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Translate.vc / русский → португальский / [ K ] / Keep

Keep перевод на португальский

216 параллельный перевод
And keep them from the stranger's ways
E guarde-as contra caminhos estranhos
But I was gonna change that, I'm not if you keep doing things I don't
Eu ia mudar isso, mas não mudo se continuas a fazer o que fazes
But I was gonna change my mind if you keep doing things I don't
Mas ia mudar de ideias se continuasses a fazer essas coisas
Keep them dogies rollin'
Mantém esse gado a correr
Keep giving all the love you can
Continua a dar todo o amor
- "Продолжай перевозки"?
- "Keep on Truckin"?
Keep thy breathless charm.
"Mantém o encanto de cortar a respiração."
# " € блочный торт в своих небесных мечтах #
Keep those high apple pie in the sky hopes A problem's just a toy balloon
Я пытаюсь держать эту семью на плову, проходя все круги бюрократического ада.
I'm trying to keep this family afloat.
Нe сдавайся
Keep going
- # Your love I'll keep for evermore - Это не главное.
Como eu ia dizendo.
Встретимся завтра, на Кип Стрит, напротив библиотеки.
Encontrámo-nos amanhã na Rua Keep, em frente à biblioteca.
If that's a problem, you just keep your private life private.
E se isso é um problema, mantém a tua vida privada em privado
- Please keep your distance
Mantém-te à distância
- That keep calling me - They keep calling me
E não param de me chamar
В 1975 году, когда песня...
Em 1975, quando apareceu o "Love Will Keep us Together"... - Vai-te embora.
Couldn't keep up, could you?
- Não aguentaste, pois não? Ela sabe tudo.
So, swing a rhyme of time Like the dove, sing of love and keep your peace
Então embala uma rima no tempo Como a pomba canta sobre amor
We could just keep going.
Nós podíamos apenas... continuar
Something inside me kept saying, "You keep on like this, you're gonna ruin your whole life."
Algo dentro de mim me dizia : "Se continuas assim... vais arruinar a tua vida toda."
Okay, look, if it's here when I get back, I'll keep it.
Mas se o barco estiver aqui quando voltar, fico com ele.
I don't want you to keep being the way that you are.
Não quero que continues a ser como és.
how hard you've tried, how... how hurt you've been, but you still... keep getting back up, you dust yourself off, then you try again.
como você se tem esforçado, como... como se tem magoado, mas mesmo assim... continua a recompor-se, sacode a poeira, e depois tenta de novo.
* Все меньше и меньше остается сил * * Ты все теряешь и теряешь *
# I just keep losin'my beat # # - You just keep losin'and losin # #
Крутит колеса гордо,
* Big wheel keep on turning *
"Мэри" жарит полным ходом,
* Ooh, the proud Mary keep on burning *
Крутит колеса гордо,
* Big wheel keep on turnin'*
Крутит "Мэри" жарит полным ходом,
* Proud Mary keep on burnin'*
Крутит колеса гордо,
* Big wheel keep on turnin'* * Yeah *
"Мэри" жарит полным ходом,
* Proud Mary keep on burnin'* * Burnin'*
¶ I keep giving you The fire ¶ ¶ I'm gonna heat it up Under my control ¶
Estou sempre a dar-vos o fogo Vou aquecê-lo sob o meu controlo
¶ You can keep on moving With your head down ¶
Podes continuar a andar De cabeça baixa
Я бы продавал их вразвес на граммы. Я сохраняю самообладание, Когда наступает время проигрывать.
I'd sell it by the gram, keep my composure
Буду пытаться держать руки на столе
Trying to keep my hands on the table
* Это я * * Я заставляю их смеяться до коликов *
I just keep them in stitches
* Не отдаляйся от меня *
Don't keep your distance
* Стараюсь не отстать от тебя * * Не знаю, смогу ли сделать это *
Trying to keep up with you and I don't know if I can do it.
Оливер, я пытаюсь помочь тебе, and you keep acting like I'm the enemy. Well, you know what?
Oliver, estou a tentar ajudar-te e continuas a agir como se eu fosse o inimigo.
I already tried once to keep him from comin'to see you, but you know how stubborn he is.
Já uma vez tentei impedi-lo de vir vê-la, mas sabe como ele é teimoso.
All right, everyone, we know we're fighting hypothermia here, so let's keep their core temperatures up.
Muito bem, sabemos que estamos a combater hipotermias, portanto vamos manter a temperatura corporal elevada.
We still have some food, and Peter has made some candles to keep us warm.
Ainda temos alguma comida... e o Peter fez umas velas para nos aquecer.
Rubicon / Рубикон s01e03 Keep the еnds оut / Концы в воду русские субтитры группы TrueTransLate.tv
Tradução e Legendagem : Otez
Yeah, well, then we'll keep running.
Sim, então vamos continuar a fugir.
But don't keep it in.
Mas não guardes isto.
And as you keep pointing out, so is a dime ripping through her intestines.
E como referiste antes, ter uma moeda nos intestinos também o é.
# " ак что храни свои мечты #
So keep your high hopes
# " ак что храни свои мечты #
Keep your high hopes
* The wheels just keep on turning * Никто раньше не говорил мне такого первым.
Nunca ninguém, antes, mo tinha dito primeiro.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
Deixe as suas mãos onde eu possa vê-las.
"Событие" Сезон 1, Эпизод 2
The Event S01E02 "To Keep Us Safe" Transcrição Original : Addic7ed Sincronização :
Can't you just keep giving her my blood? Not once we cut out the tumor.
- Não lhe podem dar o meu sangue?

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