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Buried перевод на португальский

17 параллельный перевод
- Buried Отчет.
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- Да, Я имею в виду... - Buried отчет.
Ocultaste o relatório.
Eli Scruggs was buried on a Saturday... and all the people that Eli had helped over the years came to pay their last respects.
O Eli Scruggs foi enterrado num sábado, e toda a gente que o Eli ajudou ao longo dos anos veio prestar-lhe a última homenagem.
Well, most of what he was buried in and what I found around the remains was tile : прозрачной, керамической, стекловидной датированной примерно 1920-ми.
A maioria dos materiais em que ele estava enterrado era azulejo translúcido, cerâmico, vidrado, datado de antes de 1920.
After my character married his character, Joseph Fox, She was kidnapped, buried alive, trapped in a cave with bears, and held hostage in the sewers of Paris.
Após a minha personagem casar com a dele, Joseph Fox, ela foi raptada, enterrada viva, presa numa caverna com ursos, raptada outra vez e mantida nos esgotos de Paris.
* Ты когда-нибудь чувствовал себя затоптанным? *
Do you ever feel already buried deep?
House 8x07 Dead Buried / Мертвы и похоронены
I buried a friend.
Enterrei um amigo.
And I think she buried the crap in my backyard.
Acho que ela enterrou tudo no meu quintal.
Frank, do you know for certain there's jewelry buried out here?
Frank, tens a certeza de que há jóias por aqui?
You said that you were possessed by Satan and that you killed Silvie and buried her body.
Disse que estava possuída por Satanás e que tinha morto a Silvie e enterrado o corpo dela.
It was discovered during undercover operations and then later buried with political favor.
Foi descoberto durante operações secretas e depois encoberto com favores políticos.
То есть мы можем выяснить, где они похоронены, whatever it is they buried.
Então podemos descobrir onde é que enterraram o que quer que tenham enterrado.
So he buried her with it.
Por isso ele enterrou-a com ela.
He buried her with it...
Ele enterrou-a com a boneca...
I am in the dark beside you buried sweetly - Который час?
Que horas são?
Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов. Его статус : перевод редактируется
♪ I'll be buried in my grave ♪

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