office - - with the door open.
Eu fechei a porta.
I locked the door.
Não sabemos o que está por trás daquela porta.
- what's on the other side of that door. - No...
"O gato sentou-se à porta ( door ) :"
"Кошка сидела у двери".
When you are born with sex appeal in the forest called Hollywood you'll find more wolves at your back door than that little red riding hood now she and her little old grandma could have learned from the men I've dated
Когда рожден ты сексуальным в лесу, чтои имя носит Голливуд готовься встретить волков ты больше позади себя чем красная шапочка на своем пути в наши дни она и ее милая бабушка могли бы научиться у мужчин, с которыми я встречалась, тому
Não está a resultar, mas sei que ainda está vivo, a masculinidade dele bateu à porta da minha menina.
This is not working. I know he's still alive, because his manhood is knocking on my lady door.
B-Mano, Barn Door ( porta de estábulo ),
Эй, Барнелло я в игре!
"Ripadas Por".PR09 @ MSNM.
Lay flowers at the door... for those who're left behind... and the ones who've gone before.
Baseado no artigo do New York Times, "The Girls Next Door"
В основе фильма - статья Питера Лэдсмэна "Девочки по соседству" из Нью-Йорк Таймс.
Abram a porta!
Open the door, open it!
[Door opens, Closes] Так.
Aguenta, Bambi.
- S21EP22 The Bob Next Door
Симпсоны :
( Knock on door ) Тесса?
"Death's Door"

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