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Translate.vc / португальский → русский / Would

Would перевод на русский

386 параллельный перевод
Haveria uma escadaria para subir
There would be one long staircase just going up
Sobre problemas que atordoariam os rabinos
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes
Será que estragaria algum vasto plano eterno
Would it spoil some vast eternal plan
Deus quer que sejamos felizes
God would like us to be joyful
Eu tive medo de Deus desaprovar
I was afraid that God would frown
Onde mais o Sabá
Where else would Sabbath
Mostrar-te-ia como dançar bem
I would have shown you how to do it right
Então porque a teria ele mudado? * So why would he change her?
* Так зачем менять её?
Sim, a menina Holli Would, se pudesse...
Да. мисс Холли Вуд.
- Foi a Holli Would.
Это была Холли Вуд.
Tu não me irrites, Would.
Не серди меня, Вуд.
- A Holli Would. A Holli Would?
Холли Вуд?
- Passa-me isso, sim?
- Hand me that, would you?
Eu cá largava isso.
I would lose that.
Certamente qualquer um quereria ter a eternidade na mão.
Surely anyone would want to take eternity in hand.
Certamente qualquer um quereria ter a eternidade na mão. ZEN ZEN, embora aja como se não me preocupasse com nada, olha para mim, eu estou apaixonado por ti!
Surely anyone would want to take eternity in hand.
You would cry too if it happened to you
Вы бы тоже орали, когда бы случилось такое с вами
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
О, как это было бы смешно
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
Ох, как было бы смешно
Besides, it's what my waddly-kiddles would want.
роме того, это то чего хотела бы мо € сладенька €.
E eu vou-te ver da mesma maneira que sempre vi... como uma mimada, estridente, "gold-digging socialite" "who would sooner chew off her own foot than do an honest day's work."
И я буду видеть в тебе ту же женщину, что и раньше - избалованную, визгливую, обожающую золото даму из высшего общества, которая скорее откусит себе руку, чем честно отработает целый день...
How many people want to kick some ass l would ifl could
Мнoгo ли людeй eздят пo странe, чтoбы надрать кoму-тo задницу У нас всe пoлучаeтся
"When I met you, I thought I would die"
"Когда я встретила тебя, я думала, что умру"
"or that you would hurt me"
"или что обидишь меня"
Would you mind not standing quite so close?
Ты мог бы не стоять так близко?
Just wanted to see if some of the magic would rub off.
Просто хотел увидеть, вдруг произойдет чудо.
Quem suspeitaria de um polícia?
Who would suspect a cop?
Ela era uma menina que apostava, ela deitaria o dinheiro dela
She was a gambling girl, she would lay her money down
O Jor-El nunca te deixaria escapar por isto.
Jor-El would have never let you get away with this.
Mas eu gostaria de descobrir.
I would like to find out.
"Se algum dia eu te deixar" "Não seria no verão"
o / ~ If ever I would leave you o / ~ Покину даже если я тебя o / ~ It wouldn't be in summer o / ~ Не летом - это точно ;
"Vendo-te no verão" "Eu nunca iria"
o / ~ Seeing you in summer o / ~ Увижу летом я тебя o / ~ I never would go o / ~ Не расстанусь никогда.
A nós calhava melhor Viver de noite
- We would have a fine time living in the night
Continuando Como estando tudo bem
- And we would go on as though nothing was wrong
If I could, I would.
Если бы я могла, я бы вышла.
* Porque elas sempre me disseram que eu iria passar minha vida com você *
Cause they always told me I would spend my life with you
* Porque eles sempre me disseram que eu iria passar minha vida com você *
And they always told me I would spend my life with you
- Por que é que fizeste isso?
Why would you do that?
Teria desistido num ano, se não fosse pela May.
I would have given up within a year if it hadn't been for May.
Claro que, se um certo médico abrisse os cordões à bolsa... Não vamos comprar um fogão novo.
Of course, if a certain doctor would loosen the purse strings...
Se atendesses mais alguns pacientes já o poderíamos comprar.
- We're not getting a new stove. If you would just take on a few more patients, we could afford it.
É que por vezes penso que apreciarias melhor o valor do dinheiro se tivesses de trabalhar fora de casa.
I just sometimes think maybe you would appreciate the value of a dollar more if you had to work outside the home.
E eu acho que tu apreciarias melhor o meu valor se, para variar, tivesses de cozinhar a tua comida e lavar a tua roupa.
And I think you would appreciate my value more if, for once, you had to cook your own food and wash your own clothes.
Assobios, gestos obscenos. "Ó tu, dos melões!"
My buddies would've gone crazy for you- - cat calls, uh, nasty gestures.
E isso seria
And that would be
"You would have been, he would have been...."
Вы были бы... он был бы... мы были бы... они были бы...
DAN DAN, pouco a pouco, estou a ficar encantado, és a última esperança que resta a este planeta. Certamente qualquer um quereria ter a eternidade na mão.
Surely anyone would want to take eternity in hand.
- Ai tinhas?
You would, huh?
Ainda podemos avançar no nosso relacionamento.
But the words would come out wrong, and there is no... Мы все равно можем двигать наши отношения вперед.
Acho que o Eli não se importaria.
Oh, I don't think Eli would mind.

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