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Translate.vc / русский → английский / [ S ] / Sink back into the ocean

Sink back into the ocean перевод на английский

78 параллельный перевод
♪ Погрузиться в океан ♪
? Sink back into the ocean?
♪ Погрузиться в океан ♪
Sink back into the ocean.
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
d Sink back into the ocean d d Sink back into the ocean d
♪ Sink back into the o ♪ ♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪ ♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean
♪ Sink back into the ocean
♪ раковины обратно в океан ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ раковины обратно в океан ♪ ♪ раковины обратно в океан ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
d Sink back into the ocean d d I have only one thing to do and that's d d Be the wave that I am and then d d Sink back into the ocean d d I have only one thing to do and that's d
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪ ♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪ ♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
d Be the wave that I am and then d d Sink back into the ocean d d Sink back into the ocean d d Sink back into the o d d Sink back into the ocean d d Sink back into the o d
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪ ♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪ ♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪

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