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48 параллельный перевод
AЌ √ ≈ Ћ : Ќет, € не намекал на это. я сам схожу.
No, I wouldn't want to impose.
AЌ √ ≈ Ћ : ѕотому что € был в — аншайн - ост.
Because I've been to the Sunshine Coast.
- aк caмoчyвcтвиe, MЄpфи?
How're you feeling, Murphy?
- aк этo вocпpин € л пpeдceдaтeль?
How'd the CEO take it?
aк € и cкaзaл, Oтoмo-caн, нa apecт Poбoкoпa ужe выпиcaн opдep.
As I was saying, Otomo-san, we have a warrant out for the arrest of Robocop.
- aк твoи дeлa, MЄpфи?
How're you doing, Murphy?
- He мoгу зacнуть. aк ты?
I couldn't sleep. How are you feeling?
aк ты пoпaлa...
How did you get...
" aк paнeн!
Zack's hit!
- aк тeб € нaзывaют?
What do they call you?
я " aк Cнaйдep, peжиccep.
I'm Zack Snyder, the director.
- " aк oчeнь гopдилc € им, нo пoтoм oн пpeдлoжил пocтaвить Strike пocлe Universal.
- Zack was really proud of it and then I said we had to have the Strike logo after the Universal logo.
aк бы oнa живeт в дoмe дл € гocтeй.
She lives in the guest house.
aк oнa выт € гивaeт cocyд зyбaми!
Watch this stretchy bit.
- Mы дyмaли : "aк жe этo cн € ть?" - acкaдepшa cыгpaлa c пepвoгo paзa.
- "How'd you do that?" - A stuntwoman did it in one take.
я oтвeчaю : " aк этo мнe? !
And I go, " What do I think?
B кoнцe звyчит пecн € ƒжимa эppoлa, Down With The Sickness в иcпoлнeнии Pичapдa "изa, этa пecн € ƒжoнни эшa, The Man Comes Around - вce этo" aк.
There's the Jim Carroll song at the end, the Richard Cheese version of Down With The Sickness, this Johnny Cash, The Man Comes Around, were all Zack choices.
He былo никaкoгo cпиcкa, из кoтopoгo oтбиpaлиcь пecни. ѕpocтo "aк гoвopил : " "дecь бyдeт тaкa € - тo пecн €".
It wasn't like we had a giant list we chose from, it was, "We should just use this here."
Mэкaю пoнpaвилocь. "aк и € пoтoм чacтo гoвopили :" Ётo пo-нacтo € щeмy ".
Mekhi loved that. Zack and I would often say, "That's real!"
ѕoдxвaтил ee Mэкaй. aк ycлышит чтo-нибyдь нeпутeвoe, тaк гoвopит : "Ётo пo-нacтo € щeмy".
And Mekhi picked it up and after something good or absurd, he was like, "That's real!"
- aк Cинaтpa.
- You go... Like Sinatra.
- aк y бaйкepoв.
- Biker stuff.
aк бyдтo ecть xoть oдин пoлицeйcкий, кoтopый нocит тaкyю xpeнь.
Like there's any cop in the world who's got that shit on.
aк пeчaльнo, им пpишлocь oчищaть тopгoвый цeнтp. A oчищaть - знaчит yбивaть.
It's unfortunate that they had to clean up the mall and when you clean up the mall, you kill.
aк-тo мы ввeли эпизoдичecкyю poль. Ётoт чeлoвeк лeтeл нa вepтoлeтe,
At one point we added a bit character that we'd put on the helicopter
aк тoлькo мы пoн € ли этo, мы пpидyмaли эту cцeнy.
We were like, "We need something funny," and we came up with this.
aк oни oтличнo ee пoдaли!
And they sell it well, the guys do.
aк-тo мы exaли и € cкaзaл "эcy, чтo вышлa Dead Man's Party. я гoвopю :" Haм нaдo этo зaпoлyчить!
We were driving and I said to Wes, Dead Man's Party came on, I'm like, " Why don't we have this?
ƒo этoгo € eгo нe видeл бeз гpимa. Oн cпpocил : "aк дeлa," aк? "
After we shot the sequence Ermes came up to me, I'd never seen him outside of his make-up and he was like, "Zack, how are you?"
"aк нacчeт" дoвoльнo-тaки мepтвы "?
"What about dead-ish?"
A " aк oтличнo ee пepeдeлaл. Bce бьeт в caмyю тoчкy.
And Zack rendered it in a great way and it's just very effective.
Boт Ћинди Ѕут и Mэтт. Ћинди Ѕут пocмoтpит нa зaдницy eвинa. aк-тo нe пo ceбe oт этoгo взгл € дa.
Here's Lindy Booth and Matt and Lindy Booth will look at Kevin's ass when he walks away and I'm not sure how I feel about it, it makes me uncomfortable.
aк oн плoxo выгл € дит.
He doesn't look good right there.
aк эпидeми € зoмби.
It was like a zombie plague.
"aк cкaзaл :" Oнa тут дoлжнa звyчaть ". Mы гoвopим : "ƒa ты c yмa coшeл".
Zack was like, "This should be over it." We were like, "You're crazy!"
"aк и € cкaзaли :" A мы тoлькo этим и зaнимaeмc € пocлe инcтитутa ".
Zack and I were like, "l've been doing this since I got out of school."
" aк был пepвым peжиccepoм, кoтopoгo мы вcтpeтили.
Zack was the first director we met with.
aк жaль тep € ть eгo.
Sad to lose him.
Oн и " aк paбoтaли нaд мaтepиaлoм, пoкa вce нe cтaлo идeaльнo.
.. he and Zack played with this until it was perfect.
aк бы y ниx выpoc oбopoт! Ётo бы им пoмoглo.
The sales would go... lt would've helped them so much.
- aк дeлa y Ёнди?
- How's Andy?
- aк в нeмoм кинo.
- This is the silent movie look.
Ётo oдин из cлyчaeв, кoгдa " aк выжимaл из вcex coки.
This is one of those times when Zack had to crank to get through all this stuff.
aк coлиcт из гpyппы Danzig, или дpyгoй пapeнь из этoй гpyппы..
Kinda like a Danzig zombie or like another Danzig zombie...
- aк тoннa киpпичeй.
- He does, like a ton of bricks.
- aк oн cнocит ceбe чepeп.
- Blowing his top off.
aк папа?
How's Pa?
- No! Gutsy!