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Йнрнпнцн перевод на английский

6 параллельный перевод
лш опхькх б нрекэ, юдпея йнрнпнцн мюл дюкн псйнбндярбн.
We went to a hotel which the leadership had given us the address of.
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я нярюкэмни вюярэч цпсоош - дпсцюъ цпсоою хг рпеу х дбсу кхдепнб мюундхкюяэ б лчмуеме б ревемхе мейнрнпнцн бпелемх.
There we met up with the rest of the team another group of three and two leaders who had been in Munich for some time.
нмх дюкх япнй дн 12 дмъ, дн йнрнпнцн нярюкняэ бяецн кхьэ 1 вюя 15 лхм, х нмх гюъбкъчр, врн саэчр бяеу гюкнфмхйнб б щрн бпелъ.
They had set a deadline of noon which is just an hour and 15 minutes away saying that they were going to kill all of their hostages at that time.
брнпни бепрнк ╗ р якедсер гю мхл х керхр дюкэье, бнйпсц бшянйни цкюбмни нкхлохияйни аюьмх... й йнмевмнлс осмйрс, йнрнпнцн лш еы ╗ ме гмюел.
The second helicopter is now following it and moving out around this tremendously high major Olympic tower as they depart to a destination we, of course, as yet do not know.
онлхлн цпюахрекъ, йнрнпнцн лэ ╡ бхдхл мю ок ╗ мйе, онкхжхъ пюгэ ╡ яйхбюер ндмнцн хг янрпсдмхйнб люцюгхмю, йнрнпнцн мхйрн ме бхдек бнр сфе 24 вюяю.
Apart from the thief, who appears in the image... police are looking for one of the store's employees... who has been missing for the last twenty-four hours.
рэ ╡ онмхлюеьэ, врн реаъ фд ╗ р, еякх мюсвмне яннаыеярбн сгмюер, врн рэ ╡ хяонкэгнбюк рпюмяцемег мю векнбейе, йнрнпнцн рэ ╡ опедбюпхрекэмн онухрхк?
Do you know what would happen to you... if the scientific community found out you used transgenesis... on someone you'd kidnapped?

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