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Йнрнпши перевод на английский

13 параллельный перевод
щрнр йюдп гюлеыюер щохгнд тхкэлю "опедек", йнрнпши мюбяецдю срепъм.
This title replaces a section of Limite that has been lost,
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я псйнбндхрекел нпцюмхгюжхх... йнрнпши боепбше мюгбюк мюл назейр мюьеи юйжхх.
There we met with the chief of the organization who for the first time told us what the target of our operation was.
хяяю яйюгюк, врн нмх гюярпекхкх брнпнцн хгпюхкэръмхмю, йнрнпши мюапняхкяъ мю реппнпхярнб.
Issa told the negotiators that a second Israeli had been shot and killed while trying to overpower his captors.
[бЕДСЫХИ] люпй яохрж, гбегдю юлепхйюмяйнцн окюбюмхъ, йнрнпши бшхцпюк 7 гнкнршу ледюкеи мю щрни нкхлохюде, ашк бгър онд яепэ ╗ гмсч нупюмс япюгс фе оняке рнцн, йюй пюгбепмскюяэ щрю дпюлю.
Mark Spitz, the American swimming star who won seven gold medals at this Olympiad was placed under heavy guard shortly after the drama unfurled.
нмх унрър анкэьни яюлнк ╗ р, йнрнпши бшбег ╗ р ху блеяре я гюкнфмхйюлх б ндмс хг юпюаяйху ярпюм.
They wanted a long-distance jet to fly them and their hostages to an unspecified Arab country.
окюм онкхжхх ашк б хяонкэгнбюмхх ондярюбмнцн анхмцю-727, йнрнпши нмх окюмхпнбюкх нярюбхрэ мю бгк ╗ рмни онкняе я пюанрючыхл дбхцюрекел.
The police plan revolved around a decoy Boeing 727 which was to be left on the runway with its engine idling.
бя ╗ нябеыемхе рюл бйкчвемн, мю нкхлохияйнл ярюдхнме, йнрнпши сфе анкее медекх, ашк леярнл яонйниярбхъ х дпсфекчахъ, нкхлохияйюъ депебмъ, меялнрпъ мю мейнрнпши онкхрхвеяйхи йпхгхя, ашкю явюяркхбшл леярнл... х яецндмъ ашкю юаянкчрмн онрпъяемю щрни рпюцедхеи,
All the lights on in this Olympic site an Olympic site which for more than a week now has been a place of serenity and comradeship an Olympic village which, in spite of some political crisis, has been happy and now today has been absolutely shattered by this tragedy.
бхдъ щрх бшярпекш, онкхжеияйхе ондйпеокемхъ, опхашбючыхе мю леярн, ме гмюъ рнвмн, цде мюундхряъ ху ямюиоеп, опхмъкх, он ньхайе, ямюиоепю # 5... ю рюйфе охкнрю бепрнк ╗ рю, йнрнпши сйпшбюкяъ нр нцмъ блеяре я мхл. опхмъкх ху гю реппнпхярнб х нрйпшкх он мхл нцнмэ.
Seeing these shots police reinforcements arriving at the scene with no knowledge of the precise location of their own snipers mistakenly identified Sniper Five and the helicopter pilot who had fled for cover beside him as terrorists and opened fire on them.
ръфекн пюмхб нанху. [юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] б онкмнвэ ашкн нтхжхюкэмн назъбкемн... опедярюбхрекел цеплюмяйнцн опюбхрекэярбю, йнрнпши гюъбхк,
Both were seriously wounded. At midnight came the official announcement of the spokesman of the German government who said all the Israelis are saved and all the terrorists are dead.
нмх гюярюбхкх беяэ лхп сякшьюрэ мюь цнкня, йнрнпши ме якшьюкх пюмэье.
They have made their voice heard by the universe or the world who has not been hearing before.
- гмюеьэ, йнрнпши вюя?
See the time? Sorry.
рюйюъ рпнцюрекэмюъ санцнярэ. с лемъ ашк оюпемэ, йнрнпши гбнмхк лме йюфсдч лхмсрс, онйю ъ нр мецн ме хгаюбхкюяэ.
In New York a guy sent me an SMS a minute to date me.
ъ онярпнхк ецн хг укюлю, йнрнпши мюьек б цюпюфе.
Yeah, Rick, it's great.

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